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Axrchx 1d
Basking in the hazy dawn
staring at the dwindling moon.
Each passing second warmer than the previous.
The stars in the garden gently rise, tintless in the mist.
Surrounding as still as an isle in the ocean.
Soon at the demise of this silence
chaos of the chirping birds will prevail.
All these moments will permeate any heart with glee.
Then why is this heart drenched in sorrow
like the lines of an elegy?

Maybe its because witnessing the break of a new day
solidifies the yesterday that she let slip away
Maybe the roses in the mist appear gray
as an echo of her own bleak existence.
Maybe the silence irked a forlorn ego
her distorted mind kept at bay.
Maybe the blurry sight weighs her heart down
as it resembles the image of her future she pictured.
Maybe all these moments makes her ruminate
about the memories the merciless time marred.
wide awake at dawn w serene melancholy
Axrchx Jan 3
I see her dismal existence.
I see her eyes scream,
'why me?'.

Two people who raised her,
two people who loved her the most,
two people who took their own life.
The father left early,
she mourned and moved on.
As her heart and soul grew old
so did the bond with her mother.
Maybe it's after I came into the picture,
she truly understood the veiled weight of
Confined within her marital vows,
she still lives content
knowing that there is one other person
who truly understands her.
Warped, the world must've seemed
as she was pulled apart from that sense of relief.
As her mother left,
I watched mine teeter on the edge
of a meaningless pit.
As the seasons moves on, we hoped she would too.
But she is haunted
by what could've been.
Unlike all the other sorrows she has overcome
this one is too much.
This one is heavier
and much crueler.

I wish I could mend her forlorn soul.
but I slowly discern,
all I could ever do is listen.
Axrchx Nov 2024
I will build a shrine and worship you.
I will speak of you with the sweetest sound.
I will lay next to you and kiss you goodnight.
I will revolve around you like I'm your satellite.
I will stay by your side, even if my life falls apart.
I will think of you whenever i look at the moon.
I will shine for you during your darkest days.
I will remember every touch and every gaze.
I will write about us till the end of time.
Axrchx Nov 2024
Regret anchoring
me down from reaching out, to
that what lies ahead.
Axrchx Nov 2024
Your heart, bleeding red like a setting sun.
Mine, dyed in your deepest blue.
Like an avalanche, your sorrows descend upon me.
But Its ok.
I would rather be buried under your sorrows than
let you go.
Axrchx Nov 2024
A wretched mind frame
lit with sapphire flame.
In it my past ignites,
destined to flee into emptiness.

All my mental souvenirs slowly evanesces,
as if my mind is a quicksand.

What's the point
of making new memories
if i cant even hold on
to the one's that i already have?
Axrchx Nov 2024
Eyes flooding.
Heart sinking.
Dress soaking.
Limbs numbing.
May sound like I'm
but I'm laying
on my bed,
wishing i was dead.
wishing i was drowning.
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