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Brevity poetry
Without rhyme or reason
Would read better
With alliterations like...
Wonderfully woven words;
Metaphors like...
Sunrise kisses rosebuds to blossom;
Maybe similes like...
As busy as a bee.

Prompts:  Write your best free-verse brevity in 30 words or less inspired by the word "rhyme".

Word Count:  30 Words "orange"
Whirls of wicker and calico,
                 of turf and salt,
                 of cats and fish.

The eyes of those
                 surprised by sudden depths
                 are bitter and open.

They drink sea under the glass
                 of a cracked tide,
                 in green tunnels of waves.

The water children flail under a sea moon.

The sea drags across the dark silt,
                 hear the bell, hear the bells.
Once a week on Wednesdays
Round about high noon
The crowd falls deadly silent
As his presence fills the room

Is it out of reverence
Or is it out of fear
A rustling of feathers
As the Colonel draws near

He passes back and forth
In his Stately Southern  Swagger  
You can make out nervous clucking
As it certainly isn't laughter

Pointing out a few in the crowd
That's the last we'll see of  you
Until you're deep fried battered
And set out on a platter

That's when Henrietta hen
Noticed the paper in his pocket
In her slickest ninja move
Grabbed it fast, don't dare drop it

His secret recipe
Who would ever have believed
What he'd planned to dust them in
The chickens have now got it

They gave it to Robbie Rooster
Because he's computer savvy
Down loaded the app for eBay
To see who would like to have it

From the Ukraine to Japan
The bids started pouring in
Popeye and some Church
Were in the battle to the end

The Colonel's misfortune paid that day
The chickens bought themselves an island
Skedaddling themselves far away  
The coups now forever silent

Enjoying life drinking margaritas
Sticking it to the Man with golden tan
You can lick your fingers on that Sanders
As you'll never see them again...
The afternoon rolls in
vast summers sky across the sea
salt air breezing through
your small bungalow windows
squat quaint abode nestled
a tiny shelter shell
like hermit ***** down the shore
snuggled in.

a critique... an exposé


he is to prose
what twilight is
to coming night.
he, no ordinary cup,
though to this reader
coffee no less loved,
but ’tis far less apropos,
than mulled with wine
at sipping time;
when words begin
to simmer,
slipping slowly,
off the tongue;
when evening’s ease
has just begun.
its colors melting
stress away,
like dusk's caress
from heat of day,
his soothing ink
on parchment flows,
like savored sips
of sunset's glow
his ray of hope,
finds its way
through my window,
through my blinds;
strikes and
steals my heart,
his words
like soil finds
seeds that root,
that grow,
that sprout,
that bloom,
to fill this heart,
that is
my reading room,
and bid my entry
once again,
the safety
of a harbor... his,
this place
that renews...
that makes me whole!


*post script.

as my own bio reads,
“mostly i write, to and of, they
who offer this heart safe harbor.“
his step into my heart with this,
his ink on parchment, my soul’s bliss;
my thinly disguised tribute and review of Joe Adomavichia’s published works of his best prose, “A Step Into My Heart”!  

look, i’m a guy... you think i’m just gonna come straight out and admit that he got into mine?  now, just go on and buy your own **** copy, because you ain’t gonna borrow mine!

thanks for sharing your heart with the world, Joe!
don’t tell anyone else, but you know i love ya!

her encircled traces,
waltzing in the trees;
then twirls,
among their leaves,
finds me still
beneath my covers,
and through an open pane
she deftly streams,
to shadow dance across
my bedroom walls,
gently bends,
her kisses
sure to please,
soft and warm
upon my cheek;
awaken me from
slumbered dreams,
and beckons with
an upturned
smiling beam
as if to say,
“arise and dance,
come run with me,
you sleepy boy,
don’t dream
the day away!
leave the bed
as i have done.
play before me,
sail beneath,
as swift we race,
then dance our way
from cloud to cloud:
’til we come
unto the place
where shadows
long return;
where evening falls
in colored dusk,
when i too
shall lie again,
you to find
and sleep beside,
my sun-kissed,
childhood friend."


*post script.

we sleep with windows open. i awoke this first of may to leafy rustling in the breezy morning air, and the sun shadow-dancing with the leaves ’cross my bedsheets and bedroom walls, bringing back memories of happy summer days spent at the lake in childhood, awakening to and dancing all day with the sun.
happy May Day, friends!
You'll have to talk to the poet,
He's not around
Right now.

I don't write'em

I just edit'em
(I'm no good at spelling
Don't know much about grammar
Iambic pentameter,
his moods,
his states of mind
what it is he's trying to define
Not sayin' that ignorance is a good thing )

I just post'em
let'em go.

The poet?
You'll have to talk to him
and he's not around
right now.
I think we all understand this one, the creativity inside writes the poetry.

my view is blocked,
or so i thought,
yet mine unmitigated
unfiltered by another’s unseen hand.
i, the product of my joy, my pain;
the view is mine and in this frame
i often walk alone,
beside an ocean beach swept clean,
devoid of clutter,
anything distracting.
my view is mine;
no substitute for what i’ve learned,
my sight unblocked,
tis everything this life has earned!
so should i see life differently,
and should i not with you agree, then
do not think your view so different,
and do not think yours all to see.
leave me lie beside my pane,
and leave these eyes to find their gaze;
for i am not so unlike you,
my experience alone has changed
the way i see the joys of rain,
the way i hear the thunder’s glory;
of this i’m sure,
on this i’m certain,
you would share my point of view,
were you to live my story...
were you to feel my joy, my pain,
and should you gaze as long as i
for truth behind my curtain!


*post script.

her simple words...  "did you block me" start a progression of thought. my simple answer, "apparently, but without intention." but the bigger answer lies in this life question, is it possible to block another's view? my simple answer... no.  funny thow such honest words that she chose, start a chain, a train of progessing thought.  i am glrateful she asked, for she may have broken the writer's block that along with time deficiency has kept me.from these favored halls.  thank you, Sarah!

t'is some sorrow that cannot fade.
its inner sadness shuns the sun;
as hydra thrives in northward shade,
yet turns thy tearful drops to love.

she thy dark night's dew,
and from thy burning rain,
thy weeping cries of pain,
bears in brilliance, sunset hues.

attires her blooms in violet blues,
in soil giv’n she finds the way;
from alkaline, in colored sprays,
her floral pink she displays.

in acid of thy heavy tears,
she bears the blues of all thy fears;
and burnishes thy greying eyes,
with dazzling flame to lift thy sight.

she shows the inner strength that flows,
'neath bitter current lies resolve;
from teardrops come thy rainbow,
and morning dew in love absolves.

queen of mournful sighs,
she coronates thy dark of night;
from bitter groans she hope unfolds
she bears thy tears in floral jewels.


*post script.

(the hydra, more commonly, the hydrangea,
she rearranges her jeweled bouquet
based on her soil's pH.)

a beautiful post by Naimh, brought tears and this. i gift it to my dearest Becky, whose sorrow knows no bounds. and post it here dedicated to Naimh, apart from whose recent daily, i would not have known her sorrow. may it momentarily lift her sighs. and to the countless others, those i have come to know here, who share in this sad common bond... a mother’s loss; you have my deepest appreciation and concern for your ever-present tears, your unending sorrow... and your undying love!

please read Naimh's beautiful post, my inspiration, here:
if interested in more on hydrangea coloration:
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