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 Jul 2014 Blink
Jo Hummel
Teeth against flesh.
It's a chaotic ritual,
seldom expressed,
but one that's required. Nevertheless,
there's beauty in death,
and mourning
is graceful-
though, terribly stressed.

Who would pity your demise?
A question worth a laugh
(or two),
and, to the answer-
a surprise:
I don't like you-
no, I'm quite sure I hate you, actually-
but it's quite hard to stop loving you.
I love how
Paint chips off the
Walls of this house
And how my sneakers
Are dirtied,
Maybe even torn at the edges
With their laces in fringed bouquets
Or how
My friendship bracelets are tarnished
And my books have coffee-stained, tampered pages
And I don't mind you
Or scratched,
Speckled with flaws,
With wrinkles when you smile
Or your childhood memory's scars
Or the dark circles under your eyes
Or your rough hands
You've been worked to the bone
There is nothing more beautiful than something that has served it's purpose.
What makes people beautiful isn't what they would normally think.
I strike the keys, and the letters appear,
But the words don't strike a key in here.
Or turn a phrase, and it's been this way
For minutes, hours days and days.
I long to feel the mystery
Of my own words
Turning the keys,
Opening rooms in me.

— The End —