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Trinkets and what-nots work full moon sorcery on lonely nights , recalling the past both good and bad , staring from shelves without -
blinking , knowing full well what their prey are thinking
Waiting for tonights victim to hit the hay
Inducing nightmares , devilment , sanity held at bay , logic for ransom , Colonel Nutcracker so debonair and handsome , waiting for the final candle to be snuffed , to gather with your comrades on the 'Dutchmasters Cigar box ...  Night of tomfoolery and mischievous happenstance , of devious aim , and unscrupulous circumstance* ...
Copyright September 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
If we could only vote by cell phone ,
Lo and behold , the problems we might solve* ...
Copyright September 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
When you're going through something
really hard, and God doesn't seem ------
to be there, remember that the teacher
is always quiet during a test ---------------
A quote from Facebook.

Sorry I haven't been on site... The teacher is being quiet right now!
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Once upon a time
When I was innocence
Blessed by your benevolence
We were  in love.

Once upon a time
When stories would take us
To a place we could be together
We would sing songs.

Once upon a time
Before hell raised your voice
Heaven cried out in fear
It was your choice.

Once upon a time
Christ came into your life
Though we crossed paths, still
I was crucified.

It's more than just a book
Karmas cold retribution
You'll never know your son.
Moonlight pantomime , tempestuous appointments beg fruition , carnal figurines performing agin searing , thin ambient air in misted flesh
Parched lovers recompensed , wailing secret vows , clarity a slave to confusion , accentuation , shameless surrender* ....
Copyright September 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

the trees at nighttime
filigree black lace against the
sequined blue sky


(C) 9/21/2016

 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Ahmad Cox
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Ahmad Cox
Floating on a breeze
Floating in my dreams
Suspended like a feather
Blowing on the winds
Of my mind
Blowing wherever it pleases
Flying along
Rising and ascending
Falling and descending
Only to rest on the earth
Once again
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Ahmad Cox
Little hummingbird
I see you fly
Magical and free
Your flight
Is a true mystery
You fly and zip
Truly magical
Is your flight
A miracle wrapped up
In a little package
You hum along
Buzzing through life
Reminding us
Of what it means
To fly and to soar
And to zip along life
You are beautiful
Little hummingbird
Show us your grace
And your spirit
And your joy
At a glance you
Are there
Then just
As soon
As you come
You disappear
As miraculous
And mysterious
As you entered
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Ahmad Cox
Heartfelt feelings
Can spring up
From our souls
Overwhelming us
With emotions
That seem to
Spring from no where
They can be feelings of love
Feeling of peace
Feeling of strength
Even feelings
Of hate
And despair
But its these
Heartfelt feelings
That less us know
That we are still alive
Still feeling
No matter what
That feeling
Happens to be
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Ahmad Cox
There are some people
Who think very logically
They have a hard time
Seeing anything that
Doesn't make sense in
Their minds and that
Doesn't fit into their
Ideas of what is
Logical and right and
What they can see right
In front of their eyes
There are also the
People who understand
And comprehend the
World around them
Through their feelings
And emotions and
Can see the bigger
Picture and the bigger
Plan easier than most
We all make up our
Own parts and we
All have our own
Purpose and even
Though we are all
Different in our own
Ways we must learn to
Appreciate the wonderful
Differences that make
Up the whole and
To see and take notice
Of the wonderful and
Beautiful diversity of
Life and of people and
Of thoughts and even
Of the Earth as well
As we begin to
Celebrate the diversity
Instead of trying to
Segregate and separate
Ourselves based on our
Differences we should
Be trying to learn and
Understand from each
Other instead of trying
To conquer and subjugate
People to our ideas and
Ways of thinking we should
Be trying to see things
From the other side of
Things and understanding
There is more the life than
Right or wrong and trying
To prove yourself to others
And seeing that even with
All of our differences we
Are for more connected
And alike than we all
Could imagine and once
We understand that simple
Truth everything else starts
To fall into place as we start
To see the beautiful diversity
And the wonder of life as
We begin to see things
More completely and
Understand we are all
Parts of one big great
Diverse community that
We call the human race
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