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The breath of the world lifting her environs
to travel , a mother releasing her child to
take it's inaugural steps , dandelion , pine ,
silver maple inner-programmed to dominate the
earth , webbing collected in dying estates , contrails
on the wind as the windmills quicken their pace , this pheromone that programs the day , seasoned air controlling our whims , fledgeling sparrows on precarious limbs* ...
Copyright September 23 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz

I sat at my piano

tickling the keys

as your lips
tickled mine

and our hearts composed
a perfect duet

in the key of love
Compact Poem Series
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz

I’m sick of writing poetry
I’m sick of it I am
Especially all these rhyming words
that flow out from this pen

Those tired worn out phrases
I write about her smile
Each lovey-dovey stanza
in fancy cursive style

The lines about the evening,
a shimmering moon beam
And how when I am slumbering
she always is my dream

Affectionate creations
oh please, for goodness sake
I can not write another one
it’s more than I can take

This poetry about my love
for her I always feel
Upsets my stomach every night
I mean, come on, get real

All of it is stupid
though some may call it dumb
For when I’m finished writing one
my fingers all go numb

Oh crap, Stephan is coming
he’s walking through the door
The biggest smile on his face
I’ve ever seen before

He’s been on the phone with her
he thinks he’s pretty slick
Now he’ll write something beautiful
and it will make me sick

And who am I, you’re asking
well you just should have known
I’m the laptop on his desk
that he left all alone

I used to be his favorite,
but that was way before
He found this mesmerizing girl
the one he does adore

Jealous, oh you think so
well maybe you are right
Or just an angry laptop
that won’t go without a fight

Just wait until I post this
it will be pretty sweet
Oh no, don’t hit that button
**** he just pushed dele…
**** computers
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz

On those dire days

when your smile

has abandoned you and worry walks
in your shadow

I will also be walking, but by your side

with one

only for you
Compact Poem Series
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Each creates all that appears..
This truth which startles
each longs to experience..
Each longs to be free
of Newton's hold
but the freeing presents
as lonely folly..
It seems each uniqueness
must dare to experience
this old new truth..
The pumpkins and gods
all new creations each creates
soon vanish..
That which remains
turns..dissolves..and Knows..
Walk into a room where people are laughing -
only to watch silence ensue , you've become an issue
Your neighborhood dealer 'cutting you a deal' on something
killing you , pupils fixed and dilated , the
machinery is running out of gas , waiting on a
view from the Moon when the pang of death passes
The picture loses the Sun as reason is fractured , morality collapses ,
hope is trashed as your troubled heart slowly relaxes* ...
Copyright September 23 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

Opioids ......
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Browse me as an avid reader
would browse a novel;
Dive into my depths,
let me be the pair of lungs
you can't breathe without...

I don't care much to make you shout,
I'd be rather content to be
the happy sigh erupting from your mouth.
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
After the swatches of reds, oranges, and browns blend into the ground
After the trees have stripped to nothing but naked bark and branches
The windy air welcomes a new, blank canvas
A tray with peppermint red and pine tree green
Gentle strokes capture the crisp frost on roof tops
And the steam from chimneys and mugs of mocha and caramel
A single breath is accompanied by a opaque white cloud
And the exposed trees are given a white sweater
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