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I let go this moment
A bird lets go a branch to fly
No fear or need to cling
Despite free-falling through the sky

I stop having birthdays
Giving birth to something broader
Falling through my fingers
As ungraspable as water

I let go gravity
An astronaut bounce on the moon
A cosmic letting go
Meditate to Pachabel’s tune

I release attachments
To savor the moment sweetly
I get out of my way
Casting my shadow completely

I let go everything
When I let go my mother’s hand
Feeling new connections
With strangers in strange lands

I release resistance
From things I once just ran
Bucking up with courage
Acting as if I really can

I let go the future
No fear of how I have to die
Breathing in this moment
Tick tock, time flies past in reply
I can't stay away from the theme of Time....I've been away for a time until I figured out how to eliminate "cookies" on my computer.  All those cookies kept me from posting here on HP since November-I had withdrawal symptoms.
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
I cannot show you the palms of my hands
*For I keep my heart not in my chest
But clasped between my fists
Each holding a half
Of a heart
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
We are all a little bit crazy
I am only truly mad when I am alone
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Liam B
I See
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Liam B
A delicate little flower
waiting in a garden overgrown

For her gardener's gentle touch
pushing out the shade

With loving care and warmth of the sun
her colors and glory slowly return

New life springs forth from neglect
so that once again she will blossom

Showing those who admire the garden
what true beauty lies there within.
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Zoe Mae
Do I have to change in order to get "likes"
Is my style uncool or not expressive enough
Should I write about mountains and wind kissed flowers
Should I write like I read a thesaurus for hours
I admit it gets frustrating to get 500 views
And out of all that maybe 10 "likes" or few
Maybe I should write about love and falling trees
Maybe I should write like I would never speak
To me poems should be appeasing to the brain and the ear
Instead of sounding like a wannabe Shakespeare
I am who I am and I'll continue to write
But not about misty dawns or the pale moonlight
Your soul has no height nor weight,
It has no marks of scars of your past,
Nor tattoos of what your body has ever undergone,
So then your soul is plain,
Its what i love about you..
Why hold yourself captive of your past troubles,scars ad deeds,
When those things aren't marked on your true being;the real person you are,
We define everything first by how it looks.
With this,we lose opportunities with great people,
We overlook them and forget theres a deeper side of them to which we can connect.
A world
So beautiful
That every being will
Be happy living in it. Let
Everyone be who they want
To be. Without making them feel
Less special.
We were all born therefore,we all
Deserve to live before we
Leave this world. But
Its no use waiting
To be accepted.
Accept you
Accept who you are.
And love you
A broken heart can love,
A broken heart survived,
A broken heart still beats,
A broken hearts pieces yearn to be picked up and put back together,
A broken heart was once whole,
A broken heart still supplies blood to the body,
A broken heart is not to be forsaken for;
A broken heart is as beautiful and as functional as one that is whole except
A broken heart has known brokenness.
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