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 May 2014 BaileyBuckels
 May 2014 BaileyBuckels
let it be one kiss with pure consience
let it be one hug with a deep heat
let it be one look with a innocent grin
let it be the truth without an evil end
You are the man I want to live life with,

The man I want  to explore the world with.
The man I want to play around with like a child.

You are the man I want to explore life with,

The man I want to explore all possible emotions that we face as the hands rotate around the clock.
The man I want to explore inside and out.

You are the man I want to spend my time with,

The man who is my companion through all the seasons of my days.
The man I want to be wild and free with.

You are the man I want to be with,

The man whose motorbike I want to sit on with my hair let down, where I can see your face and kiss your cheek.
The man who I want to hold on to and tilt my head back with a cheer to the sky.

You are the man I want to be free with,

The man who I want to be on a secluded beach with, taking off my clothes for a skinny dip.
The man who I want to have playful arguments with, challenging one another with who has the best come back.

You are the one I want to say yes to.
It's him again. The reason why.
I start anew, my pen has pride
It's him again. The reason why.
My pages are blank and full at the same time
It's him again. The reason why.
My joyful laugh, my sorrowful cry
It's him again. The reason why.
Days where I just can't get by
It's him again. The reason why.
I've cried so much, my eyes are dry
It's him again. The reason why.
Can't bring myself to say goodbye
It's him again. The reason why.

Romantic love

The police state's greatest friend !

Consumed by jealousy


Lost amid

The real strength  
That mighta been


Drunk and drugged

( the prey )

Youth wasted

Ideals dead

( the prey )

Winding up in the ****** bin

Or in some prison bed

Til you're ready for the factory
 May 2014 BaileyBuckels
the word
 May 2014 BaileyBuckels
your hands on my body
made me feel *****
                                 but I said nothing.
your lips on my mouth
stole my innocence
                                  but I said nothing.
your ugly words
made me want to run
                                 run without stopping
                                  run from the danger of a man
                                                             ­                a man with a hunger
                                                          ­                               a hunger for the parts of me that I wanted                  
                                        ­                                          to protect
with a word
                                  but I said nothing.      

I couldn't find the word
                          the word that would have saved me
it was hidden
            hidden by fear
                                fear of the threats you never made
                                                    threats you didn't have to make
                                           unless I said that word
                                                            ­        that word that rose in my throat
                                                       but couldn't shake my tongue
                                 so I said nothing.
To the sea,
To the sky,
To the vast earth at our
I bid you a thanks, for gifting me your
Shining bright, holy, lively
Full of aimless wonder, glowing with positives,
Amid the strangled uneasiness

You give new purpose, gaining strength in hordes.
Fly above head, filling my sight,
With clouds, specks, stars,
Yet beautiful in its own right
Bearing oceans of wealth,
Not money, but courage
Enough for everyone, amidst the array,
Breathing longing for your embrace.

Waves painted turquoise, hefting
Barrels of torrent, crest, chopping
Heavily away
Unheard words, whispering seashells
Into my ear, I hear your voice, calling
Beckoning for me, I walk, I run, tripping
Over myself
To get to you

I praise your beauty
For it lightens my heart
For it eases my mind
Everyone deserves peace

No one deserves war

Why is it happening?
Why is it occur?

Is it because of
It's because of
Your selfishness?
Your greediness?

Open your eyes wide
Look around you!

"Ahh! Ahh!"

The scream of poor women

"Mom! Dad!"

The sound of innocent children crying
Begging for their parents back

"Forgive us!"

The begging of forgiveness
Of the old folks
When it's not even their fault!

Even the creatures of the earth
Nowhere to be seen

All of them
Dead! Destroyed!
Just because of your stupid war!

You're saying

"They're terrorists!"

How dare you?!
How could you?

Are their life that priceless?
Are their life that meaningless to you?

Where does it go?
Where could it be?

Where is it?
Where is the justice you promise to give?

They don't deserve this
They don't deserve war
They deserve peace

They're humans

They're humans
Like us

What will you do if they're your family?
Let's give our support and pray for the victims of the war!!
And please don't treat others differently just because of their religion..
We're one, right??:)))
Peace No War!
 May 2014 BaileyBuckels
It happens
more and more rarely
in my ankle
run, run, run
catch the streetcar
named desire
(I cry with you Tennessee)

decanting the hours,
a rush  into nowhere
in honeycombed memory
the dregs of days
set my teeth on edge,
deepen the archway
of naked irises
hurled into midnight

It happens
lighter and lighter
in my left shoulder
pierced with sunset
lost in a sparrow
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