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 Aug 2015 Jake
 Aug 2015 Jake
Stuck in a state of sighing,
but ironically stuck in the same state as always
I hope to see the trees change color outside my room
and I'm not afraid of being away like I'm supposed to.
I don't know where to go here,
I don't know of any trails
But I'll find them
 Aug 2015 Jake
SG Holter
Eyes see what the
Heart allows.
I love you, and hand
You slivers of silver.
You curse me for
My needles.
 Aug 2015 Jake
simply put,
i want to hold you in that evanescent moment
during the formation of a thought, of an utterance;
the moment between not knowing what to say or think
and expressing it in perfect clarity.
the moment when, despite the words still being tangled up,
hidden in a fog,
the thought is still clear.
the moment when the words are forming, bubbling, exploding into life on the tip of your tongue,
but you have not yet set them free.

i want to hold you in this moment of beautiful silence,
of unspoken understanding,
of connecting through thoughts not yet complete,
and words not yet said.

a timeless instant,
a short-lived forever.

2:59 a.m. // i know the wording in this is a bit confusing, but i tried my best. it feels right somehow. hope you enjoy. **
 Aug 2015 Jake
SG Holter
Odin, watch over my girl as she's sleeping.
Dry each tear that she fell asleep weeping.
Light candles in the windows of Valhalla's hall.
Hang paintings of her on its every wall.

Shield upon forearm, axe in my hand.
At the gates of Àsgarðr I finally stand.
Pour ale in my horn, say lad, you are late!
Fallen by foesword, arisen by faith.

Odin, as hard as the stone of your throne
Were Life and Love, even unalone.
Born as Lover, to worship and feel.
Grew into Warrior, wounds that won't heal

Now fester with thoughts of lovers and friends
That all remain stories; everything ends.
I look down at Miðgarðr, and long for it not.
Now life with the gods is all that I've got.

Odin, watch over my girl as she sleeps.
Be gentle when picking the memories she keeps.
The ones where my patience was tested, you burn.
But keep some regrets; we all need to learn.

Allow me inside, and let us begin.
Let's drink to the warmth of a woman's skin.
Let's drink to the soul of a Norseman saved.
I'm hanging with gods. Just dig me my grave.
 Aug 2015 Jake
SG Holter
 Aug 2015 Jake
SG Holter
I know the back of your
Hand like the back
Of my

 Aug 2015 Jake
Life is remarkably pointless
But I like rooms where you can stand on the bed and touch the ceiling
I like big mirrors and smoke,
When you're working your physical limits enough that you can feel the strain on your heart and lungs,
I like company
And I like being alone
Life is pointless and long and the world seems incredibly large and I am very far away but we are so astonishingly small.
And I guess it is okay
That there is no point to it at all

(I wonder if you ever check this site and get disappointed when I haven't written anything about you)
(I wonder if instead you are relieved)
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