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  Feb 2022 Azariah
our lips will never meet
nor our fingers intertwine
and so bless my dreams
for indulging what's not mine
Azariah Jan 2022
You're running away from heartbreak but there are things that need to be broken for you to grow.
Azariah Jan 2022
You're going to give me butterflies
and I'm going to be mad
when you don't take them with you
when you leave.
  May 2021 Azariah
Ugo Victor
As well watered soil
Is to growing plants
A broken heart
Is the perfect condition
For the best
Of my poetry.
Azariah May 2021
You made me smile
And you made me laugh.
You gave me butterflies
Because for me, you were enough.

But I failed, dismally,
To return the things that you gave to me.
Azariah Mar 2021
He created,
A mind that follows solutions,
An ego so fragile but insists on appearing stable.
A spirit that does not give up easily, and takes risks.
Hands, large, that easily blocks the sun.
Shoulders sculpted, and boldly defined.
Muscles protruding, trying to escape from the skin.
Edges sharp, from the ridges of the brow to the jaws.
And a smile that ignites festival fireworks in a girl's belly.

Everything screaming, "I HAVE TO BE STRONG!"
To all the good men out there. Thanks for existing.😊
Azariah Feb 2021
...thought I was the ocean on earth.

I found out that I was
a puddle that the
rain made and
the sun
Never overestimate your importance in another person's life.

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