Look into my soul, stare into my eyes...
Do you see what I see?
Do you see the way I'm treated?
Do you see the way I view the world?
Now into the eyes of another...
See their heart for what it is...
Do they view the world the same
as you or I?
In this world of gray,
you say this all you see...
Does one see color?
To make this world a little brighter?
They say to never judge a book by it's cover...
But is this motto we live by?
Do you see the true colors
of what's held within?
The rich who seem colorful on the outside,
look deeper... are they rich and colorful where it counts?
The man over there, sitting by the road... The one who seems gray,
look into his eyes, his beauty is full of color, truly radiant.
What we portray isn't always what's behind the mask,
No matter the race, culture, or gender,
look deeper than what lies on the surface,
you never know whose heart is truly pure.
Beauty is held within,
What lies on the outside,
that's just a delusion...
Seek for the soul that lies beneath the surface.