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Aug 2013 · 709
The Thin King Is Thinking
Àŧùl Aug 2013
He is a puppet of great calibre,
This suffices his description,
Both anatomically and morally.

Always moving at the Queen's command,
Feeding himself only with her fed words,
Doing not the right thing but her bidding.

Words like 'We strongly condemn,'
Or 'We will take appropriate measures,'
Sit elegantly on his lips all the time.
Every time he sits alone for dinner,
Or every time he stands in front of mirror,
The Thin King Is Thinking what he succeeded to.

My HP Poem #390
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 898
I'm Sorry (Romantic)
Àŧùl Aug 2013
I am really sorry her younger sister,
Don't mean to spoil your fun but really,
You would not get to tease her forever!

I am really sorry her little brother,
Don't mean to take your artist away,
You would not get her to do charts!

I am really sorry her strict mother,
Don't mean to insult you but we'll elope,
You would not get to polish her by scolding!

I am really sorry her loving father,
Don't mean to question your upbringing,
You would not get to love her as much as me!

Oh my dream-most-real how I wait for you,
The brush of these twigs of the love tree,
I will gulp the swigs of tears belonging to you!

Oh my young inspiration how I love you,
The gush of the potion of our love is awaited,
We will have a toast of happiness each!

Oh my young companion how I require you,
The lush gardens of love expect us really soon,
Come to my street forever I wait for *you!
Just in case if you noticed,
This poem as well like my life,
Starts with 'I' and ends with 'you'!

My HP Poem #389
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
The disco-***** used to keep spinning,
From one girl to the other in vain,
Seeking nothing but true love.

The disco-***** can even stiffen a stick,
The naughty-but-untouched disco-stick,
The best dancer was all the time awaited.

The Union is going to take place,
On the night of disco's marriage,
Its thirst will finally be quenched.
You're to teach me as well how to dance!

My HP Poem #388
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Everybody knows of Istanbul in Turkey,
This poem will only lay some light on it,
Through the history & mankind's irony.

Istanbul was settled as a Greek colonial city,
'Twas named Byzantium after a Greek king,
And the Old Greek king's name was Byzas.

The Romans under Constantine won over it,
Now it was their turn to rename the city,
After the emperor as Constantinople.

The great Turks captured it in 1453 AD lastly,
The fabulous fortress was renamed yet again,
The present name Istanbul descended in 1923.
What an admirable city!
Be it the Greek Byzantium,
The Roman Constantinople,
The Turkish capital Istanbul;
The city stands witness to rising & diminishing powers and also to humanity's greatest complex - the insecurity complex!
Everyone wants to leave behind some mark to be remembered, be it a city's name!
A narrative historical poem for a change.
My HP Poem #387
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Who Cares About Witches?
Àŧùl Jul 2013
I only care about the sandwiches I get to eat!
My first 10-word poem
My HP Poem #386
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
I've been the only issue
That my parents have
Had to deal with always.

I've had many issues
Which I myself have
Had to deal with forever.

I had been so lonely
Devoid of any good
Friends to play or rhyme with.

Fatefully I've received
The pleasure of all
Elementary worldly things.

But still I felt so alone
And so lonely when
I was with many fake friends.

Then my fate shone
Through the dark of
A dreary night when she came.

I had been so lonely
Devoid of any God
*She is my own beautiful Angel.
My HP Poem #385
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 585
Tie A Rock
Àŧùl Jul 2013
To his waistline so tightly
To the ****-bag and throw
Him in a secret dark lake to drown him!

All his money stuffed into
His money-craving jaws until
The rogue head-banger dies-dies & dies!!
My HP Poem #384
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 1.9k
The Fourth Pillar In My Life
Àŧùl Jul 2013
In architecture the fourth pillar is so often considered the most important entity in supporting the ceilings, roofs & all such structures.

I thought a lot about my life and found out the four pillars in my life are so close and so very crucial to my life, each of them indispensable to my life.

First is my own learning;
As everything I've learnt comes to my aid in whichever fields of life that I venture to.

Second is my father's teaching;
As everything I've learnt comes ultimately through his teachings and demonstrations..

Third is my mother's pampering;
As everything I've learnt comes polished through her directions and suggestions...

Fourth is my lover's loving:
As everything I've learnt comes to her meaningful teaching or pampering....

Oh dear you complete the structure of my life as you are the crucial fourth pillar in my life.....
My HP Poem #383
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 4.6k
There's A Hint Of You
Àŧùl Jul 2013
This poem is a toast to our love, to pure love.
Let peace, purity & contentment prevail
everywhere evenly dispelling hatred.

There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!
There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!

Whether it's writing poems,
Whether it's riding horses,
Whether it's reading books,
Or it's roaming nooks...

There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!
There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!

Whether it's blooming flowers,
Whether it's raining droplets,
Whether it's crooning lullabies,
Or it's draining tensions...

There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!
There's a hint of you,
In everything I do...!
My HP Poem #382
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 623
A Bad Habit - O'Reilly?
Àŧùl Jul 2013
I had read #5 Harry Potter & the Order of Phoenix as the first of all the other books in the Harry Potter series.

I am used to reading or watching literary or television series from anywhere and as usual you may call it strange or weird - but hey - that's perfectly me!

I am equally undeterred to read or watch the previous parts even after knowing who gets defeated in what way - not that I extract pleasure out of being so weird, but actually - I do!

My HP Poem #381
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
If you must insult her & torture me,
I shall request you to rather **** me.

For I can't see the love of my life being soiled,
Fresher torrential treatment to her endowed.

Don't just blind me for I can't take it,
Deafen me such that I can't hear it...

For sake of the supreme power you believe in,
Freak out, cut my limbs but don't torment her.

Has time made you as cruel like this,
Have we invited such horrible steps.

Gory steps you advance with towards my love,
Glowing with fury my chained limbs struggle!!

When I set myself free then you will see,
Would you be able to face the same fate.
A 7 paragraphed poem inspired by a part of Shakespeare's legendary drama Macbeth.

To be noted: I have not read much of Macbeth prior to writing this poem, there might be contradictions in this work of mine. Please feel free to point out any mistake, I will appreciate it. :-)
My HP Poem #380
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Keep smiling in the morning and wishing a good day ahead to completely unknown people as I go to fetch milk from outside the campus and then in the evening I go for a comfortable walk and continue my morning activity.

While most people respond back with a smile and wish the same for me, some are puzzled when I wish them a good morning or evening and ask me who I am, I smile and ask them, "I don't know you Sir/Madam, just wished you." And I smile.

And some even take it as ridiculous on my part to wish them but they still make a funny puzzled/frustrated face to silently move away.
I wish them by saying "Namaste uncle," or "Namaste aunty," while joining my hand palms and bowing forward a bit to express respect.

I wave, "How're you doing buddy," with a follow-up smile to everyone of my age-group or younger.

I feel happy after all such activity and there's just the sweet young angel in my mind.

My HP Poem #379
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 693
Food For Thought
Àŧùl Jul 2013
We only know how to add things but we don't know how to give away stuff.
We are trapped in the maze of necessity, need, requirement, greed and lust.
My HP Poem #378
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 883
Tranquillity of Love
Àŧùl Jul 2013
There was a torturous time back then,
I was holed up in the homely prison,
For committing no perfect crimes,
I was in serious mental trouble.

The happy days were not a distant memory,
I was greeted with mental & physical pain,
As for then I had been greeted with pain,
The ****** pain seemed easier to suffer.

I used to reminisce myself of the golden days,
Of healthier & better days with happier ways,
Going with olden friends like maverick guys,
Cruel time snatched my ways of life always.

There was a better time prior to that time,
Then every night must be brightened up,
By another sunrise and sweet birdsong,
So was that hard time & the pain gone.

The evenings were again in mood,
The nights gave me a new full moon,
The Angel's warm encouraging embrace,
The incantation she said took the pain away.
You're the Angel of love for me,
My most faithful-best-ever friend.
You're also my youthful companion,
My unfaltering lamp in the dark of life.

The words from my heart don't deceive,
These plain eyes just say "I love you,"
This poem draws you closer to me,
The promise of love is shining.

My HP Poem #377
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 475
Hey Girl!
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Hey girl!
Let love unfurl.
Breathe in as I exhale!
Let me now bring you alive.
Believe in all my good intentions!
Feel now as I am right here.
As your shining shield!
See love unfurl.
Hey girl!
All my love and all my memories will never let you feel lonely,
It will be my thoughts occupying your heart and it will be me only.

My HP Poem #376
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Enter This Nightmare*

All of the nuclear powers make war...
All of them seek to gain more power..
All of the crows die in the snows brought down at all the places by nuclear winter.
My HP Poem #375
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
When I was young,
Much more young,
They were young.

When they were in a mood to love,
Much in love they were than today,
They'd locked their door in my face.

When they used to argue inside,
I made way & quickly got aside,
They didn't - I locked myself up.
Now they don't fight because they hardly ever talk.
My HP Poem #374
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
That fanfare will always be there,
So will the loud proclamations be,
But they will only remain martyrs.

That assembly will always be there,
So will the very silent salutations be,
But they won't rise up from their beds.

Those tank platoon will always be there,
So will its dominating aura-presence be,
But oil-wells shall never churn them out.

That hatted guy will always be there,
So will forever his beautiful wife be,
But they will only remain martyrs.

That gentleman will always be there,
So will all his mugged-up words be,
But they will still remain martyrs.
I imagined this poem for the scene of an Independence Day parade.

My HP Poem #373
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
And I really need to meet you in the physical realm after the spending of these many wonderful moments in your love roaming all over the city only with your thoughts on my mind day & night, dark & bright.

Because at least as many poems have been typed as many have been thought just for you and because of you in love & care, on land & air.

You might never know how exactly I feel for you.
My HP Poem #372
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 746
The Ultimate Things
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Edibles: Love mate's thoughts can be relished upon.
Drinks: Love mate's tears of happiness and pleasure.

Birthday gifts: Love mate's presence is the greatest gift that anyone can receive.
Anniversary gifts: Time spent privately with the love mate away from the society.

Happiness: The pregnancy test reports are positive.
Euphoria: The enthusiastic plans for future children.
Alternatively, the happiness on testing positive for pregnancy when one mustn't be pregnant due to age or morality issues can instead bring Panic!

The above collection is just a minor deluge of feelings and other stuff.

:-D  :-) ;-)
My HP Poem #371
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 575
I Am Missing You, Dear
Àŧùl Jul 2013
And I am going to get a missing person report filed at the nearest police station.
:-D  :-) ;-)
My HP Poem #370
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
The witch can easily hide herself.
She is expert at being hideous.
She is adept at camouflage.
She is the most beautiful.
Her face ratios are perfect.
Her ****** ratios are so too.
Her feet are turned backwards.
Her energy is stored in her braid.
The long hair is her great strength.
Amazingly it is also her sole weakness.
This is my poem number 369 and its writing time over here in India is over 23:50 hours. Quite Kreepy, eh? But that buddy's my power, Kripi Mehra!
Oh buddy, you make me feel so lucky!

My HP Poem #369
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
A sharp pure white light,
Just a bright white light,
When dying you see it...

But I have a sensible explanation,
You'd say 'Oh it was so obvious!'
When I tell *'It's due to haemorrhage in vision cortex of the brain.'
Dear poets & readers, it is just our vision rig in the brain giving up that those who are about to die see a blinding pure white light and nothing else. Peace.
My HP Poem #368
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 551
They Will Never Know
Àŧùl Jul 2013
What we're up to,
Until we're done,
With the wedding,
Until we're done,
With the first kid,
Until we're done,
With dying together.
'Never Know' series poem #3/3
^_^ ^_^ ^_^
My HP Poem #367
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 568
I Will Never Know
Àŧùl Jul 2013
How much you really love me,
How much you crave for me,
How much you long for me,
How much you'll miss me,
How much you'll kiss me,
How much you'll torture,
How much you'll **** me!
I just know you will and I will be tortured!
I seriously don't know how much.
I don't tell you to be soft when you torture me.
I want you to be my tigress when you do!

'Never Know' series poem #2/3
^_^ ^_^ ^_^
My HP Poem #366
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 427
You Will Never Know
Àŧùl Jul 2013
How much I love you
and how much you
mean to me.
Nor shall I ever know exactly how much you love me, perhaps because there're no units to measure the quanta of love but we'll just go on loving each other.

'Never Know' series poem #1/3
^_^ ^_^ ^_^
My HP Poem #365
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
They don't see any amongst the other animals.
They had learnt about dogs in their childhood.
They fight only for the canine rights & rejoice calling themselves as animal-rights activists.

*No offence intended to anyone in particular & all similarity is purely coincidental.
But you may take it personally only if you wish to intentionally argue!
But hey!! There're common mongrels too that need your attention too!!!
My HP Poem #364
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 404
What Say Partner!?
Àŧùl Jul 2013
So pure your & my intentions are.
So divine this love is turning out to be.
So beautiful our relationship is going to be.

What say partner!?
(-; High-Five!? ;-)
My HP Poem #363
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Each woman has been through this fever,
She has had been a girl & felt lips quiver,
What day it was & what it was thunder...

Each man has been through this excitement,
He was once a boy & had someday felt its joy,
What day it was & how it was like pleasure...

**Each of those women has had experimented,
And likely has each one of the men so often,
Some have gotten addicted to it & enjoyed...
My HP Poem #362
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 917
Vengeful Act
Àŧùl Jul 2013
He went to her home in late hours.
She had invited him intentionally.
He reached late in the midnight.
She had long prepared for him.
He smelled roses & lavender.
She had deliberated them.
He had no clue about it.

And just as you are searching for more,
The poem takes an unexpected sharp turn!
She pulled out the dagger and she had no regret thrusting it into his unfaithful chest that smelled of various ladies.

My HP Poem #361
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
The Cutest Devil
Àŧùl Jul 2013
I was in the usual bad mood back then,
So to divert myself from the mess,
I just scanned FB randomly.

I joined a group whose name I forgot,
But how should it matter here,
I just met her there then.

I then befriended the cutest devil,
We now verse well together,
I just long to meet her.
I am a happy guy now!
My HP Poem #360
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
All your words,
Oh baby all your words,
They promise me life.

All your words,
Oh baby all your words,
They promise no lies.

All your words,
Oh baby all your words,
They promise me fife.

All your words,
Oh baby all your words,
Will you be my wife?
My HP Poem #359
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 682
I'm A Sinner
Àŧùl Jul 2013
For I'm loving you,
And I do not regret,
Neither loving you,

Nor the uncontrollable urge to keep loving you,
In my present & future - now & beyond always,
As I cannot repress the urge to keep loving you;

I want to take you to a lake someday for a dinner,
We will get onto the boat after food to make love,
Afterwards you can tell them all that I'm a sinner.
I've made a decision in my mind to love you.
And I don't regret the decision I made even a bit.
Love you forever & always.
My HP Poem #358
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 3.3k
An Indian Highway!
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Whenever I get on the NH1 Grand Trunk Road,
I feel the pride of it being the oldest highway,
Built even before the documentation period.

King Ashoka got it built in the 3rd century B.C.,
Emperor Sher Shah got it repaired in the 17'th,
The British Company utilized it in 1857 1st war.

It was then gotten repaired only a bit by them,
Repairing such a long highway isn't easy at all,
It runs from Kabul up to Kolkata and to Dhaka.
This Highway has a long-long-long history and is among the topmost contenders for the title of the longest highway in the world spanning along most number of nations along other highways of the world.

My HP Poem #357
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 599
Hell-bent On Ravaging
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Humanity has not grown-up even yet.
We have already given-up on our faiths.
Yet they call themselves popular religions.
We have long advanced in technologies.
Humanity has not yet learnt humility.

They are still making war with needles of death.
They have even perfected the ways of cursing.
They think of it as coveted to **** & prosper.
They cannot decide in favour of environment.
They are unashamed to break the laws of nature.

They have hiked the topmost peaks.
They have erected even higher towers.
They have succeeded in winning the space.
But they don't desist from ****** & killing yet.
Still they call it humanity - a civilized humanity.
Poisoning their half-fed, often hollow stomachs they know that they can annihilate poverty quicker.
Feeding their hungry kids at schools with poison they feel they are bound to succeed sure-shot.
But surely they are targeting the very docile base of the society and initiating the genocide.

All fiction/inspired, no truth or reality in this work.

My HP Poem #357
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
My HP Poem #356
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 436
Juxtaposed Lives
Àŧùl Jul 2013
When we welcome,
Love life willingly,
We so often watch,
When it's wrought,
Into the porcelain,
Onto our ripened,
Very fresh minds,
Only to get united,
To get juxtaposed,
To get transfixed.
To each other.
My HP Poem #355
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
I could buy her a fortified castle that floats in water,
I could buy her a car that flies effortlessly in air,
I could buy her a dress that shines like the sun.

I could get a carriage pulled by snow white horses,
I could get a nursery full of toys for two babies,
I could get a crown of brilliant shining diamonds.

I could own shiny soft-grassed neat & clean lawns,
I could own a farmhouse surrounded by berries,
I could own the full-moonlight every other night.
My HP Poem #354
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
She's My Everyone
Àŧùl Jul 2013
She's my dearest everyone.
She's my unwritten poem.
She's my guiding light.

The wind keeping me away from stillness of water.
The pure delight on a gloomy day acting as the daughter.
The everyday sugar in my cup of unfaltering life.

She's my dear darling love,
She's my sunbathing dove,
She's my future wife.

The dancing celestial nymph in my corner mind,
The beautiful-beautiful signatures' right-hand,
The relaxing Immortal Goddess in my real life.

She's my most-prized friend,
She's my passionate trend,
She's my relief from daily strife.
My HP Poem #353
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 996
The Functional Unit
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Rhythmically Pulsing,
Unfailingly Beating,
Tirelessly Pumping,
It doesn't until last rest...
It doesn't rest until last...

The "Dag-Dag Dag-Dag Dag-Dag",
The "Boom-Boom Boom-Boom",
The "Bleep-Bleep Bleep-Bleep",
It doesn't get tired normally...
It doesn't normally get tired...

The heart-ache happens,
Tired-old rig starts failing,
The fading "Dag-Dag Dag-Dag Dag-Dag",
The failing "Boom-Boom Boom-Boom",
The fainting "Bleep-Bleep Bleep-Bleep",
The pain then subsides to either of the two...
Either it can take a loan of few more years or..
It halts ultimately to relieve itself & the bearer.
My HP Poem #352
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 3.1k
How I Spend My Day
Àŧùl Jul 2013
In these mornings,
The radio wakes me up,
I feel that it's you tickling me.

In a time to follow it the next,
The thoughts of last day,
I get carried away.

In the time follow,
I pedal to the milk booth,
I pass morning smiles as I go.

In the rest of my morning time,
I do read the newspaper,
I also solve sudoku.

In the afternoons,
I find the lunch tasty as,
I feel I'm lunching with you.

In the lazy time that follows,
I spend that in sleeping,
I don't much snore.

In evening's times,
I go to gym & workout,
I workout and talk to you.

In the nights after the day,
I wish you sweet dreams,
I sleep with smiling lips.
My HP Poem #351
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 539
Destiny Interacted With Me
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Destiny* had had offered me a choice,
Good memory* or a best friend for life,
I don't much remember what I chose.
My memory had been much more better before a significant road accident.
My HP Poem #350
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2013
The formal union after some more years,
After the flow-away of those familial tears,
We will play together after some more years,
After escape from those few familiar tears,
The sunny beach-trip on our honeymoon.
My HP Poem #349
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 628
With Love, Yours
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Oh My Dear Love,
All I want to say is that

Maybe I shouldn't love you so much,
Maybe I am just using my love as a relief,
Surely I'll fall just for you to catch.

Maybe I shouldn't fret about losing you,
Maybe I am just being a bit selfish in love,
Surely I'll not find purer happiness.

Maybe I shouldn't disappoint you in future,
Maybe I can't tell you a lie in love ever,
Surely I'll attain nirvana the day I attain you.

With love,
A love letter format poem.
My HP Poem #348
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 1.4k
The Morning Newspaper
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Ea'ly in the mo'nin',
Goin' through the sheets...

I so often read this,
That some lady was *****..

Wonderin' then why - why is this happenin',
I throw 'way the sheets.

I often ask my dad,
"What's wrong with the hormones here.."

He then smiles before he simply replies,
"It's corruption in genes & none can help it..."
Those who have a heart,
And control over hormones,
If they know how to read Hindi or Punjabi language,
Should go through Punjab Kesari,
It's riddled with **** news,
**** with the young,
**** with the friends,
**** with the old,
**** with the enemies,
**** with the neighbours,
**** with the guests,
**** with the relatives,
**** with the unknown,
And even,
**** with the kids;
In the homes,
At the schools,
In the farms,
At the workplaces,
In the fields,
At the terrace,
In the bush;
By the school-bus staff,
Or the peons,
By the relatives,
Or the neighbours,
By the spouse's friends,
Or by the house-help.

Even that the rapists are at times supported by some so-called ladies who seek revenge or some personal interest.

Everyone or anyone is ever-ready to ****!

I am not proud to be born in such a nation where such cheap "men/women" exist who **** to prove their supremacy over the fair gender for silencing their ****** urge or for any personal motives.

But even in our epics rapes are documented so gloriously that I feel that instances like 'Draupadi Cheerharan' (de-strapping Draupadi's sari) from the "Mahabharata" epic have inspired rapists & eve-teasers along the course of time.

Indian mythology is replete with instances of 'Godly' beings masquerading as their human spouses before having *** with human women. The very base of Indian culture is questionable and the so called masculine brigade that has been contracting religion in India is answerable to all these potential accusations.

Why did the religious scriptures glorify ****?

Why do many of the male community consider women as utensils of ***?

Perhaps only divine intervention from that imaginary guy-in-the-fourth dimension may save this nation.

Till then rapists may have a pompous time.

My HP Poem #347
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 2.8k
I Love You, Honey!
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Ladies & Gentlemen, behold!
Listen to the story I have to share.
A fantasy from future.

Someday in Future
Setting: The underground metro train

Characters: She & me

Me: Now our stop is at the end, darling.

She: I'd just relax until we reach then, dear.

Me: How're you going to do that, standing?

She: I've my personal pillar to hold on to for relaxing, you know - I don't fear...

Me: ...and that is me?

She: Yes & no!

I look clueless and she lets out a laughter barely audible to others in the metro train.

She: You yourself are not the pillar but you've the pillar!

I blush big time and turn tomato-red, her delicately-soft hands come pull my cheeks and by now I am able to duly respond as the man.

Me: Oh I see! So madam is in a good mood to flirt. Good-good, even I was starting to get bored hearing only to the harsh sound of the metro train on the track, let us recollect the previous night.

She: Sure, you bear the onus of starting the account and I'll recount the ending as we reach home.

Me: Alright then, here we go.

Low voices
Me: Darling I started it all,
I came from the showers,
I carried a seductive grin,
As I moved forwards,
You started to fall,
Not caring where you fell towards.
And you fell in my arms,
I held you softly as my baby,
As you're precious to me like one.
I then lifted you in my arms,
You had a soft glowing smile on your lips.
Then I laid you on the bed,
You appeared like Aphrodite.
The white gown was off in a jiffy,
You looked at my towel's knot,
And you undid it the next.

She: As the pillar was unveiled,
I hoisted myself on it,
And we came together.

Me: Now the station seems closer, let us conclude our recounting Friday night. *(Looking at my watch)

She: Yes, we have a night every other night. (Winks)

Me: I love you, honey! (I smile)

She: Not more than me! (Her smile is more brilliant)

By now the train approaches our stop and we are smiling as we dismount the train.

On our minds for a sleepless Saturday night we are hatching a beautiful plan.
An advice: Being connected in every plumb aspect of a relationship is crucial for any relation.
Observations show that how most marital relations are getting converted into hostile cold-waves martial relationships due to reservations about some intimate aspects of the relationship.
Get more out of your lives.
Get more intimate! ;-)

Disclaimer: The author was an unmarried ****** man aged 22-years. Reader discretion is advised before adhering to this piece of sound advice.
My HP Poem #346
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Her Spirit, Nature & Heart
Àŧùl Jul 2013
She's cheerful by her spirit.
She's beautiful by her nature.
She's youthful by her heart.

She's stylish by her spirit.
She's childish by her nature.
She's kiddish by her heart..

She's friendly by her spirit.
She's leisurely by her nature.
She's mine only by her heart...
My HP Poem #345
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 701
How She Charms
Àŧùl Jul 2013
She praises me with all her pretty smiles;
The ones she passes & winks to me daily;
And even the ones she keeps to herself...

She criticizes me so genuinely & sweetly;
The harsher ones are sweet in her voice;
And she doesn't even have to try for it...

She breathes just soo-sweetly during calls;
The warmth of her exhalation can be felt;
And so I imagine it on a winter Sunday...

She talks so softly that even roses'll blush;
The words escape her lips so effortlessly;
And the way she tells the three words...

She complains so childishly which confuses;
The tone of her voice tells me she's the one;
And I plan who'll be cuter - her or the kids!
And I complement her feelings wholeheartedly.
My HP Poem #344
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 443
Erroneous Brought Up
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Erroneous Brought-Up
Here is a short story with a lesson on parenting.

During His Childhood
He did most of his parenting by himself;
Talked out of his eternal-seeming loneliness;
Assisted only by his toys & self-invented stories.

During His Teenage*
He pondered mainly why some parents opted for keeping their kid an only child - a lonely child;
Lost his crucial focus away from books into the mirror;
Not all who have a sibling are accompanied always.

But he always asked just one question to himself;
Why me and until when?
My HP Poem #343
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2013 · 826
Oh My Sweet Lover Girl
Àŧùl Jul 2013
Oh my youthful and pretty lover girl,
I know that how much you trust me.
Oh my playful and teenage lover girl,
I know how your heart longs for me.
Oh my beautiful and young lover girl,
I know my each heartbeat is for you.
Oh my carefree and ageless lover girl,
I know how I waited for you to come.
Oh my silly and so naughty lover girl,
I know the love will last beyond time.
My HP Poem #342
©Atul Kaushal
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