I see an ancient moon
Passing through the soft
Branches entering my window.
Reaching into the illumination feeling
The fire - impalpable in my arms,
Shadowed by wrinkles with a remembrance
Touched by everything that always brought me home.
It is as if everything that exists, all light, all aromas,
All that I touch - they are all the sea upon which I float.
Funny how little by little I learned to love yet
Little by little I also seem to forget.
Somehow we forgot how to look for each other.
You left me at the shore holding my own heart,
Where my roots were exposed and ripped out
Floating away to seek new lands carrying
With me this silent, broken existence.
Destiny will undoubtedly land me wherever it will but
As the moon shines on me tonight I float off
To the heavens while nothing is extinguished.
For love feeds on love and as long as I live I
Shall forever be in your arms as surely as
This moonlight shines ever so softly in mine.
Don't you ever wonder why things never stay as ... wonderful as they once were? I suppose that like life love works in cycles. It never hurts to ask, why?