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I don't practice voodoo,
sticking pins in dolls
& playing with snakes
ain't my thing.

Santeria is not what I do,
slaughtering chickens
& shaking up bones
is for ding-a-lings.

But take black magic,
now that's different,
it's boss,
I can cast a mean spell,
mix you up a nasty potion.
Thinking about it, Forrest was right, life IS like a box of chocolates.
you don't know what you're gonna get
I mean it's all part of the game
If I get a box of chocolates I know
exactly what I WANT to get
But on the odd occasion that someone beats me to the soft centres,
I just curse softly
and try another.
I may not enjoy it quite as much as a good strawberry cream
but at least I had a chocolate!
Some people get to the box and they're all gone.
Quick or sorry
I am bored and when I get bored my mind has strange thoughts. Spent a good long time just sat staring into space thinking about life as a box of chocolates. Seen the film so many times and never really got it till now. Am I alone?
A baby screams
above the drone
& strange odors circulate,
clicking & snapping,
a nervous laugh
here and there
a dry cough
& the catching of words,
parts of phrases
is all you can hear
from Seat 9A
above the engine.
 May 2014 BaileyBuckels
        My love!
        My first bassoon!
        The one - who taught me loves sweet tune!

        GONE!  GONE!  -  GONE!  GONE!

        My love!
        My sweet La Lune!
        She came - and then was lost so soon!

        GONE!  GONE!  -  GONE!  GONE!

        My love!
        My great Maestro!
        The one - who taught me all I know!

        Why did she go?
        Why did she - L..E..A..V..E... - M..E?

        GONE!  GONE!  -  GONE!  GONE!

        My sweet La Lune! - She plays her tune
        Upon a shiny new bassoon!
        My sweet La Lune! - She plays for me
        Oh such ****** symphony!


        What's this?
        I spy La Lune?
        Blowing bassoon - a new c-o-n-d-u-c-t-o-r?
        His baton -
        She's sat upon!
        It seems she's found - a new i-n-s-t-r-u-c-t-o-r!

        GONE!  GONE!  -  GONE!  G­ONE!

        My love!
        My new found love!
        How I adore - your o-r-c-h-e-s-t-r-a-t-i-o-n!
        And with -
        Your dextrous hands -
        You fill me with - a-n-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-i-o-n!

        My love!
        My new found love!
        You light me up - a shining c-a-n-d-l-e!
        And with -
        Your dextrous lips -
        My baton loves - to feel your H-A-N-D-E-L!


        The end!
        The end is nigh!
        And they must die! - There's no denying!
        But how -
        To pay them back?
        For they deceived - me with there l-y-i-n-g!

        The end!
        The end is nigh!
       And they must die! - There's no denying!

        Upon my word - I will make them pay!
        Upon my word - they will die THIS DAY!      


I am afraid
I am alone
I am unknown
I am labelled

Labelled 'Damaged'
Did I damage myself?
No, fate did that
Can I atone?

Atone? For what?
A disease that differs for one and all.
I know what I am, but choose not to
take the moniker, 'sufferer'.

Yes, I hurt, I tire, I cry, but
I cannot explain, and you,
you cannot empathise, you
don't have MS, the broken smile.

I look whole, but I'm a jigsaw
with a missing piece. That piece is
peace. Peace of mind, peace for my
loved ones, peace for me.

I know I'm a person, I know I have MS
I know I'm loved, I know I'm a *****
I know I'm part of a family, daughter, sister,
aunt, niece, cousin and most importantly Wife.

I will be whatever the fates decide.
I will not be a sufferer.
I will not give up.
I will be loved.
We know what we are, but not what we may be.
William Shakespeare
I cannot recall the moment
that sanity became a working goal.

Drugs are expensive,
sobriety; even more so.
Somewhere between all of this
I will have to learn to live.

The homeless are pushed out of town,
asleep beneath the railway bridge
that sends rain through rivets
like bullets.

I keep punching the clock
as it throttles Eros with slow hands.

“Sometimes just a smile is enough”
reads a cardboard placard.
But I have not cracked a smile
since I started popping these pills.
/    \
/        \

Indian song

Walks with honor
Walks with dignity

( we walk together
We walk as one )

We escaped

We never listen to the lie


We only need to

Smoke signals


The real power


Living in eachother

We are free


Indian song

We hear of AMERICA but do not heed
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