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Ayeshah Dec 2015
Just a thought

but have you

ever wonder about how

the time is set

Like we know all about it

we have : Morning, Noon, Evening & Night

I know who came up with these names but what made them think of it

We know from sun up to sun down it's an order of things that goes like this

5:00 AM to 11:30 AM
11:30 AM to  1:00 PM
1:30 PM to  5:30 PM
5:30 PM to  9:00 PM
9:00 PM to  5:00 AM

Sometimes I don't even take a lunch until 3:00 pm.

So whose to say that's an evening meal when the times now so very different?

I work 12 hour shifts and Night is day for me...
so when should I sleep?

I know I'll have it once again explained,
but its not a question it's just
a Thought.*
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
my mind thinks of the weirdest things when I'm unable to sleep sometimes I'm just drifting from thought to thought for no reason at all...     lol I'll blame my mental.
Ayeshah Dec 2015
On my knees

once again

*I'm calling out for answers to questions  
a helping hand

I don't even know what to say

It's been sucha long time

I've asked for anything
for myself

What I'm asking for is simple

All I request is peace

Heal me and allow me to live again

Not be fearful of the
"what ifs"

Let this time be worthwhile

Where I'll have
 love & devotion

Loyalties a must
without it there's no trust

I come calling on you

begging for understanding

GOD please

*I'm calling on you & only you can save me

help me

reach out & teach me

Please hear me
I bend my head and pray

On My Knees
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Ayeshah Dec 2015
I had a thought

A wish

A prayer
and a few dreams

It was nice
Beautiful even

We never lied

We shared it all

Completed & complimented
one another

The *** was worth
wile & wild

We had more than history

More than romance
it was brilliant

A family


We weren't rich

Well off

Everyone got along

Problems occurred
we worked them out

Compromised in fact

We had it all
I had a thought

A wish

A prayer
and a few dreams
Then ....


I Woke up!

*Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
I can't remember your voice, and it hurt me so bad because it's the one thing I couldn't go without each day. I can't remember the way you kissed me and told me It was gonna be alright.
I can't remember your touch and it's something I craved so much, I can't remember the way you told me you loved me and how your face would light when I told you I loved you back. No I don't remember anything but the pain I felt after I told you I was sorry.
And it hurts so much..
That I don't believe in love anymore.
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Jacob Cuadro
Peace or dark words that pollute the air,

Observe the Knowledge of creativity and the imaginations for the world to share.

Evolve with the meditation of words to strengthen your mind,

Tome a secret place where you can hide and have your adventure of words to build that you can’t find.

Rejuvenate the art that you create in your mind to paint the world of new life and energy that you bring,

Yoke words that brings people in this world together to reunite peace and love because poetry is everything.

By Jacob Cuadro
Poetry  is everything
Ayeshah Dec 2015
I'm sad today
I've no reason to be
I'm  mad
my aloofness
isn't due to anyone thing
or a person in particular

These ambiguous feelings
have a way
of causing
havoc on me
my life and relationships

Friends more like foe
I'm finding it so dang hard
to freaking articulate
how I'm feeling
or my reasons behind
what I'm feeling
I liked you a moment ago
In a flash
I now wish
I could strangle you

rather say
it's more like frigid

yeah that's the best way
to describe
my bitter resentments
a moment ago I wanted to cook & clean
I just want to hide
I don't wish to speak to anyone
See me in whats going on
well we have a very
close acquaintance with madness
I'm so not understood
which is why

I've opted to be more of a recluse
I can be happy
then in a seconds it's gone

Laugh at a joke
be strictly upset
any provocation
will work
  I don't need a reason
dance in misery
flirt with darkness
make love to madness
find any excuse
to sum it up as love
No matter my mood some
how my mind plays these tricks
it'll finds way
every day to
be upset & hurt

Even when
nothing is wrong
  I'll find ways
that's just how it works

Yet I still wonder why

I'm drowning in regret

I'm sad today

I've no reason to be

Guess it's just one of
them days
Just one of my
Bipolar days
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
**** when one of your many aliments is Bipolar &  PTSD.....
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Cedric McClester
By: Cedric McClester

A Muslim goes to pray
At any mosque on any day
Which is not meant to convey
The things their critics have to say
I don’t know if you’re aware
Despite the way it may appear
A mosque is just a house of prayer
You’re not indoctrinated there

So wasted time is being spent
Looking at which mosque a terrorist went
That don’t give you the slightest hint
As to why he became so bent
You are more likely to find
The source that captured his warped mind
Somewhere down the dial on line
That’s how he became so blind

Nowhere in Qu’ranic teaching
Will you find what they are preaching
It’s a matter of them reaching
Their own ends while they are breeching
Everything that Islam stands for
Which put simply they ignore
Though that’s the badge they wore
While acting in ways Muslims abhor

They can bastardize the text
And baffle some folk’s intellects
By ignoring the balances and checks
That the Islamic religion projects
And it’s easy enough to fall
If there’s no foundation at all
You might answer anyone’s call
Who can reinterpret and enthrall

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.
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