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She’d known all along of course...but buried the knowledge under the star bursts of hope that bloomed whenever he smiled at her.  (God, how she loved that crease curving from his nose to the corner of his mouth –  a small detail burned forever in her heart’s picture of him.)
Spikes of unease at being so besotted and vulnerable were soothed away as his southern drawl wooed her soul but it was just a matter of time. The axe fall of final rejection cut deep.
                                    We crave acceptance,
                                    Seeking truth behind the eyes.
                                    Rejection wounds us
© Emmie van Duren 7th April 2017    
 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
the wild calls' "come child"
and sit barefoot and cross legged within my heart of love
and be filled to overflow.
 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
Forgotten now
She's no longer young
I can taste
Her name on
The tip of my tongue
I see her face
So elegant yet tired
We once shared
Her deepest
Darkest desires
Oh how I miss
That kind of fire

Dust settles in empty spaces
Caterpillars morph while lost in stasis
Stuffy moths need butterfly ***
To spread their wings
To retrieve their hum
Oh what have I become
With my indignatious sum

Traveler Tim
 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
Mike Hauser
Am I the only one
In this life that sees
The dragging off of  innocence
In today's society

I feel the game is crooked
Marked cards are being dealt
You're more than welcome to your opinion
Please just keep it to yourself

If you're into higher learning
Shouldn't you dig deep for the truth
Instead of what you're told in this zoo
Of monkey see monkey do

Used to be one side was right
And the other side was wrong
Talked about in debate
Now we spout what we don't know

From what the T.V. told us
Or teachers taught in school
When all we really need to know
Is in the golden rule

Now we shout out first
Ask questions later on the side
With no time to rehearse
In this land of do or die

Am I the only one that sees
Am I the only one that knows
We're inches from the ending
Minutes from the curtain close
your hand sifted through the typed pages
as if you were discovering
each word
for the first time.
ink poured from our mouths
as we whispered haikus
into the depths of novels and scripts.
you unraveled the cursive in my hair
and wove your accents and characters in instead.
fill in the spaces in my book that are left unwritten
with every idea,
every thought
that fills your head,
and i'll turn them into something beautiful.
We ended things.
But if I go there, wherever you are…
Would you meet me?

Let me hug you.
Would let me see who you are,
for the sake of my sanity?

Because that’s all I want.
Bare myself to you,
when before you couldn’t see.

In my eyes there were no lies.
That I loved you for real.
When the truth wouldn’t let me be.

To know you’re real.
For you to feel how you affected me.
Would you finally hear my plea?
Just a little ray of sunshine
peeking through to say hello
Just a little bit of sparkle
to this too late snow
Just a tiny bit of hope
that shines through
Just a little tiny wish
for me and for you
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