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Placid , silver waters duplicate
your lovely face , the pelicans at the shore
are as brown as your eyes , breakers in the warmth of May
Dawn reminds me of shooting stars ,
our bodies entwined , bathed in the
light of the moon , wildflower collections
in the month of June , your hair reminiscent
of a September songbird tune , your pretty face now
becomes the cool of Autumn , dandelions along the
river bottom , fields of cotton beside familiar roads ,
pink azaleas glowing along my journey home
Copyright March 11 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2017 Ann M Johnson
bring no sad song here or near
our haven darling
no cold winds
just the silken folds
the smile I first saw those lips
the woven truths of love's first bliss
blushing through
the first soft kiss
of lips
on mine
Downtown on Mainstreet, a sarcinarious empty feel, Mr.
Jones, so cold, alone, once
Hadst a home, sold his
Life for a bottle, clear
Liquid his daily meal.

Nothing in his touch but biker
Bars, where women art strung
On pills, men nightly jailed,
Life plans for prison bars,
Knives for cuts, and dope
For cars; This side of the
Street was where the
Dealers art star's.

Mr jones once a high-degreed
College lad, moved out of his
Home, he became the unknown,
Dropped out of public vision,
Traded knowledge for rich
Men's wishes, worked in
High elite positions, a man
Of superstitions, once a time
His pockets rolled with
Hundreds and fifties,
Now his clothes smell
Of cheap wine, as his eyne taste
Of death; now a holes in-
Side of his chest.

Dreaming one day, on the side
Of the cement, a being of grace,
Not of human race; an angel of
God to Mr.Jones was sent.

"Mr. Jones", the Angel didst whisper, I came to let thee knowest, im thy guardian Mr; for God almighty hast sent me to thee, to show thee second chances do exist, and sir im not make believe, mine light is God's kiss.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
sarcinarious: having to carry a heavy load or burden.
Hadst: had.
Eyne: archaic for eyes.
Knowest: know.
Thy: your.
Hast: has.
Mine: archaic for my.
His Truth invades

every crack.
"Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Rom. 12:2, Holy Bible
Sometimes God heals us
from the affliction,
but more often
He heals us
through it
Goodbye HP and so very much love to you always!
If revenge is oh so sweet
Then why this bitter taste
Along the edge of my tongues tip
A tearful sadness to my gaze
Where I find it now hard to smile
Under this heavy weight
Sweet is sour in revenge
And the trouble that it makes
 Mar 2017 Ann M Johnson
I cannot escape you.
Though I run until my thighs quiver,
Fatigue sinking in like a sickness,
I cannot outrun the breeze of your breath
Nor the snapping of your teeth at my heels.
Slick with sweat that smells of iron
Like blood
But still I run.

And I will keep running until you pounce
Baring my throat to the night
Singing to the moon of your triumph
And claim my heart with your teeth.

I cannot escape you.
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