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Khawla Frigui
21/F/Tunisia    I am an English student
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
Sharon Talbot
Massachusetts, USA    Teacher, writer, introvert, dreamer.
20/F/Colorado    Self proclaimed amateur philosopher with lots of feelings.
Tanya Louise
22/F/Lagos, Nigeria    i don't think i'm sane.
26/M/Nigeria    Nothing is black or white. Everything is just a shade of black and white
20/F/Somewhere at Sea   
Imran Islam
31/M/🍁✓Lure Pot ✓🍁    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
Opening you into my Ill mind
Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
Debbie Ogenyi
F/Nigeria    My thoughts translate to words..words become poetry.whats left to do with a rich imagination but write. I'm simply living Twitter:@Debiraay
Jamil Massa
32/M/Indonesia    A father, a reader, a poetry lover.
Mariam Shittu
Tamsin Gray
46/F/South Africa    Old(er), wild(er), free(er)
Rachel Ace
26/F/Valencia/Spain    My biography is like poetry.
Zara rain
A workoholic with a Joan of Arc syndrome. Live deep, love endlessly, don't fall asleep.
Way of Betania
F/NYC    Love to write.
Illya Oz
Agender/Australia    Hi, I'm just a anxious depressed kid who likes to vent through poetry because actually talking to people is scary.
lagos,nigeria    All poems are originally written by me Ovi Odiete © Except the reposts of fellow poets. Ovi Odiete is a Poet and Writer with over …
Ashima Singh Bhattarai
Nepal    A beginner at writing :)
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