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  Nov 2019 unknown
Rachel Gosby
To hurt.
To pain.
To stress.
To being weak-minded.
To suffering.
To angry.
To drama.
To being messed understood.
To moving backward.
To falling.
To living in fear.
To violence in the world.
To negative people.
To disrespectful.
To hearts being broken.
To be confused and lost.
To mistakes being made.
To try to please others.
To the world judging you.
To feeling guilty.
To running away.
To not being real.

No matter what the world may say about you, Just say no more.
because it's not what people say about you, it's what you say about yourself. you have the last say in your life, not the world.
Say No More.
unknown Mar 2019
Pretending to be okay
But deep inside there is
A monster wants to come out.
  Sep 2018 unknown

I cannot be something I'm not.
If I do, I'll be living a false
I won't give pride to have
my heart and soul bound
by a script just so people will
like me
Just because I want to be renown
I don't want that
I want people to focus on my
words, not my life
My passions, no pretenstions
My flaws, not perfection
For there is no perfect being in this world.
I want to be proud to be me
To own all of who I am and
to live without judgement
But how can I when people are
ready to throw stones because hate
is the newest trend?
I won't be a copy of someone I'm not.
I can't pretend to be something I'm not.
Life is short and there is only
one me.
I've done and said alot of things I shouldn't have...
And looking back, it makes me
feel ashamed, to be and not be seen
Shame hangs over my head each time
So please,
I'm begging you
just let me be proud of being
and showing the real me...

On the trains to my course and my mind just wanders. I don't want to be someone else. I do and don't want to be seen.
I just want to find my way and to be who
I am in peace with people I care about
and who care for me.
Is that so much to ask?
Lyn ***
She can walk
             night and day
               never letting either
                  get in her way.
She learned this trick
                     many moons ago
                     going deep within
           and never letting it show.
Her soul is innocent
her heart is pure
she’s gone through more
than most could endure.
            She’s an angel of light
                 an angel of dark
                 you never know
              what you will spark.
                      You want to hurt her?
                         Please, go ahead and try
                           she’ll be the one to show you
                                  just how well she can
­                                                                l­
                                                                ­  y.
                                  Her soul innocent
                    her heart pure
      but never think for one minute
that she’s not secure.
                                Say what you will
                          please, do what you must
                       but your jealousy and hatred
                             won’t waver her trust!
Even Those Angels Out There Have Their Limits…..
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