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  Dec 2020 Dikshya
I have always been lost
between two things
the need of
tremendous noise
to calm
the rapidness of my thoughts and
the need of soothing my soul.
sometimes, I want to gaze at the moon by
the beach late at night
when it's dark and everyone is asleep but
at other times,
I want to be distorted
by a playlist that is full of sorrowful growling.
I have no other way
but to fill the void of my eagerness
when it asks me
for more and more
to remain at peace with the world.
Dikshya Dec 2020
My dear friend why have you been so silent lately?
I feel like you’re just cutting off myself from life of yours
But yet that’s imprecisely
What’s going on with you my dear?
What frightens you and making to go quite?
You trust me, don’t you?
I don’t see it
You would consider telling me what happened otherwise
But you didn’t
So far away you squeezed between four walls
Unpleasant situation
You going through a lot now
But who knows?
It seems you feeling more like face it one on one
Dikshya Dec 2020
A refugee
Nomadic and a loner
Like gypsy traveling the world
In hope to find a place to stay
Oh wild youth
My teenage dreams
Remember every moment
Every glimpse
Of truth
Like drinking till the dawn
And sharing deepest secrets
With you
My lovely friend
And you’re so far away
We’re thousands miles apart
But even lands and oceans
Will never sunder us
Have you forgotten dear
The scent of my soft skin?
But I remember clearly
The way you looked at me
How have you shuddered
Being nervous
How have you laughed
And smiling happily to me
Oh that was lovely

I wish that I could cherish more
All moments that we had
With you
From me
With love
Dikshya Dec 2020
What are you doing to yourself?
You silly thing
Don’t you remember
How bad was it
Like falling down the rocky hill?
You’ve got the fancy look
And doing pretty well
But deep inside you’re still scared
I know you’ve hidden sinnery and lust
Behind the angle they’re waiting
And underneath your gloss
You know you’re pretending
Who are you really?
Do you know?
What purpose are you chasing?
Layer by layer peeling off
Your masks, your skin
And going deeper
What do you see there
Frightens you
But you continue
Facing yourself
Searching the truth
The reason and consequence
And when you break the very core
You know that you’re saved
Dikshya Dec 2020
I’m not gonna be devoted to one man or two
Because of what I choose
To be devoted to myself only
Have passed those times
When women were belonging to somebody
I can be free in my own glory
No doubt
I love my freedom
The cost was paid by my ancestors
The price was high
But yet it worth it
With blood and sweat and lifes
Of those brave women
We got the power now
Dikshya Dec 2020
I feel like I’ve deceived myself
But that was long ago
And now I’m coming back
Revealed reborn
Renewed soul
I’m on my path
Unbreakable and strong
I am the power
You’re the witness

I am abundant
I’m concerned
Dikshya Dec 2020
I am who’s lying to myself
I am the one deceiving sacred
What are you doing for god’s  sake
Why this pretending
Your weaknesses are falling one by one
Revealing burgeons
Your sins, addictions and the vice
What a delight
What a betrayal
I’m in a fight
But what I’m fighting for?
For whom’s this glory?
For whom’s this vanity?
Is that for you?
Or for your bloated ego only?
I do mistakes
But can I fix them?
Sometimes I think they’re beyond retrieve
I feel I’m sinking and I’m falling
In the dark
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