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Jan 28 · 513
Drithena Jan 28
Discovering myself again
After all the agony and pain
All of it, pointing at me like a sin
Terrified, to be judged by my kin
Dec 2024 · 50
Drithena Dec 2024
Amidst all the chapters unfolding a new
The inflicted struggles and agony triggered in a cue
It brings back tragic memories that's gotta be sewed
Shivers down my spine, on repeat in my mind, I hope it is not true

Anxiety's killing me inside
I wish I could turn up the tide
Distract me from being weary
This feeling feels very ******

The subtle mannerisms that I show
Indicates my state of mind to my foe
Scary, how I can share everything in the low
And be caught in a trap like a doe

It's been a while since I felt this vulnerable
It feels like being naked like a fool
Self-control I want to muster up if I'm able
Am I just a tool?

My heart banging up like a drum
Self-talking to myself like a dumb
I can't seem to lay myself to sleep
Overthinking, my brain's thinking too deep
Sep 2024 · 66
Drithena Sep 2024
When everything's said and done.
And you know that nothing can be undone.
I wish I could've handled things differently.
I could have suppressed my emotions and stayed still silently.

With these new feelings that's been stirring inside of me.
I'm overwhelmed with emotions, how can I let it be?
Both sides succumbed to disastrous pride.
Now, I am wondering how we can turn the tide.

I never thought that good intentions could make you conflicted.
If not explained well, a tear could be heard, and pain might be inflicted.
Now there is this overwhelming turn of events
It's making me very anxious and restless
Jan 2024 · 526
Drithena Jan 2024
The sweet words that once came from my mouth
Directed with someone else before everything went south
Now my heart is full of questions and reasonable doubt
I don't know which one is true or what I believe about

Now, I met someone new and he is definitely lovely
I can go everywhere and much more freely
I'm experiencing the same feeling before but much stronger
I hope this time my feelings will stay longer
Jul 2023 · 188
All sort of feelings
Drithena Jul 2023
Being irrational and emotions taking over

Makes you think how real is forever

It makes you go crazy and say unnecessary things

Holding on to every memory of happiness it brings

On other days you say everything that comes to mind

But sometimes answers were so hard to find

Feeling all the emotions in every way

Sometimes, you don't even know the right word to say

It makes you do something you thought you could never do

But at the end of the day, you end up saying, " I love you so."
Jul 2023 · 542
Drithena Jul 2023
It's been a while since my heart felt this way
But then, it's my way, and  it's me
I've got so much to write and say
But I'll leave this as it is, look forward and see
Jan 2023 · 274
Drithena Jan 2023
Here we go again
It seems like it's always repeatin'
Every time feels like I'm committing a sin
Letting go always causes me great pain
Dec 2022 · 301
Drithena Dec 2022
Here it goes again
It's like I'm committing a sin
When you utter words you don't mean
The first thing that comes through is pain
Sep 2022 · 2.3k
T & E
Drithena Sep 2022
It took one 'Hi.'
It took one smile
To think 'Okay, let's try.'
Said to myself 'It's been a while.'

I've been afraid,
What if my feelings will fade again?
Don't know where this might lead
I'll just wing it, I'll count one to ten

Realized, that life is about trial and error
The harder you fall, the higher you soar
It can be the other way, but it'll harden your core
You can be another nightmare or someone I adore
Jul 2022 · 343
Random Thoughts
Drithena Jul 2022
Ain't used to being saved
I've let someone before. I tried.
Let myself be takin' care of
Thus, it made me aloof

Now, I'm scared it'll happen again.
Saw my worst in my most profound recollection
Reprimanded for being rescued
That I should've given back what I received

If I knew the burden, it'd cost me
Should I have refused?
Jun 2022 · 742
Drithena Jun 2022
Seeing the people I love crying because of love.
Makes me want to protect my heart even more.
May 2022 · 527
Drithena May 2022
Like typical whirlwind love stories
It washed away all my worries
Weren't searching but you came
Wishing everything will stay the same

But everything was just wishful thinking
I haven't thought about the pain it'll bring
T'was just 3 days for the both of us
Then the moment came, I had to take the bus

We had to come back to our realities
Bearing in mind all the possibilities
With the lovely memories we shared
And once we both cared
Cebu with Love.
Mar 2022 · 510
Drithena Mar 2022
This is my last plea
My soul that's full of agony
Deep thoughts like the vast sea
Guest of out of tune symphony

Hear the cry of my heart
Feel through touching my soul
Consciousness that's about to depart
Holding on to my sanity since last fall

I forgot how everything felt
I'm like numb to everything else
The current me whom I steadily built
Slowly falling like a tease
Mar 2022 · 465
Drithena Mar 2022
No direction
Indecisive decisions
Compromising position
Full of cautions

I still don't change
Raging memories
Ripped one important page
One of the forgotten stories
Feb 2022 · 354
Drithena Feb 2022
So much promise unfulfilled
Unknown power each of us yield
Overflowing and now I'm thrilled
The definite reason I should shield

Puzzled, about which way to go
Now, I'm just going with the flow
Family, I love you so
I'm showered with love so I grew
Jan 2022 · 359
Drithena Jan 2022
Hey, beautiful soul
You are loved, you are enough
You are very tough
Jan 2022 · 284
Rainbow After the Rain
Drithena Jan 2022
I hated my life before
Felt like my soul was being tore
With heartbreaks, mistakes, and cowardness
Lost my faith and gratefulness

Every day was like a major test
Each day was a struggle but I tried my best
I sacrificed what I thought was wrong
Cried every night but showed them I'm strong

Now I found my happiness
Through my family and friends
Appreciating little things in life
And the joy that life brings despite every strife
Nov 2021 · 626
Beautiful Scars
Drithena Nov 2021
I'll handle the pain
And go through it all again
I don't regret it
Everything happens for a reason. I'm rooting for you ya all. Fighting!
Oct 2021 · 934
Thank you!
Drithena Oct 2021
I thank you so much
For the love and gift of life
I am very blessed
Oct 2021 · 755
Drithena Oct 2021
Held you close to me
Oh God, it feels heavenly
Hey, can't you see?
Sep 2021 · 404
Drithena Sep 2021
If I choose to stay again
Can you guarantee I won't feel pain?
Hardened barrier became very thin
I'm about to make another sin

Slowly awakening old me
Sleepiness vanished by just a mere fragment of thee
Blurred but I'm trying to see
This scenery, is this meant to be?

Like a pixelized screen display
Perfect straight lines but positioned in disarray
Unclear, still don't know what to say
Faint but I can hear my heart that says "Stay."
Aug 2021 · 445
Drithena Aug 2021
It's always me who leaves
Just like a thief
Stole their hearts
No permission, just brief

Tried to hold on and stay
Thought I was strong
Watched my resolve crumble, and sway
Guess I was definitely wrong

Freed from those invisible shackles
That is holdin' and weighin' us down
Filled and stitched those painful holes
Tryin' not to make ourselves frown

Smiles that I took from those faces
Killed the happiness, I once saw in those eyes
Tired with my own sorries and apologies
So I'm setting everything free and our hearts
Spread your wings.
Jul 2021 · 366
Stumbling Words
Drithena Jul 2021
Words won't come easy
Don't wanna be cheesy
All of these cliche's
Searching for ones niche's

This is my safe haven
But also my struggling place
Expectations that I'm always chasin'
Always puts me in a daze

Careful with every move I make
All of this for everybody's sake
Afraid I might forsake
Always very careful on what I should take

To whom, should I move freely with
To whom, I can take a steady breath
To whom, I can be emotional with
To whom, I can feel truly safe
Jul 2021 · 391
Drithena Jul 2021
Blinding sunlight
Fascinatingly bright
Caught up in the moment
Feels like heavenly sent

Can everyone also see?
Or is it just me?
This picture perfect scenery
Of astounding beauty

I was drawn by their smiles
May 2021 · 516
Drithena May 2021
I unconsciously push everyone away
When I needed them to stay
Used to conceal everything I feel
Hidden behind a facade, it ain't real

It's my defense mechanism
Cause I know where it is leading
Stack myself with optimism
To survive and continue living

It's not easy to change this attitude
I don't want to appear as rude
But I'm doing everything that I could
Because I know that I should
May 2021 · 403
Drithena May 2021
It's funny how careful I am right now
Especially, with my social media accounts
Don't wanna offend, I'll just bow
Don't wanna be out of bounds
May 2021 · 314
Are You Both Proud?
Drithena May 2021
Please, tell me
Are you both proud?
I still kept my promise
Even if you're both not around

I strayed before
Fought my silent battles
But again, I found my cure
Freed myself from my own shackles

I wish, I can see you again
Beggin', just once please?
Thank you and sorry for everythin'
I hope you're both happy and at peace
Papalol and Mamalol. I love you very much! I miss you and thank you very much for everything!
May 2021 · 266
Drithena May 2021
Been spontaneous lately
Just wanna do everything lightly
Keeping a slow pace everyday
Vocalizing everything I want to say

Hey, take your time with healing
Hear the angels sing
Meditate quietly, it's calming
Drink tea, it's soothing

Honestly, I'm just mumbling
Looking for peace, I'm searching
I can find it, I'm hoping
With a hopeful heart, I'm praying
May 2021 · 218
Drithena May 2021
It's funny how I can no longer write what I feel
Just like before my hand and mind writes with thrill
It feels like my hand has a hidden seal
Jan 2021 · 683
Drithena Jan 2021
Memorable walk
Comfortable talk
Food for the soul
Had the same goal

Blindin' smile
Starin' for a while
Heart's contented
Though everything's complicated
Jan 2021 · 382
Drithena Jan 2021
I'm loosing my grip of my thoughts
Can't seem to write anymore poems
Now it's hard to express what I feel
Locked, and now it has a seal
Dec 2020 · 242
Keep it to Yourself
Drithena Dec 2020
The weight of my title with you
Gotta earn it, have something I gotta sew
To keep my sanity, I let it flew
And pretend everything is cool, just had a flu

Didn't show my struggles with them
This is something I gotta win
Though  hidding it seems like a sin
I don't know, I just feel it's the right claim

Don't wanna bother anyone else
I can do this, this time by myself
They can't understand the difference
So I store it in my private shelf

I don't want to take the shortcut please
I'll just wait for everything to be real
I know everything will fall on its right place
In Papa God's time and will
Nov 2020 · 222
Drithena Nov 2020
Suddenly there was silence
I was left in a trance
Couldn't take a second glance
Heart's beating like it went for a prance
Lots of memories sinkin' in
More at peace than I have ever been
Flashbacks of my reality that I've seen
Wanna leave and hop in the hogwarts train
Oct 2020 · 232
Drithena Oct 2020
Appreciate every little thing around you
Every pain and hardships  you feel
For it will mold and strengthen you
Turns your heart into steel
Oct 2020 · 210
Letting you go
Drithena Oct 2020
I didn't know where everything went wrong
I can't even listen to any kind of songs
One day, I felt like I'm slowly dying inside
Pushing everything and everyone away by my side

Little did I know, you were fading away
Future tower we have built started to crumble and sway
My clear eyes with our visions became blurry
Can't remember our plans and goals when we are merry

Until that day came that I can't no longer see
That perfect future of you and me
Then everyday was a misery
We are both hurting, I'm so sorry

For being so genuine, you deserve my honesty
You of all people deserves to be happy
It may hurt you so much, but for a while
Soon, I hope to see your bright smile

I chose to tell you the painful truth
Than tell you sugar coated lies of this mouth
Know, I loved you so
Now, I'm letting you go
Sep 2020 · 232
Drithena Sep 2020
Tired of my own sorries
Too many apologies
Runnin' in circles
On repeat scenes
You're tired and hurt
I, the one who hurt you first
Drowning with my own guilt
This is the hardest I've ever dealt
Sep 2020 · 202
Drithena Sep 2020
Darkness filled with pain
Can't stand the agony, I'm going insane
Everyday struggle, all seems to go in vain
Stuck in my darkest memory lane
Can I just end this almost perfect life?
Instead of fightin' myself with its own strife
Wanna escape and sleep this self to death
I wanna run away and breath
Naneun juggo sip-eo.
Sep 2020 · 196
I'm Here
Drithena Sep 2020
Breakin' free from your grasp
Made me breath and gasp
But it made you really sad
It made feel really bad
But I know this is the cure
It seems wrong, but I'm sure
I don't know how to describe
Can't really picture my future life
What I'm feelin' inside
Fightin' life and its strife
Felt my pain and agony subside
Rest assured I'll always be by yourside
Felt like I was cured. I'm still here. Fighting!
Sep 2020 · 184
Drithena Sep 2020
Slowly, but surely healing
Pickin' up the pace of it's normal rhythm
Faint but you can hear it sing
This heart's melody and system
Sep 2020 · 172
A Year
Drithena Sep 2020
Now let's just wait and see
Let time decide if we're meant to be
Will those feelings you hold prevail
Or my prisoner, you'll choose to bail
Givin' you your free will for a year
Hoping all these bad feelings disappear
A future with no doubt and fear
And everything will be accepted and clear
Aug 2020 · 161
Drithena Aug 2020
I hope you're doing well
It was me who tripped and fell
In the past, thou shall not dwell
I'm keepin' this story I won't tell
Aug 2020 · 169
Drithena Aug 2020
I feel so suffocated
Been feeling agitated
Can't stop shakin'
My body's tremblin'
It's so heavy
My body's weary
Heart's been sprained
Toxic in my veins
It's like I'm chained
With invisible chains
Heart beats faint
Fell for its bait
Jul 2020 · 154
Drithena Jul 2020
How did we end up this way
I'm out of words to say
Now, I'm not so sure
Rest assured, my feelings was pure
Surprised, us managing to endure
Hurting, I'm looking for our cure
Jul 2020 · 163
Drithena Jul 2020
Hidden emotion
Bright smiles
Tears in motion
Silent sighs
Step one, two, three
Still, now frozen body
Brain says, be free
Heart says, stay
A part says, let go
A part says, i love you so
How complicated can this get?
How can I win in this bet?
Jun 2020 · 157
Night Sky
Drithena Jun 2020
Can you see the night sky?
Even if time passes by

We change and grow old
With lots of stories to be told

Sometimes, it's very bright
It fills your heart with delight

Sometimes, it's full of darkness
It fills your heart with sadness

We still have so much to ask
It remains the same, vast and dark

Just always remember this
Everyone encounters rough edges

Everything's gonna be okay
Just hold on and pray

So do your very best
You'll survive every test
To all those whose having a hard time. You can do it. Don't give up.
Jun 2020 · 142
Let Go
Drithena Jun 2020
Please don't get me wrong
I don't wanna hurt you more
By keeping you for so long
Continuously maiming your core

I want to let you know
That I have to let you go
I've been laying low
Without me, you'll be used to

I didn't really believe
Till it happened to me
That feelings fade
And people change

I hope we'll both heal
These hearts that's now frail
I think I can't open my heart anymore
Let's learn to love ourselves more

I was really happy before
Until my hearts song got out of rhyme
And I know we had the right love
In the wrong time

I don't regret that I've met you
Experienced many of my first's with you
Learned many things with you
And felt genuine love because of you

Thank you for everything
I'm so sorry that we're hurting
I wish you meet someone deserving
Get to meet your happy ending
Realized this is what I really feel. Let's both cheer up, let's continue with our lives and let our happiness find us.
Jun 2020 · 154
Drithena Jun 2020
In the midst of doubt and agony
I hold you still, in my heart dear
We can't promise that our hearts wouldn't waver
And our feelings that maybe fading in a blur
If ever we meet and would still feel the same
Then it must be faith
But if it's the other way around?
Finding happiness, that's where we're bound
May 2020 · 140
Drithena May 2020
Understanding you is my hobby
Though my heart is telling me its already heavy
How can I stop my feelings towards you
If my heart beats fast only just for you
My heart is tired and can't help but cry
But even though your always like that I dared to try
I loved you even if your **** and insensitive
To the point that everybody see's a girl that's so naive
This was made five years ago. I accidentally found it when I was scanning my old notebooks. Brings back lots of funny memories.
May 2020 · 154
Drithena May 2020
Torned to pieces
This screaming heart pleads
Shattered wishes
Broken memories
May 2020 · 163
Drithena May 2020
Midnight thoughts raging
Emotions are brewing
Gentle sound of the rain
Memories that's rushin' in

We're clueless indeed
Where all of this might lead
But we'll take this chance
To fight and make a stance

This can be right or wrong
We can be at bay for so long
Fighting our own demur
Serendipity, hoping it'll occur
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