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jesse packard Dec 2014
I see this person so full of cheer.
I see this person who ordered a beer.
I see this person with a beautiful smile.
I see this person who would walk a mile.
I see this person with two hearts to hold.
I see this person who can't stand the cold.
I see this person that looks at me.
I see this person with eyes of glee.
I see this person through thick and thin.
I see this person who wants to win.
I see this person I want to be.
I see this person I will never be.
I see my body in the mirror.
I see this person so full and bright.
I see this person in my bed at night.
I see him all the time, but sadly I can never be
jesse packard Dec 2014
What is with the Chinese or whatever writing it is going on in this place?
jesse packard Dec 2014
I have a few words to say about this bullying that is going on in school's these days. So here goes.

Hello my name is Jesse Packard I am 21 and I was bullied everyday in school and in my regular life. I was in a deep dark time in my life while in school cause I had one friend and everyone... And I mean EVERYONE picked on me because I was short and I was a special needs child. I found that the only thing that would make life better was to **** myself and just leave my loved ones. So I tried but every time I tried all I could see was my family.

At school most of the kids hit me and most of the teachers said horrible things about me. Like how I was going to be nothing and I was gay, and how my family didn't even care that I was alive. I got tired of it and I told a teacher that if he told me I was " to ******* ******* to get my GED" one more time that he would not like the outcome. The next day in first period he walked up to me and said it again. So what did I do I let my anger get to me and I decked him in the face and broke his nose. I then walked out of the school told them all to go to hell. My parents were mad but I told them what happened and my dad hugged me and told me he was proud of me for the first time in my life.

Look at me now I have my GED and I have the job I have been dreaming of. To say that bullying was a good thing I can't do but if it wasn't for it I would not have strived so hard to show everyone that I was going to do what I said I was going to do. I love my family, and most importantly I love my gf and my 5 month old baby boy. I will keep on striving to make an amazing life for my boy and my girl. I will sacrifice all just to know that they are doing well. And my dad told me he was proud of me for the second time when my boy was born. I will never stop giving to my family and I will love them.

I have done everything for my girl and baby boy because I never thought that my love for her and him would knock away all the pain from being bullied in school. I know that this is the girl that I'm going to marry because make me feel like I am enough and nothing less. So if you are being bullied please send me a Private message if you would like to talk about it with a person who knows exactly how you feel.
jesse packard Dec 2014
As I hold you ever so tight, and gentally.
We kiss for our love so soft and sweet.

As I tell you all my flaws.
You rip my heart with your massive claws.

As I feel my heart tearing open.
You tell me you love me, and try not to hurt me.

I can't help if I am not perfect.
But trust me girl you aren't either.

I try to work through all the pain and suffering.
You have no idea that I'm even alive.

You say I have never tried.
So I stopped and you killed me.

I worry about you every day.
Just to get my heart ripped again.

You and your son mean the world to me.
But until you see that I have tried my best.

I will never be good enough for you.
So leave me alone to wilt like a cut rose in the sun.

Please if you love me like you say you do.
Just go and never return.

My heart can not take much more if this.
I feel like it is going into a rut that can never be fixed.

From my head to my toes I love you.
And the beat thing you can do is leave.

I was told if you love something, let it go.
If it returns than it was meant to be yours.

So just go and I'll die alone.
Hopping that one day you will return.
This is not how I feel but it is what I thought. So I wrote it down hope you like it.
  Nov 2014 jesse packard
Divine and merciful,
this failing,
the imperfection of the mind
that allows us to forget.

Unbound by the weight
of yesterday,
I step lightly
and pretend:

I am new.
I am whole.
  Nov 2014 jesse packard
Tell me again how I'm fat
Tell me again how I'm a *****
Tell me again how I'm an idiot
Tell me again how I'm scarred and marked
Tell me again how I'm useless

                                         I'm fast approaching 90 pounds
                                         I'm one mistake from a ******
                                         I'm in NHS and my GPA is high
                                         I'm a warrior wounded
                                         I'm a support-group leader

Tell me again,
     because I already tell myself.
I'm so used to hearing lies,
      I'll believe them anyway.
I hate people.
I hate me.
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