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 Feb 20 Foogle
Katie Stenner
i don't often say i love you
but when i do its easy
but when you told me to say those three words back
i just couldn't do it
i  didn't realize how much this friendship has declined.
 Feb 20 Foogle
 Feb 20 Foogle
the flowers died on monday
the clouds cried on tuesday
the sky screamed on wednesday
the sun dimmed on thursday
the stars hid on friday
mother nature weeped on saturday
the earth spun on on sunday
 Feb 18 Foogle
You're scared.
Not me.
Of the consequences
Of your doings.
Not me.
 Feb 18 Foogle
 Feb 18 Foogle
i let him read my poetry
as he flipped through the pages,
i hoped
he wouldn't recognize
the ones i wrote about him
his name starts with an o. he plays trombone with me <3
 Feb 18 Foogle
 Feb 18 Foogle
stop asking my how I feel
I will always say I don't know
We cut one another
Down to the very flesh
While we miss each other
Deep inside our bones

Isn’t that ironic?
Why do we tend to hurt the ones we love (and vice versa)?
 Feb 18 Foogle
the Being
 Feb 18 Foogle
i was born wanted but for the wrong reasons
with a mind marked to be ill
thrown into the wilderness of a foreign country
with not even a common language to call home
i am loved but i am placed in the wrong season
built in the summer but living in the cold
by happenstance the unwilling champion
but only of the loser's side
the air i breathe is borrowed but bound for oblivion
it is a consolation that at least to the earth i am a reward
even if i die in my treason of life
i read frankenstein by mary shelley a couple months ago, and the character I related to did not get a happy ending. it left me wondering if that will be my end too
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