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  Mar 2018 Dev
Oskar Erikson
you still cast shadows

even after you left me

Dev Mar 2018
I want you to write me,
the way that I write you.

Only capturing the
beautiful sides
on sunny days

I want to be your poem,
like you are mine

Soft words,
lilting sentences,
perhaps I'll even rhyme.

I want to be in your song,
that one about love.

The girl who's hair shines,
and dances without care?
I want to be her.

I want you to see all the good in me,
and truly believe there's no madness.

but soon you'll see
I'm filled to the brim with badness.
I want to be anybody else really.
Also I really have to start coming up with titles.
Dev Mar 2018

Bruises here,
and bruises there.
Bruises cover
e v e r y w h e r e

And on your ankle
swollen as can be
there is a shadow of
m y s t e r y

Upon your chest,
as bright as a star
there is a scratch, a
b a t t l e s c a r

And now I guess
you should really stop
whingeing about it, it's
a l l     y o u r     f a u l t
Dev Mar 2018
If you were a piece of glass,
I'd wrap you in silky cloth
so you wouldn't break
or cut me.

If you were a child,
I'd sing you sweet songs,
until you fell asleep,
so quiet in my arms.

If you were a rose,
I'd never cut you from
the bush where you belong
So you would never ***** me.

If you were a dandelion,
I'd cup you in my hands so gently,
so the wind could not
blow your dreams away.

But because you aren't a fragile thing,
I have to leave you be.
It truly breaks my heart
to see you get hurt so easily.
Dev Mar 2018

You asked who it was that day,
you asked me with a smile.
I said, hold on, boy, lets just talk for a while

And so you laughed and looked
away for just a glance
and right then, right there,
I knew I'd missed my chance.

Because right then, right there, I said
Yeah, its him.
The other dude, i'm into him.

And no one really knows
if anything would've changed
But I know for sure,
we'd be playing a different game.

Because right in that moment
with your big, dumb smile,
I should've said it's you.
It's been you all this while.

And yeah, you'd would've been shocked,
And probably a little mad
but i think most of all,
you would've felt sad

because it all would be apparent,
why I'd gotten so close to you.
Maybe you'd have have blamed me,
for her not choosing you

Perhaps you'd stop speaking to me,
And forget all we talked about
But I don't think i'd feel so bad,
with my heart all laid out
didn't edit this one so sorry if its a bit ****
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