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I miss you
in words,
in dreams,
in memories,
in thoughts,
in feelings,
but never
in my life.
In dark times,
I'll follow the stars
from here to there,
arriving at my center
to trace my constellation.
If tonight is all I have,
I'll keep moving,
one with my shadow,
not knowing where this leads.
I'll cover new ground
when no one is watching
as stars align
to reveal a path through
the darkness toward
the bright spots ahead.
I'll take in the view,
under the stars
the way I came.
Bonded in spirit
Distance doesn't break our hearts
Than to be strangers (again)
Hate me if you must, but know matter where we are, you are no stranger to my heart. Forget me if you will, but memories last forever.
I avoided you
But you perceived
And became confused
And you felt insulted, too
You blamed me
For keeping my distance
And felt I was being unfair
You seemed to think I owed
You attention
Simply because I didn’t care
And the next thing I knew
You started to abuse
Calling names
Making up stories
Imagining I had hurt you
And the more I refused
To acknowledge your ruse
The angrier you got
In the imaginary war you fought
Between your ego
And the slight of being ignored
Such is the combatants
In many imaginary wars
The defective machine
Pondered the high beams
Of the building that stood
Thru years of heavy rain and shine

It still breathed and felt
And had care for
Everything that was there

Was there a part in you
Defective too?
I'm not talking about the endless
Madness of mankind
Or maybe I am

But when I shine a light thru
This stencil, what pattern comes up?
It's important that I shine
I may be a defective machine, but even if it
Is only for me to see, to feel, to inhibit

The cogs of time and eternity turn together
But not simultaneously
Endless resources are at my disposal
Networks of underground cables

Signing off
Etching the rock
Crinchy cratch crows
Crinchy cratch graw graw grows
Crinchy crinchy
Cratchy cratch
Cratch croo
Cratchy you
She wakes up early
As I pass by the hall
Curled up tightly
In her sheets

It's warm outside
She doesn't leave her bed
For it is cold
Pinhole sunrise
Sodium lit
Murk and ambiguity sleep together
Down in the seabed

One moment of calm in a chaotic rift

These dark vessels
Of the fourth plateau
Scheme vicious pastimes
That live by night

Orphans of the smog
Attiré par le chaos
Soldiers of false beliefs
Progress the beauty of destruction

Their slogan:
"Making better mistakes with tomorrow"
It has the sound of a long goodbye
It lights the final flare
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