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Adelaide London Jun 2017

what was it?
who are they?

Not a bunch of crazy

Definitely not
a man
a hater
ploughing a van through
leaving them with an early encounter of

Absolutely not

That is the meaning of Jihad

Someone who struggles.

People Who Struggle

Who need to wake up for dawn prayers
Who struggle with school work
Who want to increase their faith
Who are terrified of being on another hater'***** list
Who walk around bearing the slurs about their religion
Who need to feed kids
Who want to go to school
Who have armslegskneesheartsfaces ------are human

**do they sound like killers?
I'm muslim, do you think I'm a killer?

In news nowadays, you hear the term 'jihadi' quite a lot. I just thought that I would clear it up by explain 'Jihad' to you people who may be confused.

Jihad essentially means 'struggle' and the term jihadi essentially means 'struggler'. There are two main types of jihad: major and minor.

Major Jihad is struggle within oneself. Examples are, getting up early to fast, or praying that one extra prayer. In fact, even non-muslims commit jihad. A good example is 'struggling' to wake up for school/work. A lot of us do it even though its hard.

Minor jihad basically means the circumstances used to protect Islam against others if Islam is threatened. This jihad can only be done is there is no other peaceful alternatives. If military jihad is required to protect the faith against others, it can be performed using anything from legal, diplomatic and economic to political means. However, even to this there are rules.

During this Jihad, no minors, women, children, the elderly or innocents are allowed to be harmed. It is also forbidden to commit this jihad and hurt the environment and trees. This includes buildings as well. In addition to that, if there is a peace treaty, they must accept.

That's the rules.
Do you guys still think I'm a killer?
Adelaide London Jun 2017
Dear Baby Of Mine,

I swear to God I would have loved you.

held you
fed you
cared for you

Why did you decide to take away
the sleepless nights
and cries.
Why did you take away
the wasted money
and baby wipes.
Why did you take away
the nagging voice,
and stripes
drawn across the wall.

I would have been angry when you did that.
But I would still love you!

You didn't come to life.
Yet I held you at night,
in love
You didn't come to life.

You died.
A small human.
You died.
barely old enough to hear.
You died.
With in me.
And nothing
could stop you.

Oh Baby Of Mine!

Where Are You
Where Are You
where are you
where are you

Oh Baby Of Mine
I swear to God I would have loved you.
Inspired by a dear aunt of mine who recently had a miscarriage.
To anyone who has experienced it, you're strong, I respect you.
Horrible, soul-less dissemblers
Who **** children for money
Who starve children to put
More money into their banks
With secret accounts off-shore
And want to make more and more.

Too much money to even even score
Because the books are cooked
To let them **** more children
For money because they think it’s funny
To starve more children and blame others;
Everyone but the mothers themselves.

We let them do it, with no sense to it
Just catastrophic greed, no real need
Because they have more money now
Than they can ever spend but somehow
It drives them like the gold fever of old
In 1849 when gold was more important
ThaN life, or integrity or deportment.

"I get paid to hate you" is a new profession
Coupled with never a single confession
For the crimes they commit, what they have done.
No convictions for anyone because they protect
The archcriminals they elect and applaud
When they buy their yachts and mansions abroad
And laugh at how stupid we are to let them.

And then we go right on and forget them
And they do it all again, the same evil men
We give names like ‘honorable’ and ‘decent’
When we really shouldn’t because they aren’t.
TheY **** children for money and pretend
That starving children is an acceptable end
To their avaricious desires and greed.
infanticide, greed, politics, horror, disgust, cheating, lying, poetry, Kincaid
  May 2017 Adelaide London
Depression isn't what you think.
It's not slicing wrists and crying.
Not for everyone.
Sometimes it's just a heavy blanket.
You get your work done.
Mostly, anyway.
But you don't leave your room.
You don't leave your bed.
You tell your boyfriend you're going to bed early, but you sit awake for hours.
You get a watermelon from the kitchen and eat it in bed with a spoon.
Lights off, juice dripping down your face.
Watermelon used to taste good.
Sleep used to be easy.
You should brew a batch
Of a tea that makes you bright
And if it works the rest of us
Can get some sleep at night
Because whatever tea you drink
As you plow your awful road
Is making you a truly lethal kind
Of hairy, ugly poisonous toad.

Tea for the Trumperman
For him and his bund.
Pay for it all with our
Stolen pension fund.
Make special batches
For him and his cronies
Look them up under the tab
High treason and phonies.

Maybe drink the kind of tea
That hippies still smoke
It might make you think
You are a bit less of a joke
But it won't ever make you
Less of a fool than you are;
The highly lethal driver
Of the Republican clown car.

Another kind of tea please
For those who called this fool a ****,
But this time make this batch
Of primo quality hemlock.
The best way is to tell all
Those dim Trumpster finks
This is precisely what der Fuhrer drinks.

Tea for the Trumperman
For him and his bund.
Pay for it all with our
Stolen pension fund.
Make special batches
For him and his cronies
Look them up under the tab
High treason and phonies.
Trump tea dictator phony cheat Republican poetry Kincaid
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