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May 2013 · 1.4k
Martian Calling Earthling
Àŧùl May 2013
Martian Tongue Message:

Intelligent Earthling's Reply:

Sometimes you just have to get the vibrations correct.
My HP Poem #234
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
There has been an era of happiness,
There has been an era of loneliness.

The mountain stood so lonely,
Yes it used to be lonely.

Then the happy cloudling came by,
Yes it stayed for some moments that just lasted till it was like nevertime.

But then the earthquake came,
None could help the mountain stand on its base and it fell down.

The Cloudling got off from The Mountain.
In pop-culture, a cloudling means a small-beautiful cloud.
My HP Poem #233
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013





We need no taming,
We ourselves are the masters,
We are the masters!

Masters need no recognition!

Just fear the real power!!!
Peace. Meant only as a poem. Peace.
My HP Poem #232
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 735
How My Card Palace Falls
Àŧùl May 2013
I build my palace of cards.
High, huge & majestic I build it.
People see it & envy me for having it.
But still it is just a palace built of cards.
Our maid switches on the ceiling fan now.
All the cards scatter & I just watch helplessly.
Wish I could just prevent the palace from falling.
My HP Poem #231
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.1k
A House Ready-Made For You
Àŧùl May 2013
I don't refer only to our comfortable parental house in Bangalore,
But here I also mean my heart and my heartbeats are the percussionist's rhythm issuing out loud for you.

And I feel your feet shaking to it as you hold me in a tight embrace & it beats aloud rhythmically for you,
It's my heart which I mean here as the house ready-made for you,
My HP Poem #230
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 860
Àŧùl May 2013
If there was any such thing for humans,
The elemental concept of true love would truely stand failed,
Right is the saying 'love is blind'.

We just like & dislike each other's habits,
So love is mere straight-forwardness, modification and attachment,
That together make up the concept of 'true love'.

Just dream on & on till you finally plan,
And get your love ultimately gaining their deepest of desires fulfilled,
This way you can decisively prove yourself to *none but you.
But this in no way depicts my indecisiveness
My HP Poem #229
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.1k
The Same Horrific Hospital
Àŧùl May 2013
It is not as ugly,
Even not as scary.
But tell me - won't you,
Who like to go to big hospitals of the nation?
My HP Poem#227
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 843
Viral Fever
Àŧùl May 2013
The fever rages up,
People say it's because I think too much.
Perhaps I would give my brain some rest now.
My throat is also aching and there's not much of relief each passing moment.
It gets even worse than what it looked like initially.
On a small offing as I need to recover from this maddening hot feeling around my eyes.
But I'm me, I can survive much tougher things, what's this viral fever's plight.
2-3 days offing is much needed.
The thermometer read 103* Fahrenheit at that time.
I needed her to contact me whenever she read this.
My HP Poem #226
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013

I often think that
I should not love you.


But what to do,
Just like you-you-you,
I have a vulnerable heart too,
More than what we think it loves you.
My HP Poem #225
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
I plan to give her pedicure once again this time.
She will be happy and bless me from her heart.
And her smile will be so content-filling to me.
Her blessings are such great that I met you.
It was on the last year's June 19, Tuesday.
She will complete fifty two years this year.
You led me here we were friends on 19/6/12.
If I must remind ourselves then I'll recount it.
We had met on the biggest socializing website.
Then you & me were like the beauty & the poet.

Here I have written several poems just for you and I know you enjoy reading those because you told me.
My mum lives over three hours away from where I live.
Written for my best friend, Kripi Mehra.
My HP Poem #224
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
Welcome to this poem written by a strange poet.
Here we will get to know the story behind the poem.

He had actually created his own Taj Mahal.
Not just the telephone I refer to here in this poem.

There is his Taj Mahal which we all remember daily.
Not just the telephone I refer to here in this poem.

His girlfriend's name was Margaret Hello.
Do not we say Hello so many times daily?

Alexander Graham Bell even got future generations to remember his love.
Each time when we're on a call then we almost automatically say Hello.

He didn't **** or impair any of his assistants,
Totally opposite to what Shahjahan had done.

Alexander Graham Bell was the greatest among lovers who immortalized his love,
The other one is Me! as I write all my poems without her thought escaping my mind.

I hope you enjoyed the story behind 'Hello!' very much and are of a similar opinion about all of it.
It's his Taj Mahal.
He created the most beautiful wonder for his love of life.
All of us, whether literate or illiterate, whether educated or uneducated, we all have said 'Hello!'
Bell was on contrary to Shahjahan, a perfect lover who just wanted his love to be remembered by all.

Please do respond to this poem about Hello.
My HP Poem #223
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
Before you criticize me too soon, I think you should spare some seconds and answer a simple question to yourself...

If Shahjahan loved Mumtaz Mahal so much, why he had a harem of wives to use at his own pleasure?

While I agree that the Taj Mahal is arguably the most extraordinarily beautiful monument in the world, I don't agree upon the fact that it was built as a tomb of love. It is just a symbol of madness if you asked me. An emperor's insecure feeling to get his name registered in the history books. While it may be one of the most beautiful architectural monument, it was built by over 20,000 architects, craftsmen, masons and engineers who took over 16 years to build the magnificent building.

He got this apparently high & prestigious monument of love built but everything that the Emperor did was not pleasant at all.

° The lavishly living Mughal Emperor spent all his - his subjects' money into building this monument of love instead of keeping his subjects well-fed.
° Mumtaz Mahal might have been the luckiest woman to have died and got such a marvelous building built as her mausoleum but she died giving birth to her & Shahjahan's 17th offspring and then Shahjahan who had uncountable other wives was inspired by her demise apparently to undertake what is termed as the biggest project in history build the costliest monument proclaiming his rule.
° The arrogant - falsely proud lover - Mughal emperor didn't know that what he thought to be looked at as the greatest symbol of love will be criticized by some poet in his own land nearly 375 years later. The insane Mughal Emperor got all the builders of the Taj Mahal's fingers cut-off of so that there could be no other Taj Mahal.

But Aurangzeb, his & Mumtaz Mahal's son overthrew his power when Shahjahan got older and locked him up in a jail at the other end of Yamuna river where the emperor then died a sad old lovelorn bedlamite person in prison. Aurangzeb was the exact opposite of his dad, he showed religious intolerance and his habits drove the empire towards its doom after his death.

But let me think this way; when I look at any picture of the Taj Mahal, what I get the first thing in mind is this: *Such a CRAZY emperor who got such a beautiful monument of Egotism built!
Sorry Shahjahan's admirers, his love's sympathizers, people with softer views towards such love & romance.
But I believe that such people are just confused in their lives.
My idea of love isn't just that ideal.
My HP Poem #222
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.2k
That Man Should Easily Earn
Àŧùl May 2013

Leaks the

Already a
Master of
Wow I invented a new degree!
Many would be having such people in mind who they consider an expert fartist!
Dedicated to our neighbor at one of our earlier homes!
And guess what, we were sorry for having lived there!! ;)
Peace be upon all of those who died in his offensive **** noises & smells!!! :D
My HP Poem #221
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
She's my everything.

The maid holding my hand in loneliness,
The masseuse massaging me in tiredness,
The path-shower with candle in darkness.

She's so magically young.

The angel materialized into my life by chance,
The angel that waves her wand in my tension,
The angel smiling & making my world shine.

She's my everything,
She's so magically young,
(: My young angel smiles & my world shines so bright. :)
My HP Poem #220
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
Starting from the newest, these are my first fifty followers on Hello Poetry.

1. Hailey L May 5
2. Elizabeth Squires May 4
3. Tim Knight May 3
4. Morgan Hanchulak May 3
5. Vi Snicket May 2
6. Jessica Applegate Apr 30
7. Himanshu Koshe Apr 30
8. Mike Winegar Apr 29
9. Joey Lapiana Apr 29
10. Christopher Munro Apr 29
11. Raffi Kaftajian Apr 26
12. Shari Forman Apr 25
13. Jessica Who Apr 24
14. RedWritingHood Apr 22
15. Adreishka Moonlight Apr 21
16. Rocky G Apr 19
17. Sarina Apr 18
18. John Moffatt Apr 17
19. Izisfat Apr 9
20. Leila Apr 8
21. Marian Apr 5
22. Star Toucher64 Mar 30
23. Michelle Mar 26
24. Kristo Frost Mar 25
25. Ra Mar 20
26. Jacqueline Melissa Woolums Mar 15
27. ennyo Mar 11
28. Ellen Menzies Mar 9
29. Jodi Casavant Mar 8
30. Jillyan Adams Feb 20
31. Hailey Scomet Feb 2
32. Pete Taken Alive Jan 17
33. Md HUDA Jan 6
34. Joshua Ohmer Jan 1
35. Quinn Puwang Dec 30, 2012
36. Rissa Ann Dec 10, 2012
37. Hilda Dec 9, 2012
38. Rena Julleitta Dec 7, 2012
39. Emily Rose Williams Dec 7, 2012
40. Abdosh A Dec 5, 2012
41. Naveena Vijayan Dec 4, 2012
42. Kristian Alexander George Dec 1, 2012
43. Oliver Delgaram-Nejad Dec 1, 2012
44. Chessnie Lea Nov 27, 2012
45. Ugochukwu-Charles Onyewuchi Nov 25, 2012
46. Timothy Nov 24, 2012
47. Who Am I Nov 24, 2012
48. Matthew P Hill Nov 23, 2012
49. Tomas Nov 21, 2012

I gained inspirations for my poems from all my followers, those who I follow and especially my lovely little one who brought me here to Hello Poetry first, to a safe haven of like-minded people with a poetic niche each.
Thank you all.

First of all I thank you Eliot York for creating this wonderful poetry blog.

(-: And how can I ever thank you enough for introducing me to this wonderful website, just like Krishna guides Arjun in grand Mahabharata epic. You are my Krishna and I am your Arjun. :-)
(-: You share the place with Eliot York and the family of Timothy sir for inspiring my poems & helping me define my poetic style. As you are a kid for me, your heart is a crystal to me from where I can see the world more clearly in a different way. :-)
Thanks to all,
Thanks Timothy sir for you inspire me to develop my own style of poetry,
Thanks for the introduction to Hello Poetry.
This is not exactly a poem,
Thanks note it is.
My HP Poem #219
E B joined me at Hello Poetry on this day itself.
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
May 7 is but here
I've nothing to fear.
I won't fall again in the
Deadly clutches of death.
People have left me in pain
To make way for better ones.
My heart's wish to be with ones
Who love me is getting here now.
To completion in contentment it gets
Now and just few more years it will take.
In the year 2017 I will complete 7 full years
Of this life so complete and I'll talk to her dad.
Hopefully by then I'll make my career too decent
Making it easy enough for him to decide about us.
May 7, 2010 was the eventful day in my life which I can't ever forget.
I met with a deadly accident that day which changed my life.
No, I don't mourn that day, but I celebrate the victory of life.
Victory of my parents in saving me and the victory of my well wishers' wishes over my ill-wishers' wishes.
So I am just happy in completing 3 years of my second life.
And that's not all, those who know why they know why. ;)
My HP Poem #218
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
And I am sure that you will remain here holding my
Hand as you take lessons from my experienced life...

You told me a bright promise of love and appreciation
Which I believe will stay for the entirety of our lives..

No I am not afraid of losing you to circumstances now
That we have come in perfect tuning with each other.
(: !oh lovely little angel this one's for you again! :)
My HP Poem #215
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
There's a saying which is popular in this world,
They say the feeling of love diminishes...

We also fight a lot of days in the beginning,
But I'm confident that our love won't abate..

And so we will win our own little world away,
Different from this world and uniquely sweet it'll be.
For the one and only, my only one; forever.
My HP Poem #215
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
Whenever I touch her in her dreams,
And she looks very cute as she smiles.

She wakes up with a smile after that,
And again looking cuter as she smiles.

When we talk on phone she tells it all,
And again I feel her going all smiles...

:-) :-* :-)
My HP Poem #214
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 936
Comas Took Loved Jilly Bean
Àŧùl May 2013
Ihis As P Tilly Soem,
What Till Yake Lou Maugh,
Anly Ofter Dou Yecipher Phis Toem!

Wou Sill Yay:
Ihis Ns Tonsense!

Ind A Lill Waugh!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
An Irritating Poem For Those Who Can't Decipher It
My HP Poem #213
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
I weigh 68 kilos right now,
But I must cut 3 more kilos.

Then I'll be fitter with my body more defined,
But - I don't intend to become a bodybuilder.

I don't just want to tighten my body's muscles,
I want to make sure there is not any loose skin.
I stand 70 inches tall, so my BMI is just about fine and I'm not anywhere near fat; but still I need to rip my body.
My HP Poem #212
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 637
A Complete Life
Àŧùl May 2013
Marriage with the ideal person you love,
Look after two cutest naughty little kids,
Remain happy with the love of your life.
My HP Poem #211
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.5k
Àŧùl May 2013
I live in the city fabled to have been Karnā's resting place in the Mahābhāratā.
Located on the Yamunā river-bank it's a small city named Karnāl.
There are not many places worth living here.
But I luckily live in the NDRI campus.
National Dairy Research Institute.
It is unlike rest of the city.
Calm & Vast & Green.
My HP Poem #210
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 2.9k
Àŧùl May 2013
The pretty Peacocks welcome me,
They have their colorful feathers spread for display,
They shake their bodies & attract me.

I then move towards the next enclosure,
I see an Asiatic Lion sitting gracefully like the King,
I realize that he in deed was the King.

I then see one of them sitting like a human being,
I was greeted by the awesome orangutans next,
I wish to get myself a pet orangutan someday.

Roaming half-way through the Zoo I get tired,
I decide to see the rest of the dream tomorrow.
My HP Poem #209
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 13.0k
Jammu & Kashmir
Àŧùl May 2013
Another beautiful state in the Republic of Bhaarat,
It is plagued by cross-border terrorism,
How they redden the green valleys is appalling.
My HP Poem #208
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
There's an imaginary place called Heaven,

The day I die and you miss me then just follow me to the Heavens.

Where we won't die or suffer anymore,

It will be just you and me singing sweet soft songs of happiness.

Here we sit holding hands till eternity,

Without having to endure any pain much too heavy & harsh.
My HP Poem #207
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 524
X-Ray Photographs
Àŧùl May 2013
Eerie it is!
Your own skeleton!
Staring at you!
My HP Poem #206
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
Because you're my dear,
Because you're my love,
Because you're my life.

I used to look for a comparison,
Someone to compare you with,
But not now-not now-not now.

Because you're the happiest,
Because you're the sweetest,
Because you're the loveliest.

I used to remain so sore with life,
And I resented it for being so cruel,
But now you're here, yes you're here.

Because you're destiny's sun shining,
Because you're my garnishing beam,
Because you're my true-true-true love.

I feel so optimistic with future now,
And I know that I'm so vulnerable,
But now nothing can go wrong.

Because you're completing me,
Because you're wanting me,
Because you're loving me!
You know who it is for, because it is for the lovely little one; my one & only little one, my unique love.
My HP Poem #205
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 326
I Am Alive
Àŧùl May 2013
You touched the bottom of my limp heart,
It started beating once again,
I am alive.
Once more,
It amazingly is a joyous rain,
You showered like happiness on my life.
You know who it is for, because it is for the lovely little one; my lovely little one.
My HP Poem #204
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 2.7k
Loki - The Schemer
Àŧùl May 2013
Enter Lizzy in the foothill forests & Loki up in the mountains

Both say their hymns separately initially.

Loki at the mountains
Loki: I am so happy of my freedom

Lizzy in the forest at the foothills
Lizzy: I can't imagine of a better situation

Loki moving down the mountain
Loki: But I want a true lover to mould me better

Lizzy moving towards the mountain
Lizzy: I now want a true lover to honor my feelings

They meet each other and conversation follows
Loki: How could I come across such a beauty!
Lizzy: Even I think likewise, you are so handsome!
Loki: Come, let's make love right now & right here.
Lizzy: How could you ****** me so easily, is it a magic.

Loki: My name is Loki, I'm the God here and you should fall into my arms listening this.

Loki transforms into his celestial form.

Lizzy faints seeing Loki's transformation as she realizes that it was the dreaded-scheming Norse God.

Loki catches her as she faints and takes her to his cave on the mountain.
A poem themed on Norse Mythology.
My HP Poem #204
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 731
Spam Mails
Àŧùl May 2013
So irksome they are,
Reading preposterous ****** words.

You've won a million,
In lottery you didn't even participate.

I do not care about them ever at all,
So foolish they are.

Spam-bin is more full than the inbox,
So pointless they are.

Funny only up to a limit they are,
So irksome they are.

If any spammer reads this, please excuse me of such irritable spam mails 'coz I DON'T read them.
Save yourself some time in doing good to yourself & the needy instead of spamming false stories & tall claims.
My HP Poem #203
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.2k
Never You Betray
Àŧùl May 2013
Coz I'm Loving You,
And I'm Feeling True.

Now You Feeling Me,
I'll Make It Very Sweet.

Wherever You Are,
It's My Paradise Yaar.

As You Come To Me,
I'm So Feeling Free.

Never Felt This Way,
So Never You Betray.

You're The Yaar In Me,
I Feel You In Everything.

As You Travel With Me,
I See Success Reaching You.

The More Toiling You Are,
Sharpening Your Mind Yaar.

Further Up The Trail You'll See,
You'll Be Where You Wish To Be.

Touch Me Finally As You Wish,
I'll Make Sure You Attain The Kiss.
Yaar = Friend in Persian/Urdu/Hindi
Always & Forever
(: (: (: (: (: :) :) :) :) :)
My HP Poem #202
© Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.5k
A Poem For Jessica Applegate
Àŧùl May 2013
Applegate sounds like
Like a gateway to the Garden of Eden,
With fruits like apple it has been laden.
Like a nutritious surname fit for health,
That health which helps making wealth.
My Hello Poetry Poem #201
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
You listened to me once before,
I am happy that you're satisfied,
For a bigger test you prepare,
Don't you fret as I'm by your side.

You ask me who you are to me,
I answer it looking carefree,
I tell you with a smile,
You are a normal one,
And a chatting friend,
Who is a Nature's gift,
You're closest to heart,
And the best gift I received,
You smile brilliantly reading this.

You raise your eyebrows as you read on,
And baby you're much more to me,
You're my sweet lover,
I'm a learned advisor,
Your life-long friend,
You're my everything,
And the love between us everlasting,
You feel your love for me even stronger.

Rude I might be but so it is my dear!
I care for you!
But you still must prepare your notes!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
There's no escaping it in the real world!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
But you need not sweat, you need not fret,
I'm here to help you.
For real.

But don't you worry,
I am here by your side,
I'll help you proceed easy,
Towards success.
Don't think you will study less,
You will study more than others,
And you won't sweat or fret,
Because sky is what you want,
Toil hard & the moon is what you get.

(: I am here to help you my beloved little one. :)
Always & Forever
(: (: (: (: (: :) :) :) :) :)
My HP Poem #200
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013
Three fifty four kilometers,
That's the distance between us.

Three mouse-clicks away,
That's the space between us..

Three+Two hours it will take,
That's the least from my city...
(: (: (: (: (: :) :) :) :) :)
My HP Poem #200
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
Àŧùl Apr 2013
The left hemisphere of my brain,
-Yes the very one I feel for you from-
Keeps on repeating just a phrase,
-3 words and 10 characters & spaces-
Don't you know what phrase it is?
-Okay I will re-re-re-re-re-re-repeat it-
For the umpteenth time I say it,
-I lost count with the passage of time-
But as it is for you I must repeat it,
-My Lovely Little One, *I Love You-
And I'm never gonna lose you gal
My HP Poem #199
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
My Ω-Birthdays
Àŧùl Apr 2013
I was born twice, yes I was born & reborn.
Born once on December the 23rd in the year 1990,
And I was born again on May the 7th in the year 2010.

I was born twice, quite unusual, but really true it is.
On December the 23rd in the year 1990 it was biological,
And I survived the accident on May the 7th in the year 2010.

So now you get how I'm a man of Ω-Birthdays, don't you,
Unluckily I fought and brought myself back to this world,
And I am so lonely now, it would've been peaceful if I died.

All of the world who had once been friends with me hates me,
Unlucky enough for me to keep losing real-world friends,
And I hate myself for being such a weird personality.

All the happiness is lost somewhere in this world,
Not unusual for me to lose happiness frequently,
And I must give into this arrangement and suffer.

All my suffering is on behalf of this indifferent world,
Time & Karma distribute sufferings uniformly here,
And I take the problems on myself as I can stand them all.

All the happiness in my account was just temporary,
Let me suffer all of yours problems today whosoever reads this,
And I guarantee you happiness replete when you read this to a grimace.
My HP Poem #198
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013
The autumn leaves have fallen,
They have been collected in heaps.
Eyeing the brownish heaps I wait now,
The garbage van should be coming soon,
They collect olden golden fallen autumn leaves.
Soon to be replaced by new green spring growth,
But till then this season-cycle must persist & propagate.

Sometimes even relationships need patchwork to be done.
My HP Poem #197
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 319
Divine Sin
Àŧùl Apr 2013
A chapter from my novel.
Read it here.
Not a poem but a link.
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013
Traditionalism is what they follow,
Prehistoric is how they live,
Caring none about real human beings!

They depend on human protection,
Yet they pray the lifeless idols & establishments,
Statues & religion they call them and waste money on them.

They would do their own important work,
Tell me to better stop writing these blasphemous poems,
Praying, remembering the lord & idol-worshiping is all they care about.

People like them won't donate directly to the poor,
They say that they put some money in the places of worship,
Idols - their idols is who they live for and survive by.

My telling this to my countrymen or anybody in the world is vain,
They would still go to on or more places of worships,
Think that it is not idol worshiping and again not serve the needy directly.

They can only criticize me for writing blasphemous words of pain,
They would even fight with or **** me if they got hold of me,
But they won't stop idol-worshiping and start serving the poor directly themselves.

A Messiah calls the idol-worshipers,
To avoid going to places of worship,
To come and serve the real world,
To realize that what you are losing,
To help you realize the value of humanity,
To make you realize the value of the real world.

If you're not scared of change then join me in this new religion,
Here we don't worry about God/Ishwar/Bhagwan/Rabb,
But we do things that make The Power Happy,
Do social service and cleaning their houses,
Help the needy monetarily/practically,
Instead of just donating somewhere,
Shun donations to the places of worship,
Go to the needy personally or parcel them happiness,
Make sure that the courier service/other establishment you use is 100% genuine.

Avoid those agencies who are supposedly in one of the common names of The Power,
Hire a company/firm to actually make your donations reach the needy,
It'll be very helpful for the humanity which is prime & real,
Try this by whatever methods you find genuine,
You'll feel yourself elated & calm,
Take my word,
10 Stanzas (including this) Advocating Why Theism/Idol Worshiping Is Not Always As Good As They Make It Look Through Their Words, Their Grandeur & How Your Donations Might Go In Vain Instead Of Reaching The Needy.
The Money You Donate At Places Of Worship Can Sometimes Fail To Reach The Needy.
I can only request you to get out and serve the needy by your own hands.
I'm now rendered disabled to travel to the city.
I can only try to say the words I have always felt.
I used to do as much social service as I could.
I surely going out today, take food for them & massage the legs of elderly lying on the platforms & footpaths.
I owe my life to the people, it was the blessings of the social service that I had done in my first life that I got this second life after the serious accident.
That's all I want to do - social service.
This is not sad at all, you'd agree, just too different from what you read daily.
P.S.: If there're no needy in close proximity, only then I'd suggest that you donated.
My HP Poem #196
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013
Warning: This is not a nursery rhyme for the fainthearted.

The promise lit by life,
Was actually lit by your lies.
My forehead is mine I am made to realize,
Realization comes painfully when I bang the wall.
****** I am hurting myself but that's all,
Never stupidly brave enough to actually finish it.
I request that entity to let me live my life,
Cursed wasn't how I wanted to survive.
The misgivings are just that bit too much,
As though a beehive fell on my head as much.
I bang my head to the tune which I play,
And I am unable to bang it on a wall.
Peace is what I get finally
Cursed is how I live my life every day,
Talking to walls like concentrated prisoners.
I dare you to swap it with me!
Yes! Swap your life with me right now,
If you can't walk with me for the mile.
The mile I dreamt with you,
The smile you promised,
The mile of my life.

Forget about it

I'm just joking about the swap,
I'm no Devil,
You can't live how I live because,
It's my life,
And I'm happy with as much I got,
I've to breath alone,
There must be some serious curse on me,
I accept that curse.
Loving people and then losing them is a ritual,
I must live alone like a hermit.
But you can live on talking only with the darker,
Idol-worshiping him only.
Enjoy with his pictorial representations & idols,
Only one darker idol can you find.
This is why I averse myself from idol-worshiping,
Because it destroys relations.
I lost not only my telephonic-best friend,
But also my real life best friends started avoiding me.
Not an idol-worshiper is a blasphemous term,
In her religion, in Hinduism.
It destroys relations if you start loving your idols,
And if you even start living like your idols.
You never did quite understand what Ishwar/Bhagwan/Rabb/God actually meant.

All the best with your Kanhaiya,
I wish you all the happiness,
And hope that He gives you what I couldn't,
Let your imagination work wonders for you.
Note that this poem was the last among my sad series and now I'll mostly post happy poems.
My HP Poem #196
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 584
How I Can't Stop Loving You
Àŧùl Apr 2013
Because there is just not a particular button
Either in the real world, or in my memory
Not even key in my mind to stop myself
From loving you Oh ignorant fellow!

You are still here lodged inside my mind
Like a bullet, from a war of olden times
Always I wonder who is my destroyer
Was it you Oh young persecutor!
My HP Poem #195
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
All Boo Hitler
Àŧùl Apr 2013
A ******
Falsely insecure
German racist he was
Who only luckily got lucky.
My HP Poem 194
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013









Look at my profile picture and you'd know that it was an 'I'm irritated' look on my face during the arduous time. Counting the two on my chest, the four on my forehead and the eleven on my skull, they are a total of 7teen electrodes on my head. I had to bear them on my head for complete 2 hours and 30 minutes. Again & again I grew sleepy on the comfortable couch but the doctor kept telling me again & again to keep awake but keep my neck from dropping down.
Just ridiculous!
I hope this first time was the final time I've had to get an E.E.G. done.

My HP Poem #193
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 348
I am but the Sun - Part 2
Àŧùl Apr 2013
I am but the Sun,
I light things up often,
But they hide themselves,
Their skins get a sun burn,
So I am wanted by none.

They avoid me in the days,
Their sunscreens & shades,
But they do long for me,
I make things so warm,
In the winters.
My HP Poem #191
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 273
I am but the Sun
Àŧùl Apr 2013
I am but the Sun,
I light things up often,
But they hide themselves,
Or their skins get a sun burn,
This is why I'm wanted by none.

:-) (-:
My HP Poem #190
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 358
Our Story
Àŧùl Apr 2013
Started on Facebook where we came across each other on a page we both liked.
Continues & matures on Hello Poetry as you guided me here seeing my taste..
But it would not end even after we die - because it can't be forgotten by all...
We have our own people here who like poetry and write nice poems too....
These dreams now seen by you & me will one day be materialized.....
Now you have started studying as I had told you to sincerely......
I'm carefree about future with you now - just so carefree.......
So this way our story starts each time we have words........
It'll develop each time we talk with more beauty.........
And until eternity will our story be repeated..........
My HP Poem #187
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 482
I Wish You The Same, Leila
Àŧùl Apr 2013
And may you get,
If you haven't yet,
The guy who you haven't met,
Who fulfills your dream on net.

And may you be content,
If you still are discontent,
The love you desired in nights,
Who takes you out on flights.
My HP Poem #186
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013
She is not my lady yet,
Seven more years and she'd be done with studies.
Till then we just maintain our honesty,
And we pass every test.

All tests posed by life,
We have to be patient & crack each of them.
She must learn more patience,
I must get her as wife.

She is not my lady yet,
But she surely is the maid with dark hair.
But she realizes now that,
She is my love & life.
:-) :-) :-)
My HP Poem #186
© Atul Kaushal
Apr 2013 · 278
It Used To Beat For Me
Àŧùl Apr 2013
Yes, It's My Heart,
So It Did Use To Beat For Me,
But Not Now - Not Now - Not Now.
Now It Beats For You.
My HP Poem #185
© Atul Kaushal
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