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FreeMind Jul 2019
An hour before the sunrise I went for a run
But I pulled a muscle and decided to walk slowly instead
As the sun started to rise
I decided to take a different path
A path that led me closer to the colors
I walked until I could not walk any further
But there was absolutely no need
The ocean was already in front of me
If I was an artist I would have painted that beautiful scenery, but I am not, so I just watched
Suddenly remembering the girl I met at the library
Every time she sneezed the librarian would shush her - "shhh" - and she would blush because everyone would stare at her
She seemed worried so I sat by her and comforted her the best I could
It felt the same way right now
Everything still and completely silent as if the world has ended
And yet the girl was the ocean, and the waves were the sneeze that brought me back from my day dreams to concentrate on here and now
So it made sense to swim
I ran, still dressed in my running attire
I jumped, into the cold water
I swam, until I could not swim any longer
Until the muscle that I pulled could not take it any longer
Until my lunges could not breathe fast enough
Until my whole body decided to shut down
And even though I started drowning
I could not stop admiring the beauty around me
Which I held onto as an anchor until my body became numb and my heart stopped beating

July 16, 2019
FreeMind Jul 2019
After 2 years 5 months and 6 days
She left him
"Go have some fun"
He had all the fun with her
"Do what you love"
She was the only one he loved
"Find yourself!"
He already did
He found himself in her laugh
In her soft palms and smooth hands
In her wrinkles right by her eyes
In her mole on her left shoulder
In her scar above the belly button
In her toes that were always painted black
In her hair that smelled of daisies
He found himself in her worst fears
In her pet peeves
In her favorite books
In her day dreams
In her habits and in her confidence
In her
He found himself,
Or better yet,
His better self
When he was surrounded by her

So why did she do it?
Why did she leave?
It was to torture him
It was because she could not get used to his silly hair
It was because she never loved him
She did.
She loved him.
But that was not enough for her.

She wanted to love herself.

June 30, 2019
FreeMind Jun 2019
The hour hand, the minute hand, the second hand
All move in unison
Forming the ultimate
It is time
I whisper "Happy Birthday" to myself
After all these years
I have finally gained enough courage
To cut my arm with the blade
Leaving no words
no memories
no stories
Just warm blood, yet to turn cold
With my corpse
Already dressed black
For the funeral

June 18, 2019
  Jun 2019 FreeMind
Barefoot and slowly
Still in my satin sleepwear
I’m caught in a trance
Morning Reverie
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