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 Jul 2019 William
Aa Harvey
All or nothing

Love is pain.  Love is the cure.
Love hurts too much.  Give me more.
If you can love, then love me truly.
Anything less is useless to me.

If you like me, but do not know if you love me,
Then go away.  You are unworthy.
I only do all out love, or nothing.
If you do not love me, then we should keep on moving,
In separate directions, to find other loves;
Because if you feel that you have never been loved,
Then it is time to write a different book.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
 Jul 2019 William
When you kissed me, I lied.

I let you kiss me because I wanted someone to love me.  
I was selfish, I wanted to soothe my craving for attention, soft and kind love.

It’s because you’re warm and safe, I still do get the urge to trust you with love.
In fact you’re handsome while so insecure.

But I shouldn’t have kissed you, because I knew I didn’t want you but your aroma.
I chewed it and played with it to spare your feelings and to ebb my shame

but believe me, I’m happy to have made your acquaintance on that awful day that appeared on paper as perfect.
On the day when the last one I loved, introduced me to you
My poems have started taking sound of a prose?, not sure where it came from
Perfection and honor,
concealed in the words

Shame and disloyalty,
rejected unheard

Deep in a poem,
truth’s fealty hides

Inhumanity cursed
—its verses defy

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2017)
 Jul 2019 William
I have searched for you among
clouds and colors,
between my dreams,
my fantasies
where silence sings
 May 2019 William
Autmn T
When Heaven says 'no more entrance', Hell's going to start taking volunteers

— The End —