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455 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
I am dull and rusted
and I have been had
but, touch me
return to me my shimmer
for my value lies in the palms of your hands
and in the creases of your lips
so, kiss me
with your cursed blessing
and stifle me with royalty
so that I may finally
know what it feels like
to be worth my weight in gold
long live the Queen
322 · Jun 2020
Black Lives Matter?
Daniel Anderson Jun 2020
Announcing all lives matter is audacious & abusive & antagonistic & antiprogressive - yet amazingly it’s always anticipated. But when signs & songs & screams & shouts of our sisters with skin of a separate shade are shot down & softened & silenced, and when the bodies of our brothers brandishing blackness with bravado are broken & beaten & burned & buried by people with perceived power prescribing punishment by punching & pushing & pulling triggers-

One thing remains perfectly clear
Declaring “all lives matter” is rooted in fear
If all lives mattered, then we wouldn’t be here
and “all lives matter” wouldn’t be said with a sneer

Black lives don’t matter

Mattering means more than media manipulating messages mainly for monetary magnitude or validating various vocations as veracious while these villains vie for votes vainly vanquishing value from humans whose hearts are heavy with hurt and having to beg to be heard. Mattering means more than making memes and multimedia messages post mortem when morally bankrupt men ****** men and their mates for their midnight complexion

So don’t tell me black lives matter
Black lives don’t matter
Black lives should matter
Black lives must matter
298 · May 2021
Daniel Anderson May 2021
behind a sheet of glass
wrapped in four right angles
lies a square meant for us
to be framed
and hung
on a wall that collected our days and nights
like seashells.
but you had reservations,
a party of three,
in someone else’s living room.
251 · May 2021
Daniel Anderson May 2021
I saw myself in you.
at least I used to.
thin and fragile and smudged
with fingerprints blotting your imperfections
while blurring my reflection;
fingerprints from being handled with care.
in my own clumsy hands
we had never looked so good.

but I dropped you.
you shattered at my feet.
shards of you made hundreds of me
shooting hundreds of glances,
still smudged,
I deserve 7 years of a luck not to speak of.
you deserve to be whole.

and when the smudges are new
from new hands piecing you together
and your broken bits reflect
two hundred new eyes looking back blurred
I hope he cuts himself
182 · May 2021
Daniel Anderson May 2021
you fill my bones
while they carry me along
mindlessly propping muscle
from one dawn to the next.
thought and thew a comedy
as their presence was excused
with you.
and you pierced my lungs
while they struggled to draw breath.
destitute and sanguine,
I was voiceless, you were deaf.
our choices were made
before we made them.
to my grave I bring you,
in marrow
in arrow
in blood.
fill the earth beneath me,
she has earned what I have failed to.
172 · Jan 2021
red hot
Daniel Anderson Jan 2021
I am warm wood,
like the stove-lengths
I stole from the family of the forest;
chopped to stack and ponder using
on evenings that get too cool for
body heat, blankets and breath.
and you are cold steel,
unbothered and unbending.
stiff, lengthy and sharpened to a point
used to turn me over when my flame
goes dull.
I burn with intention.
you stoke with precision.
but stay a while
so I can see your red hot glow
169 · Dec 2020
Daniel Anderson Dec 2020
ghosts aren’t real, you know?
goblins and ghouls and trolls and the boogeyman?
all lies.
a preposterous faith.
though deep down I hoped to be haunted.
ignoring reality, clutching mustard seeds
praying to see a spirit
waiting in shadows; watching in forums,
reading stories; hearing tunes,
and fearlessly fantasizing until
reality became my nightmare
and sleep became my enemy.  
I prowled by moonlight searching for the root of fear
prepared, of course, to fend for myself
a quest for a haunting; a trivial pursuit
was truthfully a journey leading me to
a mirror reflecting pure evil
I am the monster; you are the ghost
that my talons could not hold
I watched you disappear into the walls
of this haunted house
crumbling down around me
157 · Dec 2020
Daniel Anderson Dec 2020
I’ve been to hell before
not for long, just few months
maybe more
coaxed by death’s angels
hellbent on keeping score
Darling, I’ve been to hell before.

and I’ve felt it’s pain.
inhaling the smoke,
blistered by flames  
lit with brushfires of passion
unkept in our brains
fanned by your wings
when you’d flutter away.

but it’s not a place for you
or for me,
and honesty haunts me because  
I miss the heat
the phantom flames of my visit
still tickle my feet
so, baby, go to hell

and that’s where we’ll meet
153 · Oct 2020
Daniel Anderson Oct 2020
there are stories in your feet;
chronicles of to and fro.
footprints - an appropriate name -
on pages of sand
and gravel
and stone
and clay
where have you been?
where did you go?
for I cannot read your steps
and I beg to hear your tales
and right now
I am parched for your words
alone on a crowded beach
with sand in my ears
147 · Nov 2020
Daniel Anderson Nov 2020
behind a closed door
and then behind another
buried under things no one wears anymore
there I am
all 206 pieces of me
collecting dust and
hiding from the light.
and if I had a brain,
or even a bladder,
they would tell me “leave.”
if I had lungs
they would beg for new air.
but I have a heart
and it’s right outside that door
and she tells me not to move a muscle
joke’s on her
141 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
a blackened matchstick at your feet
your silhouette against a background ablaze
your hands,
as red as the bridge behind you,
you lit this fire-
and you lit the first-
I am grateful
for all seven layers of skin
but if our bridges must burn
I will spare myself the blisters
and swim to you
do your best to break the dam
do your worst to wash me away
I am coming
125 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
never a dancer,
nor had I intended,
but you crafted me
from board-stiff limbs
with a lick and promise
I danced.

from the strings dangling down
from a heart-sporting sleeve,
a marionette I was
you tugged to the rhythms
you pulled through the silence
and against my intentions
I danced.
123 · Oct 2020
Daniel Anderson Oct 2020
I still taste the salt
from the sweat of our friction
your laughter echos in the cavern
where I buried my heart
the flame of your smile
fades with the days
and with it
its warmth
but lend me now
the wool of your words
and I’ll fashion a scarf
we know December looms
Y’all ever just miss someone?
121 · Oct 2020
Daniel Anderson Oct 2020
no one knows of heaven
the quest for proof is moot
our existential dread cements Risk’s value
overshadowed by Reward,
undersold by humanity,
we trudge along
waiting for anyone but ourselves,
any thing but our own,
to try and prove paradise
but I’ve seen it
it’s here on earth
and it rests behind your eyelids
101 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
smiles send a message-
that I am doing okay,
everything is fine

hell surely exists
and I am it’s sole tenant
I am here, weeping

teeth primed for gnashing
as I wince in agony
I grin and bear it
97 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
head west, heart east
head out, don’t leave
the crowning of things to come
the pains of a new labor, clutching
screams and wails in tandem harmony
fresh and alive and alone and scared
new lives seeking new life
born into desperation, answerless
ask more, answer less
fault and guilt lurk in shadows
head west, heart east
new legs, first steps, holding tight to walls
walls we built around ourselves
let go, flat ground, round earth, flat feet
breathe fresh air, speak new words
head west, heart east.
sometimes a move across the country can be daunting, especially with no support system. this is for those who face the challenge of starting a new life miles away from home
90 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
tried and true
over black and blue
as the beaten path is trusted
but spelling blunders
make me wonder
if words can be adjusted
does it matter
how you splatter
letters on sheets of paper?
I propose a change!
To rearrange
words to lessen labor...
and writers block-
oh make it stop!
grammar is like magic-
it isn’t real
that’s how I feel
‘cause no misspelling’s tragic
87 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
cause for celebration-
the setting sun bookends a shelf of daylight
empty pint glasses scarce
empty shot glasses nowhere
full bellies and hearts
belt decades-old tunes
and I
-a fly in the hole in the wall,
out of place, out of time
absorbing the debauchery
curious of their glee and reason
a sponge of misfortune wrung out
onto a barstool-
show teeth.
I smile
and with the grin comes understanding
a facade-filled room in lockstep
putting faith in a euphoric hoax
do they know what I know
or do they believe in their content justification
who cares?
say cheese
there’s hardly a reason to be happy these days but do your best
86 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
I get to have you when I sleep, oh! so let me dream!
let me glance over lot lines to a sea of emerald green
the earth before me now has dried and cracked and flaked
but when I shut my eyes I dance with shadows that you make

I get to have you in my slumber, oh! so let me sleep!
let me hold you close enough that you can’t see me weep
quilt and pillow’s comfort grip me tightly like your hand
and my mattress topped with you and I: the softest place to land
80 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
romance has a catchphrase
“til death do us part”
matter-of-fact, but vague
black and white, yet gray
crystal clear; opaque
the faces of death are many
seldom identified, often present
love can die, so can life
pleasure dies, so does strife
husband dies, as does wife

til death do us part?
of which death do we speak?
death of assertion? death of being meek?
the death of a month?
of a day? of a week?
death of strength? death of being weak?
death of desire? of eros? (thats greek)

til death do us part?
oh what does it mean?
death of a body? death of a dream?
death of ideas?
of values? of a theme?
death of solitude? death of a team?
death of a love not bursting at the seams?

death of connection? death of a spark?
death of compassion? death of a heart?
death of not knowing when death makes it’s start?
what type of death is it when death does it’s part?
78 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
warm embrace is all I want
for now, but
I’d kiss your lips
if you’d let me.
and while our tongues tangle
I’d **** the air out of your lungs
until you,
shriveled and blue,
had no choice but to stay.
I’d hold your hand
if I could.
I would squeeze until your fingers broke
when you ask me why
I’ll lie and tell you my heart isn’t broken
unlike the hand that holds it
75 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
seldom are my worship sessions
few are the days of praise I yearn for
but my spirit dances on
begrudgingly between sacraments
woefully unsure of which will be it’s last
graciously open to yet another baptism
prayerfully longing for hours at the altar
playfully pining to rest on the pews
green stained glass eyes watch my celebration of this temple and the god it was built to observe
it’s you
73 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
the thorn in my side
fused to your branches
reminds me I should have never
gone out on a limb

the thorn in my side
corks my red wine blood
grab a glass, drink me up
you won’t be around for the hangover
73 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
We used to be a tree.
We weren’t always a pile of sticks and leaves, remember?
Planted and alive; now waiting for an ember from a flame you had lit somewhere back in November
That flame kept us warm through the cold of December
                  and January
February took you back.
The tree we were was cut down a decade ago, do you recall?
Neat and unfair portions waiting to be burned in a fall years away from when we thought we had it all.
And the unlit blaze begged to burn tall
                  And wide
But it couldn’t.
A seed of yourself rooted again not long after we were chopped.
You grew magnificent and stronger and propped up the nest of bird who made its home at the top.
And who am I to beg for you to be cropped?
                  You can’t.
So I rest in your shade.
temporary visitation, I feel safe; unafraid of the pain that comes with departing the place where I’ve laid.  
Grateful for the comfort under branches you’ve made.
                  You’re beautiful.
73 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
burned and blackened far too much
by the degrees of separation
spurned and flattened, hardly touched
but deserving reparations

kicks and kisses meant to confuse
my brain of love and lacking
bricks and missiles sent to abuse,
the pain of words attacking

a dog-to-***** stockholm core
seldom rendering my assistance
logging comments, I walk home sore
done surrendering my persistence
71 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
rubber revolutions on a rogue road
north of nowhere needlessly nipping
at the distance between a kiss and a text

cars controlled combustion continues carefully
gaining ground, growing greatly, gone
away from an offer of love bliss and ***

tunes try and tell tales of triumph & true
feelings, forever followed by farewells & finales
that chauffeur me back to an empty earth

miles may move my maiden many minutes
away, and although absence abounds i always
know my heart is where I put it first
68 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
you are North
and I,
I am compass of flesh and bone
worn like a locket
around the neck of titans
wandering the earth
turning it’s cogs and setting the sun
only to bring it back up again
with beauty in each,
in West and in East,
it’s easy to admire the edges
but you are North
and I,
I am but a compass
66 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
a half-empty swing faces west in a golden air only the sun could gift
her heat settles as she does
off to hide her  light from a half grateful for her rays
on to burn magnificent for the other

a half-full swing faces west in a blue twilight only the moon could accent
his glow reflecting a familiar shine
here to hold the light for a half longing for more
a beacon of hope through the dark

a half-used swing watches helplessly as the moon gives chase
come back, sun
return and rise and burn and fall again
give to your moon for one more evening
66 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
a shift of seasons nigh,
summer belts her cadence
the heat of her last breath hanging humid
over swaths of sweaty bodies
her sun ray fingers aim to linger a while
she grips her world with them
the kiss of her light warms, and also warns
of fleeting lips

but pages of calendars can not be glued
and stages of summer can not be renewed

I am a pillar of salt
I did not ask of Fall
65 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
never complain
never explain
and never pray for rain
when storms come
                        (and come they will)
anticipate the pain

never desire
never aspire
and never ever tire
when lightning strikes
                        (and strike it will)
anticipate the fire

never deceive  
never bereave
and never misperceive
when floods rise
                        (and rise they will)
anticipate your leave
60 · Aug 2020
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
Balanced is the feline on fence posts in alleyways

She sits
Spanning the gap between two yards
Scanning the gap between hounds and house cats
Cruising the borderline between destruction and continuity

Would anyone tell Cat nine lives are eight lies?
For there is much to behold when stakes are high
Reward comes not to those who ponder
Death comes oft to kitties who wonder

The cat with nine lives spends them living
The cat with nine, lives
After all, nine is greater than one

The cat with one life spends it forgiven
The cat with one, is
After all, one is all you need

— The End —