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 Aug 2023 Crow
Thomas P Owens Sr
he was sitting back on a shaded picnic table
his wooden cane laying across the bench
peering towards Luray and Shenandoah Park
absorbing it's beauty while he still had the chance
I was on my morning walk
a few miles
my attempt to remain in some semblance of shape
stave off the inevitable for a bit longer
I wasn't far behind this gentleman
perhaps in his late 70's
10 - 15 years passes like an unrecognizable blur
when you reach this stage
what was he thinking about
I wondered
the kids he never sees
the wife that may or may not still share his days
or perhaps...the love that he let slip away
into the fading mist...his past
I thought I'd say hello on the next pass
but he was gone
 Aug 2023 Crow
Unpolished Ink
Sweetest fog consume my light
curl with me through the coming night
lay with me, stay with me, stroke my hair
sing ye of calm, a peaceful air
land on me, descend oh sleep
in smoky promise of dreams to keep
 Aug 2023 Crow
its a fact
 Aug 2023 Crow
to be the thorn in someone's side
can be deliberate
or the fact that you unwittingly make them feel jealous
or some other base feeling by the simple fact of being alive.
 Aug 2023 Crow
walking naked into forever
leaving all behind
is true liberation
 Aug 2023 Crow
vienna bombardieri
I will not leave you comfortless says the Lord of LOVE
I will come to you child, like the soaring doves above  
no stone shall brush your tender feet
no winds shall crush your finest wheat
I will not leave you faithless says the Lord of joy
I will come to you wearing the armor of LOVE
I will be your hero your noble one
I will be your one and only Son
I will not leave your mourning alone says the Lord of ease
I will come to you, like a bending tree on a summer breeze    
no prayer shall go untold
no sheep shall leave its fold
I will not leave you comfortless says the Lord of LOVE
I will come to you, like the soaring doves above...
 Aug 2023 Crow
an attempt to reveal the hidden
undo the chains, set free
the spirit within all things

a song, a story, a few words
strung together
in a certain order

and like a bird
flying over the horizon
the spirit was gone.
 Aug 2023 Crow
My name is Heaven
Click, click
Scroll, scroll
Light shine in my face
Clock is ticking
As I lie awake

What time is it now?
Doesn’t even matter
The birds will chirp soon
I’ll hear all the clatter

My family waking,
Breakfast will cook
“You’re up early!”
But sleep I never took

Click, click
Scroll, scroll
Tap, tap
Roll, roll

Side to side
I rocked all night
A comfortable spot?
No, not quite.

Time to get up, another restless night.
Will I ever sleep again?
 Aug 2023 Crow
sol II
 Aug 2023 Crow
i had this dream last night
you and me and a long bus ride
huddled together in a seat for 2
leaving behind our town's view
we talked for a while
and passed a few smiles
only to let the silence embrace us
keeping away from topics of trust

but i could feel your mind churning
and deep down hoped for a desire burning
for something that i'd craved for far too long
knowing ****** well that it was wrong

and then dozed off me
into yet another fantasy
of a reality pretty far from mine
with our hands intertwined
and our faces mere inches apart
and booooom, i woke up with a start
only too see that your hand had moved
and was now gently touching my fingers
with looks that weren't appropriate to linger

i was hyperventilating, wasn't i?
my face up in ashes like the sunset sky
and your gaze pierced my soul
as if i were a diamond amongst the coal
you whispered my name and said-
"i wish we'd taken my car instead.......
and Oh My God i convulsed there and then,
wondering how did this ever happen?

because even in my dreams know i this
that i am not a part of you that you miss
to your calmness i am chaotic and careless
to your perfection i shall remain a mess
and you will soar high and shall always rise
whereas i will be a broken little girl who cries

because you're the sun that shines too bright
and i am a moth drawn to your darkest light
to the muse who shall never know that i wrote this for him
 Aug 2023 Crow
Elizabeth Kelly
Rachel coughs in the room next to me
A mattress on the floor cradling her softly
As the air mattress beneath me dies a slow, excruciating death.

(I chose this for myself -
Rachel has a bad back, remember;
My own back groans in protest.)

We moved you from Cleveland to San Diego -

three days of driving

- Rachel and my competing energies warring silently the entire time,

Both wishing

The other

were not there.

I reflect on the number:


It’s your brother’s jersey number
And everywhere in your mother’s house
(Ten years now since he chose
To leave this earth)

We three kings,
The magic number,

A crowd.

Its my birth order
Three of Five
-the middle child-

Guess I’ve always been
The odd man out.
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