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 Sep 2019 Gulishta
 Sep 2019 Gulishta
Im running out of words
I just want you to be happy
if it doesn't involve me
I wouldn't worry
as long as I can see
your smile from a distance
I love you
and you would never
get to hear it.
 Sep 2019 Gulishta
Torn Apart
 Sep 2019 Gulishta
My wings were clipped the day I was born
I was put under the pressure of a billion eyes
My dreams ripped my skies torn
My life was built on a faithful lie

The shadows of my imagination
feared the glare of their expectations
My broken bones, My shattered heart
Sang the stories of me being torn apart
 Sep 2019 Gulishta
Dennis Willis
makes me squirm
I am agitated

I've watched
risking it all's
truth crush me

I am reaching

want of

Still bawling
over you
 Aug 2019 Gulishta
 Aug 2019 Gulishta
is another day I don’t text you
Everyday is another day I pretended I don’t miss you


It’s silly I know
Can’t even say the words
Can’t even let this pain go

Everyday is another day I’m angry at you
For not caring like I do
But you can’t force someone to care
How can I still love you


Everyday is another day he is just a picture in my head
Everyday I hear the three words
he never said

These are my three words


but we know that’s not true
Because every day is a day I’m still loving you
Haven’t published a poem in a while. here goes. Isn’t it hard to carry on when you love someone so profoundly that you feel the world might break in two? And if it doesn’t, it might break you? Please read this poem with a new perspective. Don’t think of it as a silly teenage heartbreak; but as growth towards a profound love that will one day burn brighter then my pain.i know this poem isn’t eloquent. But it is raw; and perhaps that’s enough. Sometimes, simple words cut deeper than the difficult ones.
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