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  Aug 2021 WordPlay
Jon Shierling
I think that enough time has passed
  enough rain fallen
  enough memories swallowed
  enough pottery shattered and remade.

I think it is time to write again.
  Aug 2021 WordPlay
j a connor
Lost in the wilderness who would want to return
  Aug 2021 WordPlay
We’ve got a sky full of diamonds
And you expect me to sleep?
  Jul 2021 WordPlay
Felix Hackberry
The most dangerous hobby,
seeking of truth,
it'll drive you mad
  Jul 2021 WordPlay
Thomas W Case
Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss.
As a confidant, Brutus stuck
the knife in.
The betrayers are
out there,
thick as buzzards,
waiting to crush your
dreams, like crackers for
their big bowls of bones.
At least Jesus knew what
was coming.
I can't tell my
friends from my enemies.
Someday soon, Ill find
peace of mind, and the
betrayers will feast on
They always do.
  Jul 2021 WordPlay
between you and me,
i'm still rooting for us.

maybe not in this lifetime,
but in the end.
© d.a.dens
  Jul 2021 WordPlay
Thomas W Case
You will meet
in life that
love to keep score.
"I've done this for you, so
you should do that for me."
They keep a mental ledger.
They're pathetic.
Nothing is ever done out of
the goodness of their heart.
Their mind clicks with
records and accounts.
They are slaves to the
almighty penny.
Nothing you do will
count anyway.
You're always in
the red.
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