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678 · Jul 2021
Avinash Jul 2021
I was always a seeker
of deeper meaning and truth
no matter how painful they might be
because nothing else could promise liberation
you either play inside a cobweb
or break it
For me the cobweb took little longer
to untangle but at least it did
Shall I indulge in grief
for the time wasted
or listen to the loud voice of
my fearless eternal soul
not a hard choice as
reconnection is already made.
Epiphanies are not planned
466 · Jul 2021
Avinash Jul 2021
Words have just meanings
Actions are just doings
Time is just a line
Music is just a sound
They are all dead
Unless they have nuances
Which make them alive
Pulsating, vibrating,
Inhaling, exhaling
I always wondered what made something alive. A word with its meaning is completely hollow unless it nuanced with another word. Same applies to everything in life.
453 · Dec 2020
She plays guitar
Avinash Dec 2020
She plays guitar
**** well
Everytime she is disturbed
by the world or her own thoughts
She strums
Her original songs
She says  I am a man of few words
Yes I am
But I always conversed
With her through poems
Words are meaningless
If they don't have
a Rhythm
Which she tries to find
Everytime she is disturbed
by the world or her own thoughts....
391 · Dec 2020
Avinash Dec 2020
Thoughts like clouds
move faster than wind
words appeared
now lost without a trace
how to catch hold of a moment
which did not belong to you
Let's write something
about the feeling itself
245 · Dec 2021
Avinash Dec 2021

भीड़तंत्र में स्वतंत्र
एक भेड़िया
पहन वस्त्र विचित्र
विहीन चरित्र
आत्मा मूर्छित
वसुधा कुंठित
जहरभरी जाह्नवी
बिक गया हर कवि
धुंदला रवि
मदमस्त भस्मासुर गा रहा
बहरे श्रोता
समझे चीत्कार को मल्हार
झूम रहे खाके
जड़ी बूटी
किसी का सर कुचला
किसी की कमर टूटी
समय बदलेगा
हमेशा बदला है
इतिहास ने किसको बख्शा है
बख्शीश देने वालों को भी नहीं।
234 · Apr 2021
Avinash Apr 2021
I have a strong urge
to purge fallacy
of my own and others
of my kindred soul
and my brothers
the shackles you see
are barely there
But those inside
your mind
rattle your soul
Using truth as sword
Justice as shield
Martyrdom awaits
In the holy battlefield.
We are living in a world of fallacy at every level.
230 · Nov 2020
Avinash Nov 2020
Does a flower
Grant permission
To a bee
Does the earth
invite rain
All they do
is welcome
their kindred soul
- Avinash
179 · Dec 2020
Rearview Mirror
Avinash Dec 2020
I have seen times
and places
From where
Getting out was impossible
But something
Kept me going
Even now
It is with me
I just can't
place my finger on it.
132 · Dec 2020
Avinash Dec 2020
He liked going out with them
As they behaved in public
He loved the guests
As in front of them
No one abused
119 · Jan 2021
Avinash Jan 2021
You are his first friend
I was told by his mother
The house  had an iron grill
Nobody was allowed inside
Only those who would not judge
The roof was leaking
A bucket was kept
To protect the floor
Made of mud
Yet they were good people
Full of faith and character
and hope
You both are like brothers
She told later
I brought books for him
I fought for him
Gave him whatever I could
Let him do things I could not
Fate took a different turn
He found success
I failure
One after another
in relationships and life
25 years on
when I had nobody to turn to
He came forward
with a helping hand
Without a word
To a friend
86 · Nov 2020
It Happens
Avinash Nov 2020
When you wish for something
From the core of your heart
Like a prayer
In the language of universe
Sooner or later
It happens
85 · Nov 2020
Mind over Matter
Avinash Nov 2020
Reactions are not bound to actions
If you think
There is no break in your thoughts
If you pause
Silence is a song yet to turn into melody
If you listen
Every end is a beginning
If you read
With an open mind
and breathe.
78 · Nov 2020
Avinash Nov 2020
In simple words
It saved me from insanity
made my reality, beautiful
I discovered a language
I could speak
Talk to people
I love
It made my home
It sheltered me
A safe asylum
Where all my dreams
are alive
Beyond the reach
of any harm.
73 · Nov 2020
Place and Time
Avinash Nov 2020
It can be a wrong place
It can be a wrong time
But it cannot be the wrong You.
72 · Dec 2020
Avinash Dec 2020
Truth is beautiful
No matter, however it looks like
It can only be observed
But never be understood
You can appropriate lies
But not the truth
It stands alone
Naked and exposed
Fearlessly careless.

— The End —