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Carlyy May 2017
I'm no longer consumed
with doubt
Or envy.
    It took light years

When it comes to them,
I just felt ugly inside.
They were happy,
And I was not.

                                            I'm past that now

It's the hole in my heart.
Shovelled out,
and mangled,
by your negligent hands

                                           Time healed me

Those very hands,
Connected to that pair of arms
once held me so close,
I could feel my heart smile.
                     ­               Let's skip the "but now's"

Attached to the same body,
A voice uttered my name,
Every so often,
Just to make sure  

                                  Once upon a time, that is.

It bewilders me
YOU bewilder me.
Things are clearer about you
But foggier in how I should see you

If I can handle you,
I can handle all

You misplaced me but I found myself
Tell me what you think, please?
  May 2017 Carlyy
Evergreen Pines
i have two families;
one i'm very close to,
the other i'm related to.

My blood family i see everyday.
As for my second family,
Everyday a memory is made.

the one i get along with more,
is the one i see more,
and that's closer to my age.

yeah, i got two families.
my blood i was born with,
And the one created with my friends.
i'm not bragging, i'm just grateful.

did anyone see what i did with the title?

Want to know: hint: song from Tarzan.
(you just gotta "putyou'refaithinwhatyoumostbelievein")
  May 2017 Carlyy
Andy Cave
The littlest things make life so great
they lead you to a certain fate,
but you do not know what is to be
because fate's more vast than the sea.
  May 2017 Carlyy
My soul longs for all the lives I've lived
Lifetimes ago I was someone different

Maybe once long ago, riches draped from the curves of my being
Maybe whiskey graced my lips far to often
Maybe smoke stained my lungs
Maybe my feet touched mountains
Maybe in a life long ago, my figure was shrouded in darkness
Maybe it was helpless
            or not, maybe it was a warrior, hard and sharp and deadly
Maybe my back was once adorned with wings
Maybe satin dripped from my lips
Maybe symbols littered by skin
Maybe my name was death,
Maybe I died for love
                        for war
                        for a cause

I have lived many lives
                      and I long for them all
My soul longs for its place, its home
            a home that I have no memory of

I am filled with an unyielding ache for things I know nothing of

My ears long for words from worlds long ago
My skin craves the ink that once ran from my fingers so freely
My hands ache to dig into the earth to which they have been a stranger to for so long
My skin aches for the long forgotten bite of steel that was once so familiar  

I am homesick for places that have never been my home,
My soul is cursed to spend its eternity searching for its place.
(But I have found solace in your arm)
  May 2017 Carlyy
its a
post apocalyptic,

we've got our
sighs of relief,
stop signs,
superficial sorrows.

so please let us
rest our heads,
railing against
roaring wrongdoings.

its our
right as
rolling ghosts
really rare
  Apr 2017 Carlyy
Mason Jay
there’s shame I know
In what I do.
Splitting skin,
allowing precious

I try to stop,
but nothing works,
nothing relieves pressure,
nothing positive

the way that
opening veins,
splitting capillaries
does, how it allows

to finally gain
real control,
the sharpness of
the silver lets me

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