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We can travel far away
in our own world
leave all the baggages away
just you and me

Leave the past behind
we'll move forward
nothing to look behind
you'll be the only shining

From the heights and down
through the dusk and dawn
while we'll be laying down
we'll feel right at home

Feel the delight, the heart
all that to divide
mending the broken heart
without the missing parts

Those memories with them
the beautifully ugly ones
time will forget them
but heart remains adamant

Despite me and you knew
but we'll pretend
all the same old and new
celebrate our solitude together.
Much of my life has been invested in
nurturing my children to embrace kindness.
To practice and project decency in their
lives and thus reap the rewards that good
behavior does inspire. To revere and embrace
love given and received.

They will be bequeathed some material riches
when I am gone, but these moral principles
and lessons passed down to me from my folks
are my most enduring and valuable legacy.

My lifelong desire is that my offspring pass on
these values to their future progenies, as there
is no greater human gift to bestow or receive.
Decent behavior and kindness are acquired
through repetitive examples and teachings
instilled in us by loving family members.
One day in January
I borrowed a day
A day from late June
I have to repay

The temperature rising
the sun high above
Birds are returning
as thoughts turn to love

As June then approaches
the bill coming due
With summer winds blowing
and everything new

I reach down in sorrow
obliged as I am
To clear my account
—the snow to begin

(Wayne Pennsylvania: January, 2024)
When I have grown so weary
When I've hit the rocky wall
When my feet have all grown heavy
causing me to stumble
then to fall
I will rise bruised from the rubble
dust off the relics of my dreams
then I will beckon to my call and move on at any means

Say it on the sounds delayed
Breathe into me words so frail
I will take and turn them into one huge triumphic wail

When you have mowed me down
When you've counted me as out
I will be the one left standing in my faith
not shaking nor in doubt
It was the perfect picture
for the last day of fall :
Pale blue skies
cotton candy clouds
warm golden fields of hay
cropped close to the ground
glowing in the crisp sunlight
You can't see love
nor it's reflection
only the results

You can't see hate
nor it's origination
only the results

You can't see God
nor his glorification
only the results
When a poet dies
people mostly
just feeĺ sad

When a poet dies
very few people
shed tears from
their eyes

They just lock away
the memory
of how the poet
made them feel
deep within the pith
of their heart

When a poet dies
few can stand to read
their words

The death a rapier
to their emotional
insights and all
their bywords

Rather they transend
the limits of their
boundries and we let
them rest in peace
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