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I wish I were like iron,
Malleable and flexible,
But I think I am more a diamond,
Pretty but not very practical.
I cried today,
at work,
in the bathroom,

I left early.
The thoughts,
the sorrow,
the pain.

I bawled in my car
as soon as I shut
the door.

The engine kicks,
and you
 Nov 2019 B D Caissie
the smoke haze is settling
now  the landscape wears ashes like
a widows mourning dress

no longer the rage, the flames, the fire
the passionate devourer has been siated

leaving destruction as it's  rememberance
Fires near our place over the last human life or buildings destroyed....but loss of much wi.ldlife.....and the area is decimated and cover in ash.....Many thanks to volunteer firefighters.fòr mammoth effort to get fire under control.
There is beauty in resolved emotions.
Storms quelled and waters without motion.

There is beauty in unresolved conflict.
the matter of misunderstanding because of instinct.

I have dined on cadavers of my broken memories.
I have whined at the intrusiveness of tragedy

My dignity denied and pulverized pride has left me thirsting inside.

Left to my own design I twist and turn into an image more stern.

In turn I can feel my match stick burn
I yearn.
I burn.
But i carry myself inside of nesting dolls that falls at the sight of you.

I can only wish you feel this way too.
A day or even seconds inside his brain  
Often wondering what is being said
Are neurons triggering as they should?
Is his brain shaped differently or the same as mine?
Can he make friends with the voices in his head?
Not done  any suggestions?
 Nov 2019 B D Caissie
b e mccomb
oh the joys of idyllic
small town life in this
whitewashed village where
everyone knows everyone
and everyone knows
everyone’s business

where the groceries are
overpriced and the taxes
are high and everyone but
the wife knows he’s cheating

where everything is a scandal
and nobody will admit to knowing
anything but they’ll still talk
about it behind closed doors

there are supposedly prostitutes
on main street but i only ever see
the drunk and drugged out there
and if someone is single there is
someone determined
to find them a match

all and all a very pleasant
charming life we lead here
what with all the arrests
and the highway department
yammering away on things
and the way the tops of the semis
scrape the bottom of the
traffic lights on their way though

something charming about
the way the sides of the buildings
all need a good power washing
and there’s probably lots of
good clean arsenic in
the water supply

a most sleepy
little burg
they say

spend some time
with us and
you’ll find a community
you’ll find a home

you’ll also
find a thing or two
you’ll wish
you didn’t know
copyright 9/24/18 by b. e. mccomb
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