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Ayeshah Dec 2015
I don't like
these feelings
I'm so sick
of myself
for feeling how I do

I don't understand
how you can tell me
such sweet things

Promise me a better life
as long as
we're together
no one else matters

So many talks of
never ending love
attained just for me

I'm your dream come true
your one and only

But You hold secrets
& blatantly
talk  to others
about me

Never have you said
one nice thing
in regard's to me

Whenever you've spoken
of me

It's been all the negatives
you've not mentioned your self
never about
not in front of me

Only all my problems
and how I make you feel

While taking advise from them
on us  yet not once
have you ever truly come to me

Keep talking to them and making it hard
let the advise you right out of my  life
& this here ****** up so called relationship

How funny
'cause you're pose
to be the one
to protect me
honor and cherish me

How can YOU ever
expect me to trust you
or believe in you ever again

when topic of discussions
have always been me
more so out of anger
yet none the less

I've never spoke
bad to anyone about you
even when given the chance to
I see no reason to do it EVER

so it'll only hurt the both of us
least that was my thinking

We're grown adults who have so many
ways to communicate
yet you rather
speak to others concerning me

You get a kick out of putting me down
& this helps how
by making fun of me or my mental

doesn't work either
not for me
or what we could of shared
so why do it and why hurt me

Everyone has issues  
complications and problems

The ones between us
could have been worked on

You'd rather
speak to others instead of me
lied to me right in my face
as you looked me in my eyes

Sadly-pathetically so
I believed you and
you betrayed me

Caused me to to fall for
an illusionistic relationship
a fictional reality

I had a desire to be loved
above all else

Thought I was chosen
out of an undying
unyielding love

I've come to find this
isn't true
and it's never gonna be

second fiddle
like a
monkey in the middle

Tired seems to be all I am
and ever can be

Sick of this burning
to belong
to have someone
I call home

if home is where the heart is
then I ain't got one

Your heart
isn't even close anymore
my home sweet home

'Cause I don't have
no more room
for all this so called love
what you kept showing
to be your type of love

My undoing
was you proving

* I've been entertained
by your delusional
of a falsified
made up

We can't ever be
you've just proved
always will be
completely & utterly
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
I never knew I was meant to be alone I used to think no matter what my past was  it wasn't my present and therefore I kept this belief that there was someone out there for me and I wouldn't give up hope or stop trying to allow love in, now I know I'm pose to be alone, I've tried this so called love thing and have fail & fallen too many time, I'm no longer interested in being loved i love me and my kids love me family and handful of friends i am content as is and rather not know this type of pain again.... yet when it finds me lol I wont fight it but i'll not go searching or looking I'm not even gonna wait for it.
I haven't FOR about 2years and have no reason to do so now, just thinking and venting, past has a way of making me feel some type way. thank you all for reading!
Ayeshah Dec 2015
I wake feeling alone

I sleep next to
a live carcass

seems impossible huh

Maybe it's me
I'm  the carcass
just maybe huh

I have no feelings
I'm feeling too much
wanting and needing to much

I was told;
"no matter who I'm with
I'll never find happiness"

Maybe this unfeeling
non-understanding Carcass
has it right

Maybe it's me and always has been
I should feel alive and content
only thing I'm feeling is pain and confusion
judged and judgement
every day of my life

I thought being with this so called man
would be a wise investment
figured I'm hard working plus very family oriented

He's hard working but when it comes to family
I don't see it

He doesn't care unless its about him and his,
I never had someone so disloyal and selfish

Maybe that's why I'll never be happy
least not with him
but he's not been the only one to shun me
or disregard my feelings

as if  the words I say make no sense to him
like I'm speaking in a foreign tongue

He seems not to comprehend anything
no matter how many times I've expressed or explained
and I'm so tired of asking *******

Seems to me I'm always begging
& Naw I ain't to proud to beg
but it's become tediously boring
and no-productive

Sick of myself and not liking
whom I've become
no longer am I care free
I'm more pessimistic than ever
& I just want to be alone!

um I don't think so
I've been in too many relationships
all based on the pretenses
that it was out of "love"

I'm tired
I no longer wish
to be involved

Is it wrong
that I've
given UP?!

And  is it wrong that
I no longer wanna be
with a living Carcass?!?!*

Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
love is dead, relationships dead, trust is dead, everything's dead but we're still breathing and carrying on as if this life we've shared isn't DEAD!
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
I was made for rivers of pain
Not plain crab but red grass
Smoked inside an appled colored flame
Dazzling while I dapple in the rain
Stained like church windows
Ready to crack before I crumble
Ready to rock before I rumble
Ready to bleed before I am humbled
Loneliness and uncertainty
Are spooks that keep ******* me
Ghosts that keep haunting me
Camouflaged and hunting me
Longing for the curves of her spine
To touch that thin line
That creases her smile
But I watch from a distance
Keep the memory of a dream
Keep the lie of what might have been
Add it to my repertoire
Stirring it in sweet saccharin  
But bitter as black coffee
The same color of her luscious flesh
Another heaven that I haven’t touch yet
Another sorrow for the lack of
That makes pain in to artistic stuff
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
The Dedpoet
Do you know what awaits beyond
Your dreams and hopes?
Do you suddenly in the later years
start to think about regrets?
     Before losing oneself in the tide
Of timeless past amidst a dense thought
Of who we ought to be,
     There in the afterthoughts stirring
In the depths of your gut,
A great extension of yourself comes about,
That which blindly guides us through
The dust of days.
    And the rust of yesterday's patterns glues
Itself to your brain which racks itself
And inhabits  the heart which weighs
Itself heavy.
    Do you remember when she first kissed
You suddenly and intently?
    Do you remember when she walked away
In tears and you furiously said nothing?
    And she became a regret
Waiting in ambush,
And the thought of her becomes like
A deep well in a vast desert,
The water inside holds a bittersweet charm,
She still awes you,
Against all the time,
Afainst the whole of the Earth,
And still a hope erupts from somewhere
Deeper like the rope that pulls you
Out of yourself.
     Such a familiar sadness.
Who are you compared to then?
And the hope wells against the tide,
Another part of you is born,
This one can see a distant light
From a certain view.
      And the rage is a hope,
      The regret a sad song,
      we remain more
      When time is least,
      And the least becomes
      A joyous misery.
Ayeshah Dec 2015
He said; What up ma

Oh yo you can't speak

******* *****

******* trick

acting like you're to good for me

YO *****
         I'm talking to you

You're here waiting for this bus

like everyone else  

          What the ***** wrong with you

He walks closer and bends down

                        all in my space

All up in my  face & I've yet to utter a sound

  I stand up & try to move round

He says yo *****

                   I'm talking to you

Pulls out a bunch of cash & waves it at me

I smile a smile so sugary sweet

He says; that's it ****

I bet now yo ***** *** gonna speak

I walk slowly up to him then look back

                       I see the bus is coming

                                    so I have to act fast

He's still waving his massive cash

I get close to him

placing my hands on each shoulder

                             I lean in
         so close

   I whisper in his ear

That's Mis ****

While my knee crashes
                          directly into his *****

I jab him right in his face

1st my right fist

             then with my left

and snatched all his cash

I run & hop my *** on
the bus

Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
SUV broke down few times and I had to catch the bus.... & YOU now know the rest!
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Indecisive* excusing behaviors and believing  against hope

prayers or wishes

Didn't know
couldn't fathom

I'd be rejected then imprisoned

Cofused misleading

implications await this bitter bed

Black roses & blistering thorns

crowned the conquered queen

Mangled chains tearing chaffing  swollen  wrists

Ankles held fast on this
tainted flea infested bed  

An ***** haze clouds all around  no sounds forth coming  

drugged induced
intoxicating lazy lulled senses

Heart's slowing down
No one can help
caught trap and stuck

"Love's" captured me again
but little does he know

I'll  be dead before
the sun's first glow**
     Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
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