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  Oct 2021 WordPlay
Were the human embodiment
Of all my fears:
The manifestation
Of all my monsters.
If you came knocking
I’d open the closet-
Pull up the bedcovers-
Turn back to the dark mirror-
And invite you back in.
  Oct 2021 WordPlay
Diya soni
She was a child that was forced to grow up
  Sep 2021 WordPlay
I am not my story
the narrator past
obviously his suffering
was never mean to last

no one bullied me
they helped me forged a man
into a lover of life
a healer of the land

I have no regrets
no blame to invest
I’d actually like to thank
the universe for this test

we didn’t come from our parents
we were only passing through
I’d like to thank them both
for the hell that they once knew

I am not a story
trapped within a book
I am a poet
the past is what it took!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
  Aug 2021 WordPlay
Erik Luo
The universe in you
Is speaking to you
With the rhythm
of your heartbeat

Without deception
or trickery
Like a knowing
or feeling

of where you are going
Falling into place
Singing away
Your existence
Listen to it
  Aug 2021 WordPlay
sometimes people are toxic
but since they don't have fangs
their poison must be ingested
and thus their power does wane
for we have the freedom of choice
when blighted words waft our way
to listen and swallow their venom
or simply to walk away
  Aug 2021 WordPlay
David Adamson
The language I learned from you
was the wordless speech
that tongue teaches tongue
that eye flicks to eye
that skin lets through
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