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  Jun 2019 FreeMind
I remember waiting
Heart fluttering in your chest
You were my wish
I blew out the candles
You tasted sweeter than water dripping from pine trees
Working up courage to touch you
I don't care about burns
Smoke is the uncertainty of the night
I search for you in the dark just the same
Crickets are chirping
My ears have forgotten the earth knows humble prayers
Devout she is in her offering
May I be as delighted in my love for you
  Jun 2019 FreeMind
I want to write about what hurts because I think it will
Stop me from hurting. If I put these words on
A page then they will be easier to digest.
Poetry isn't curative by creation, it is
Just confession. Still, these remedial
Lines are what I turn to when I am holding
Too much in my hands. Right now, I feel
Like I am overflowing onto the ground below me.
For the first time,
I don't want to write about what hurts. I want
To keep it inside of me and let it burn me. I want
To carry it in my palms for as long as I can.
I should write
About how we've said goodbye so
Many times that it turned into a threat, a weapon
We made with our tongues.
I should write
About how I lied and got away with it,
How you got caught with
Your hands tied and no one to blame.
I should write
About how it was over before we waved the white
Flag, and I know what it means now
To hold onto a sinking ship.
I've never had anything to die for.
I should write about how I've never wanted
Something so much that I devastated it completely.
We loved in harsh conditions, under sun and darkness and
I don't know how to write about how
The love didn't save us.
I don't write about letting go as much as I write about
Holding on, and I want
That to change.
I don't want to write hurt just to feel it.
The next poem I write about you will be
About me. About how I held on and how I let go.
It won't be about your love, it will be about
Mine. It won't stop me from hurting, but
It is how I make it out
Of my love alive.
  Jun 2019 FreeMind
Edmund black
Be Happy
Unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you honor the truth that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.
  Jun 2019 FreeMind
Jayne E
When is karma
as anger rises
or we become

When is karma
when we fail the test
or is it when
we stand on one
to be higher than the rest

When is karma
as we tread with care
to not hurt another
or oblivious succumb
to the snake charmer

When is karma
when others look and jeer
or when happiness calls
we find our dearest dear
then they all draw near

When is karma
is it as I close last time
your beautiful eyes
or alone in the cold bed
at night I lie

When is karma
is it the perfect dawn
of a perfect cold day
as I wake all safe and warm
when new true love is in play

J.C. honey-tiger 03/06/2019
  Jun 2019 FreeMind
Jayne E
Honest sweet intuition
feel no dark
in her good mind
grow more silent
to listen with my tear
is warm comfort.

J.C. honey-tiger  01/06/2019
This was written about my daughter when she was little.
  Jun 2019 FreeMind
Aayasha khan
we talk
I gawk
into the abyss we walk
do you see how those empty eyes spark...

I do
we do
love each other ado
your secrets I accrue...
blood spill
hearts drill
tring tring we fill ear to ear through vaudeville
commotions instill ...

strangers once
enchanted into the same ambience
parting through resilience
into Oblivion...

you should not
I shall not either
drift back to that oneness once sought
whence hearts of ours aflutter...
A simple poem for you all.. feel free to predict it your way :)
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