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  May 2020 Andrew Crawford
When a cynic cries
  his stone heart dies
  blood flows from his eyes
  and forgives all his lies
Madainn mhath, mo bhanrigh. Dhùisg d’anam mi.
Fhad ‘s a chaidil sibh ri mo thaobh,
Bha ‘s a’ faireachdainn mi fhin nad bhruadar.
Ach bha mi nas toilichte nuair a dhùisg sibh
Leis gu bheil beatha nas fheàr na na sinn a ‘bruadar còmhla

Good morning, my queen. Your soul woke me up.
While you slept beside me,
I felt myself in your dream.
But I was happier when you woke up
Because life better than what we dreamed.
  May 2020 Andrew Crawford
Dr Peter Lim
Believe me, my heart then
was brimful of spring
love, ah love I hugged
the most wondrous thing!

I was young and naive
too mindful of what the poets did sing
one winter dawn I woke up
found a faded fairytale-- caught me weeping!
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