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Sep 2024 · 418
Dying from your Kiss
FreeMind Sep 2024
I will drink poison for one night
To feel you on my lips tonight
Sep 2024 · 291
The man I love
FreeMind Sep 2024
Whose gentle arms am I looking for? Where do I want to be held?
I can convince you that I don't need you. But in the
end of the day, I will still be craving
your touch.
Sep 2024 · 587
Junko's Boyfriend
FreeMind Sep 2024
The smell of your cologne lingers by as you walk past my desk.
I can’t help but think of your touch.
How would you taste like on my lips?
Two can play this game.
But I can’t go for you.
Not really.
By freemind
Sep 2024 · 161
kisses kisses kisses
FreeMind Sep 2024
​They were both 32
But at 21, I felt in control
Just a kiss
But was I really in control?
It was my choice
I would do it again
Or is that what I tell myself to think
To justify my actions
By freemind
FreeMind Feb 2022
I bloom with you like a flower in the sun, but once you leave the
leaves will droop and I will wilt.
No amounts of water will save me, for no one can rebuilt
a dyeing flower, regardless of their power.
No care and no love will save me but yours, for your sun-rays
protect my fragile petals and warm me on these days.
My roots have grown deep into the ground, intertwined with yours, and now I am bound.

A sunflower will follow the sun, just like I will search for you in all my happy days,
in all our lovely memories.
February 15, 2022

i love you i love you i love you
FreeMind Feb 2022
I will turn into air to forever
surround you, to stay by your side.
I will turn into the rain, and leave
kisses on your skin, one drop at a time.
I will turn into the sun, to
warm you up on a cold day. And
I will turn into the moon to light up your dark nights.
February 12, 2022

Please don't go.
FreeMind Feb 2022
November, November, November
I kept wondering why November was on my mind these past few days.
Was it the Autumn weather? Or the festive mood?
Thoughts kept wandering around, spinning inside my head, when I realized I missed November because of you.

November, November
When our friendship turned into something more.
When I could kiss your soft lips and
hold you tight.

The month we might not spend together again...
You haven't left yet, but I already miss you...
February 11, 2022

I'm sure you will see this sooner or later. Please don't be sad. I love you <3
Feb 2022 · 899
let me go
FreeMind Feb 2022
Here I am, once again,
trying to wash away my sins,
unable to get rid of the imprint on my soul
February 5, 2022
Dec 2021 · 202
At 1am, I want you.
FreeMind Dec 2021
At 2am
I get a sudden urge to call you, to hear your voice.
Your absence let itself be known and I worry that I'm
missing you too much. When I don't want to even think about you.
Banishing you from my thoughts has done no
wonders. When you still show up in my dreams.

At 3am
I have lost to myself.
I have called you.
But the kind female voice has informed me that your number is no longer valid. And I don't know if I feel relieved that you are no longer there to rely on, or worried. For your number was my
prayer. That I would repeat to hush my worries away.

At 4am
I realize that your absence has left emptiness that I will never replace.
I have already tried with all the possible options, and everything failed. Over and over and over again. And yet I still crave you like a child, who knows no better, craves sweets that will cause more harm than good. But my health cant deteriorate much longer. I won't survive till sunrise.
Maybe I should give in and finally accept this
emptiness as a part of me.
Allow it to live within me.
Give into the fear of utter consumption and loneliness.
December 6
Dec 2021 · 215
Searching for Nirvana
FreeMind Dec 2021
Play the music loud enough to
drown my thoughts, until
all I hear is the silence ringing in my mind
December 7, 2021
Nov 2021 · 172
scrolling my life away
FreeMind Nov 2021
i wish i could put my thoughts on paper,
my imagination on a canvas

i wish i could capture my greatest fears and
my deepest desires

but i am no artist.

my thoughts will stay hidden and my needs

i will be carried away by the tide, and
blown away by the wind

until nothing remains.
November 25, 2021
Nov 2021 · 133
i wish it would rain
FreeMind Nov 2021
the intoxicating warmth
of this hot November day
makes her long sleeve
sweater stick to her arms.

she tries to peel it off, but
her raw scars already sting, so
she tries to hide her discomfort in
hopes that no one notices.

next time she will be more careful and
slice her thighs instead with little
zebra cuts. or maybe she will
carve a word instead

and maybe the word will be 'help'
and maybe the word will be 'gone'
November 25, 2021
Nov 2021 · 307
Maybe tomorrow
FreeMind Nov 2021
Will I ever find out if death is as peaceful as it sounds?
November 10, 2021
Nov 2021 · 342
Groundhog Day
FreeMind Nov 2021
Scrolling through your feed
over and over
again. Until my eyes are too
tired to focus on your face. Until my
mind starts imagining you by my side. Until my
skin feels your lips on me. Again.
November 2, 2021
FreeMind Oct 2021
Is that all there is to life?

She dreads going to sleep,
for she knows, she will wake
up to see tomorrow.
She fills her stomach up with
Red Bull and Modanfinil,
praying that one of them
will keep her eyes from
closing shut. But she knows.
She knows that no matter
how much she tries to
stretch out this wretched day,
tomorrow will come.
And she will live on.
Because she was too afraid to make it stop.

Is that all there is to life?
October 28, 2021
Oct 2021 · 600
Come lay with me?
FreeMind Oct 2021
If I summon you like a demon
will you stay the night?
October 23, 2021
Oct 2021 · 286
Eat Air
FreeMind Oct 2021
They want you
thinking you are as easy as a piece of cake. Not realizing that you are as sour as a lime, as spicy as a chili pepper.
So you **** yourself before any of them can get to you first.

You play with yourself life Tchaikovsky played the piano, to feel a certain high. To feel anything that might make you
forget the pent-up anger that you have build up for years. Those stupid souls, they will never understand, they will never know.

They want you.
It's an addiction, it's an obsession.
You can't get away.

They want you.
October 8, 2021
Oct 2021 · 299
Don't you want me?
FreeMind Oct 2021
like a spider on your bedroom door that you
want to get rid off but are too afraid to ****.
like the paperclip you misplaced and
completely forgot about.
like dull scissors that don't cut.
October 6, 2021
Oct 2021 · 282
FreeMind Oct 2021
At 22:00, I started drinking to ease the pain away, to
calm down, to let loose.
drink after drink after drink
Glasses are being refilled without my asking. A magic trick.
At 00:00, I can no longer stand but I still think straight, I
know I haven't reached my limit yet. There's
still a goal to reach, a purpose to serve. And I
drink I drink I drink
No longer knowing which glass is mine, I take a large gulp.
At 02:00, you are on my mind. Your face blurry, a man unknown to me.
Your faults are long forgotten. The ringing in my ear is replaced with your whisper, and
I want you I want you I want you
October 4, 2021
Sep 2021 · 450
Deal with the Devil
FreeMind Sep 2021
Is it a sin to remember you five years too late?
To think of your soft lips and rough hands?
To wish that you would come back?

The more I think, the more I realize that I don't mind sinning. I will make a deal with the devil, and sacrifice all I've got. I will bathe in blood under the full moon, and lay in a circle of crystals. I will do anything and everything.

Just please,
come back.
September 24, 2020
Sep 2021 · 378
Forever my Loverman
FreeMind Sep 2021
I don't want to be tied to you by this invisible rope,
existence of which you are unaware of. This
embarrassment is too much for me to handle. I don't
want to think of you the way one thinks of a lover. For there
is no love.

There never was.
September 24, 2021
FreeMind Aug 2021
If I could choose to be reborn as anything I wanted, I would
choose the sunset, in hopes that you would finally look at me.
Perhaps, I would choose the rain, with the intention of feeling your skin. Or else, I would choose the strongest ocean wave, so I could pull you deep down and keep you to myself
August 9, 2021
FreeMind Aug 2021
I will dance with you
when your energy surpasses that of the
sun, but won't that be easy for you?

I will sin more, because I know
I won't find you in heaven.
I will read more, to
feed my imagination of us together.
I will only whisper, so you are
forced to lean in and listen to my word.
I will become your sugar, your alcohol, your cigarettes, your drugs
I will become anything to make you stay...
August 9, 2021
FreeMind Jul 2021
My whole body is shaking.
The whole house is. An earthquake?
Can't be.
Ah. Of course.
The rumbling is caused by a natural cause, my mom.
She is cursing us, telling us to **** ourselves. What should we do?
I think of ways to end it fast. Kitchen knife. Wrists.
She can't be serious, can she? She can't mean it, can she?
July 4, 2021
Jun 2021 · 1.3k
Even strangers think of you
FreeMind Jun 2021
I wonder if all poets write about you.
A version of you
that I will never know
or never see
or never want to be with.
Endless poems filled with your thoughts and actions and feelings
June 29, 2021
FreeMind Jun 2021
I said I wouldn't, but I lied. I
Will open the window for you if you
Promise to visit me once more. I
Will let you enter and stay with me tonight, if you
Promise not to leave me again.
Not even if I ask.
Not even if I beg.
June 29, 2021
FreeMind Jun 2021
No matter how many men love me
In my mind, I'll always call them by your name.
For you were the blueprint, and they are just
******* versions.

Nothing will make me forget you,
No matter how hard I try,
No matter how long it takes.
June 24, 2021
FreeMind Mar 2021
Listening to the song that you called your favorite in 2016,
thinking about you,
wondering if maybe you are thinking about me too...
March 28, 2021
Mar 2021 · 263
What is the Labyrinth?
FreeMind Mar 2021
I remember watching you laugh,
Keeping close attention to the way your lips moved,
Noticing the gap between your teeth that you so desperately wanted to hide.

I remember wanting to kiss you.
To feel the warmth of you on my skin and have your
Radiating energy surround me, holding me in your embrace.

I don't think those thoughts anymore,
For I know that your body has long gone cold...
March 25, 2021
FreeMind Feb 2021
They say love is blind, but how can that be?

I see all the colors of your body and soul
crashing onto the canvas of my life
filling the pages with mixtures and combinations
that I would not dream of
I long for the red, orange, yellow,
for the green, blue, purple
I long for it all

They say love is blind, but that can't be
for love is you
and me
February 17, 2021
Feb 2021 · 313
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
FreeMind Feb 2021
You expect me to tell you that I love you back but I'm tired of lying
February 12, 2021
FreeMind Jan 2021
How long until I can live my life outside my mind?

Reality is slipping away as I bury my face into a black mirror that I use to escape.
And how I wish I could escape...
Live without the fear of a bleak future, by painting my days with a rainbow of color. Yet, I am surrounded by walls built up by "loved" ones, who try to protect me but are simply limiting me.
It cannot go on like this.
I long for freedom.
I shall set myself
January 29, 2021
Dec 2020 · 170
FreeMind Dec 2020
Your hand moving up my thigh,
Your lips on my neck,
Our bodies intertwined.

Things might have ended roughly, but every fortnight I think about you
Dreaming of what could have been
Wishing that we still had a choice, an option, a chance..

If I could do it all over again, I would.
I would cry and scream and fight, but in the end of it all I would have spent another year with you.
Kissing, Hugging, F.......
Making memories
with You
December 28, 2020
Dec 2020 · 190
Why can't it all be simple?
FreeMind Dec 2020
See the truth is, I love you.
But loving you causes too much pain, so I must learn to love myself instead.
December 23, 2020
Dec 2020 · 152
Do you feel what I feel?
FreeMind Dec 2020
I want to kiss the girl of my dreams
but every time our lips meet
I wake up

I would do anything to never wake up
December 13, 2020
FreeMind Nov 2020
One day, I will wake up with the dreadful realization that I have spent my youth following the rules of my strict, conservative, religious parents.
And despite my love for them, I will look back at my teenage years reliving one mistake. Dating a boy who used me.
I would have learned from that mistake. I would have grown form it.

But I will still look back, wondering why I haven't gone out as much. Why I stopped making friends. Why I never partied. Why I never did anything spontaneous. Why the night before dyeing my hair purple I decided to cancel my appointment so I could avoid facing the disapproval from my parents. Once again.

It is hard to be the child of a dyeing nation.
A nation that is glorified for pride and honor.
But where sexism and homophobia exists.

I will remain the brown haired girl that stays at home and studies on a Friday night. That spends her Saturdays reading books about the life she will never experience. Hoping that she dies before realizing that her life has been a waste.
November 28, 2020

I have disappointed her once, and I will not do it again.
FreeMind Nov 2020
Sparks of joy fill my eyes when I see you, and I get a sudden urge,
a want,
a need,
to pull you into my arms and never let you go.
To kiss you endlessly, to hold onto your body, to feel your warmth, to smell your perfume, to caress your skin, to play with your hair...
Oh, what I'd give to be with you...
November 25, 2020
FreeMind Nov 2020
I would like to let you go, but my mind is filled with thoughts of you. If I go a day without thinking of you, you appear in my dreams.

There is simply no escaping you.

You have full control over my life, and I proceed to live with you in
my memories, my hopes, my dreams.
Or perhaps they are nightmares? For I don't truly want to see you.

And so I ask, I beg, I pray
that You let me go instead.
November 25, 2020
FreeMind Nov 2020
Three years have passed, and yet I'm still trapped inside your big, loving, suffocating arms.
And I still can't decide if I want you to let go, or hold tighter.
Truth is, I can breathe all the same. I just don't know if the air satisfies me anymore.
November 15, 2020
Nov 2020 · 116
Let me die. Let me go.
FreeMind Nov 2020
Where is the line between life and death? And why can't we just cross it whenever we want?
Can a person be on the line? Both dead and alive? Or neither dead nor alive?
Why are we threatened with hell when we simply want the pain to end?
November 15, 2020
FreeMind Nov 2020
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you"
I repeat this mantra days on end to remind myself of the pain you caused, when I was young and lost and confused and naive.
A silly girl in "love". Believing in the impossible, hoping for it to last forever.
Eternity is all we have but nothing in this world is eternal. So when I am lost, I turn to the illusion of freedom that I might one day achieve.
November 15, 2020
FreeMind Nov 2020
Your cursed this day
November 7, 2020
FreeMind Oct 2020
She said she saw you in that hotel
and now I quietly beg her to take me there
never wanting to miss the opportunity of accidentally seeing you myself.
we drive by the hotel often and I can see you with my eyes closed, sitting inside the lobby I have never been in,
imagining you eating in a restaurant that only exists in my mind.
thats it,
you are just in my mind
October 12, 2020
FreeMind Oct 2020
I'd like to think that I can speak to you with my mind. That our thoughts are interlinked, intertwined, like our DNA which can only be altered by a mutation. What is the mutation of our relationship?
Is it the force? Is it the fear? Is it the lack of trust?
Is it me?
Is it me?
Is it me?
October 11, 2020
FreeMind Sep 2020
In my dreams
I see you vividly, as you follow me around.
I see your puffy lips, your small blue eyes, you brown hair that I could swear was ***** blonde,
I see your bushy eye brows, your straight nose, your imperfect skin.
In my dreams, I see you.

As I open my eyes
You disappear without a trace, and although I know
Your features, and I know them well. I can't place them all together.
Your face becomes the face of a stranger.
As I open my eyes, you cease to exist.
September 30, 2020
Sep 2020 · 91
invisible BEAUTY
FreeMind Sep 2020
Why do we struggle to accept our beauty?
Why is it so much easier to notice our own flaws?
September 20, 2020
FreeMind Sep 2020
No one knows my tears, my pain, my struggles, my thoughts like my Pillow
September 17, 2020
FreeMind Sep 2020
мне не нужны открытки с твоими поэмами,
и шоколад можешь оставить себе.
Я просто хочу читать книги и жить в тишине,
August 30, 2020
FreeMind Sep 2020
Я не хочу умирать зная что ты ещё жива
ведь оставлять тебя одну в этом ужасном мире жестоко
я лучше сожгу его дотла чтобы мы смогли уйти отсюда вместе
August 30, 2020
FreeMind Sep 2020
They will never understand what it's like
to be ruled by the Moon, controlled by the Tides.
My devotion has never been stronger and I present myself to them,
Beg the spirit of the Moon and Ocean to take me away
August 27, 2020
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