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506 · Aug 2018
Comfortably Numb
Callum Aug 2018
This newfound perspective has given me a new view on certain situations in my life. This uncovered sense of independence leaves me out in the rain with no shelter: but with no desire to be covered by the storm. I no longer wish for protection from the elements, I find myself basking in the unbridled destruction that life can offer. The ever so negative and numbing attitude I had adopted as a coping mechanism has now vanished into the ether and all that remains is a sense of freedom, freedom from concern.
322 · Aug 2018
Callum Aug 2018
When a bone breaks, it is widely believed to be the site of weakness. Too much stress: not enough strength. But after the break, something magnificent happens. The bone begins to search for itself and goes about pulling what's left together and over time becomes whole again, stronger than it was previously. We're a lot like bones you and I: once broken and now slightly stronger.
322 · Aug 2018
Sober Thought
Callum Aug 2018
Isn't it kinda messed up that we're all looking for someone to complete ourselves? We aren't second-hand puzzles that desperately need a slightly different piece to fill that void in the centre of our jigsaw. What's so wrong with completing ourselves, for ourselves.
269 · Aug 2018
Kitchen Sink
Callum Aug 2018
If the basin were bigger, I'd climb in. Steel wool would be my tool of choice: an effort to cleanse my bounding to previous keepers and remnants of time. Choices and paths to be reverted to a state not yet touched, not yet muddled and tampered with: clean. Regret is often confused with guilt, very often apart from now, in this moment. Love is not an emotion I try to leash and tame, and that is often why I find myslef damaged and alone: I become ***** with everyone else's leftovers. I am made of other people's mistakes and I bare their influences on my sleeve. Maybe one day that'll wash away.
160 · Apr 2019
"This isn't Goodbye"
Callum Apr 2019
The day is fast approaching when I will slowly fade into obscurity. The calls and texts will steadily diminish as my name is no longer formed in the mouths of those close to me. My face will not be conjured up when I am addressed in conversation, I will be resigned to a person of a past life no longer lived. As melancholic as that may sound, I'm perfectly ready for this swift transition. This servant heart will be starved of life and subsequently snuffed out, allowing me to rest once more.

— The End —