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poetry is a song without the music
'hello' while eyes are fixed
a dream we can remember
or a painting unseen during its inception
yet there for all to see

a silent movie

so I shall walk into the white
where all is clean
where all is bright
and leave to you the darkness
with words of silence to ease your plight
Today l saw everything that reminded me of you
I'm happy, the thought of not doing it with you didn't hurt
Because once upon a time l wished it were you
The little things that matter
H- Him and Her
U- u and me
M- make it everybody
A- And the world over, if they agree
N- No one’s sad, happy together
Some say,
laughter is the
best medicine.
While I have
found that to
be true, it's
become so
An axiom I now
live by is that
mushrooms are
the best medicine.
Perception's door opens
wide, and my jaw aches
with laughter.
I can taste blue and
green, and hear
tulips sing lovely
ballads for the
squirrels that have
forgotten where they
buried their nuts.
I train my poems like
circus bears.
They rarely maul me.
And, just between
you and me,
The Birth of
Venus painting that
hangs above my
writing desk vibrates and
pulsates like the
Gulf of Mexico.
That red headed
temptress dances
seductively, long into
the night.
And now,
my kittens think
it's funny to
meow backwards.
Check out my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems on Amazon.
what the other

persons needs were,

until it was too late.

Sara Fielder © Dec 2023
my heart is in my chest

a particular siding

i feel it sometimes

when i am walking hard or eating chilli

so i avoid that last thing


pink i expect with tubes

mostly like in the pig’s hearts

mum used to buy from the butchers

for dinner

now i am vegetarian

i think that if i have a soul

it may be behind the heart


and maybe that is where my work

comes from

it seems odd that at times of rest and when all is quiet around

that i cannot hear it

nor the other workings

like lungs and veins and stomach


except the latter rumbles
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