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May 2014 · 1.3k
Anonymously me May 2014
I pressed my pale face into my hands
While watching my life slip through my tiny fingers.

The spiteful lightning blinds my eyes,
not at all allowing me to see,
exactly whats lays before me.

There is no hope, no chance for me.
I lost my last opportunity.
Everyone yells, and shouts at me,
yet my fate dies, along with dreams.

Not a chance with you,
but this was something I could foresee.
Not any friends to truly talk to,
But open your eyes and see,
You are who I truly need.
May 2014 · 3.2k
The car ride home
Anonymously me May 2014
On the other side|I look out and frown
of a car window. |theres a helpless
                               |pout on my face
Piddle, paddle P O P!
Kids fiddle in the back seat
When will this murky day stop?
Never I assume, so I sat back and listened to the musics beat.

The world is surrounded by a cloud
Diamond rain droplets fall politely
While making noise ever so loud
If this storm would just move over slightly.
May 2014 · 552
Anonymously me May 2014
Gray is a color that's not white nor black
it's not dark but not light
It's a mixture of two
Black... No maybe blue?
Gray is mysterious
Depressing at some moments
Modern at the next
Gray has no where to be placed
Gray is Gray
and there's nothing you can do.

— The End —