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 Aug 2020 Ale
i’m sorry
 Aug 2020 Ale
the first time i broke a boy’s heart
i cried as i watched his love bleed for me
it poured out into my hands and still sticks to my hair this day
i smell its death in the wind

now, i break hearts with no pain, no remorse
i watch the light flee from their eyes and i no longer cry
what it’s like to be me?

feel nothing
create chaos
feel nothing
 Aug 2020 Ale
Veritia Venandi
She was taught to look up at the sky...
To find love in the stars, moons and the galaxies that danced an unknown song...


She taught her heart to look into her own self...
And then did she found her love...
In the universe of her cells...that had been playing  a familiar tune since she had been born to live!
The universe inside and outside of us are the same! The meaning of our lives depends only on our perspectives we have towards life! For the one who has found himself... Never needs to find anything else! Just wanted to leave you with this thought! Gratitude for reading this! ❤
 Aug 2020 Ale
 Aug 2020 Ale
We are invincible
Until we're not
We are immortal until we are forgotten
Discomfort joys
Uphill walks all pass.

Time is a wind
Blowing fast and slow
Time is a wind
Blowing slow and fast

Moments of peace and contentment
is all we can ask.

Truth may be beauty
Beauty may be truth

The present is forever the past.

That's all we know
Maybe that's all we need to know.
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