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Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Is it a coincidence?
A single raindrop fell where tears once fell before
Is it the world telling me?
That I’m still grieving

I wiped the world’s tear off my face
Maybe we have a lot in common
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I ended things because I care about you.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
But not here
But dull

Dreading the nights
For the body craves it
Nocturnal eyes
Open in the dreams

Nightmares replay
Past entanglements
Trapped and bound

The heart says:
“For now,
Healing is not necessary”
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I prep myself to sleep
Preparing for the war
I grab my pillow
To cushion my fall
I grab my blanket
To hide from my dreams
It’s a constant replay
Of what we used to be

Awake never remembers you
Your smile, your laugh
Your cry, your mad
Sleep savors you
Remembers you
Embedded you in my dreams

I fight
No longer will I wake up
Forgetting what i once remebered
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I saw you
Through the screen
On that second
Why did I think
It was meant to be

Now read from bottom to top.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Some days I wake up strong
The thought of you does no harm
Some days I wake up weak
All I want is to be in your arms

One day
The thoughts of you will do no harm
Not even reminiscing being in your arms
To those who’s hearts been broken, we’ve all done the dance whether you believe it or not
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