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 Mar 2017 Ann M Johnson
Ann P
the brightness of sun
the softly breathing song
the very jocund voice of love
whispered by the trees
drawn by the clouds
in every step she danced
was she blind
or was she dead
to realize that
the world was never cruel
love was never black-hearted
only blithesome day
was left to be enjoyed
for her who suffered enough
i’ll name you after a flower
and i'll let raindrops fall on your forehead
so that you bloom
i'll plant kisses
like daisies on your cheeks
so that you become a garden
and i’ll sing to you my love
so that you never forget the words,
so that you never doubt you’re loved
and i'll write to you
words i don’t know yet
i will reach to the sky
and bring down stars
to teach you to shine like they do
 Mar 2017 Ann M Johnson
SE Reimer

late winter’s dusting,
on tarnished ores;
a dreamer’s seeds,
these rails once bore.
rain-washed colors,
on sun-warped steel;
their conjured hopes,
an age once real;
by rust and time
blackened timbers,
no longer bind;
what still remains
are worn out ties,
a distant memory,
of centuries gone by,
now mere after-sighs.
structures standing,
but just by chance...
a gust may blow them down;
these buildings where
men’s dreams once danced,
now a ghost, this town.
though no soul is left inside,
still a body here resides.
so long ago
her carried goods,
these rails rode,
to distant homes,
built dreams of wood;
like dandelion wishes,
scattered... gone,
tracks going nowhere,
now a fading ode,
just another dusty song.
for advancing progress
never fails to leave
someone's dying dream behind.


*post script.

Oregon’s hills and back country hide these relics of a time when a nation’s spirit was fed by the sounds of industry, steel and steam, the whir of saws, and men calling, “timber”... long before the age of wood and rail were left in a saw-dusty bin of history by the sweeping hand of time.  i could easily be persuaded that this change was for the best, yet this can't erase the longing sense, left beneath my breast... advances do not come without leaving something or someone behind.
I wow not to leave this earth a lonely *****,
Taunted by past lovers who label me as a witch?
Here I am today, keeping my eyes on the price,
I wow never again to be fed by more optimistic lies

From the Caribbean to the Central American shore
Every woman need to be love and to be adored
And not be willfully be subjected
to the life of a married man's *****

I have found solace in my poetry,
Therefore, I cannot commit adultery?

Living with shame, guilt and
asking God to forgive a sinner
Here I am today keeping my eyes on the price,
I just became an instant lucky winner:

Because of that little girl from across the Caribbean Sea
Who travels led her to the Central American shore
Once she said no more, she meant no more

A woman like me is often misunderstood.
Because of the path I have taken through the woods
I have listened numerous times to the blabbing brook
Who comments were rude, about the rich folks

But instead I observe from my homeless tent, the high achievers
I took it all in stride, while the mosquitoes chew on my legs
Women like me aren’t afraid to dream,
Neither are we bashful to wear
the wide rim hat at Easter time
Because all eyes would be on the winners (us)
I shall build my bathroom vanity to suit my person needs
        In a marble glossy white strip featuring tea leaves
Where the sunset would lift my morning moods
As I quietly sit on the toilet with the latest Bluetooth
I shall lie on my high pillow top bed
        And listen to the sound of the larks
While the wild baby monkey sits on the ledge
        Where tiny soldiers of marching ant crawl in the dark

I shall refreshed my house with Natural Aromatherapy Incense
        Just to keep evil away,
and in addition keeping the blessing in
While broods of Dominique hen cackling makes a loud annoying song

       In the year two thousand forty-two, I will represent
As for now, I am planning and waiting for my long awaited retirement

Feeling so worn out:
It's like my life is set on cruise control
Push the button and watch it go
Trying my best to keep a steady flow
In this traffic pattern of do's and don'ts  

In my quest to stay ahead
A blur at times of who I am
Moving lane to lane then back again
Trying to avoid the latest traffic jam

By now I know my tank is low
Holding my breath in hope
Not sure how much further I can go
In this life set on cruise control
I'm taking every poem I ever wrote
Every thought of mine, every subtle note
Take them down to the churning sea
Toss them far, set them free

All the fading ink, every yellowed page
My form of art that is poetry
As I stand on the beaches warming sand
I'll watch them sink or see them swim

From that moment on for them and me
At that very point we'll be set free
you always ask
what is there left
before you're even
through with half

if you're not satisfied
with your lot in life
how could you be happy
on the other side

if you'd like to change
or rearrange
what you have
till it's not the same

then sip this truth
it's mostly you
and your attitude
in what you go through

your circumstance
is brought on by chance
strike up the band
play your hand

you can twist and shout
stir it all about
in the fix of the mix
you'll find this out
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