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318 · May 2019
What's your name?
Ahmed Herrou May 2019
What's your name?
You're a so so-so so-and-so.
For reasons you say you don't know,
you'd always find me feeling so low.
Is it you? Or my love for you?
In the morning, I'm mourning.
Wondering if something
would change.
My sorrow's soaring,
hovering till the end;
my doom.
Won't you you save me
from this gloom?
My heart has no room
for it but you.
Is it you or my love for you?
289 · Jun 2019
Still Still
Ahmed Herrou Jun 2019
Feelings more unclear than you think, heart beating faster than the fastest your eyes could ever blink. Lost amid distraction, catch me breaking while I'm still still. There's a swelling will to dwell in this well into which I fell, that's how falling for you felt; so feelingly fulfilling, so fearful but fulfilling.
The repetition of the same sounds is my type of rhythm, it's beyond just rhyming, that's what I like! I came up with this while I'm "in my feels" as they. The meaning behind it might be a bit intangible. To make the most confusing part clear, I'll try to explain! When you having a swelling, it needs treatment, so when I say that a will is swelling, it's like it's paining me until I treat it by fulfilling it. When people say they fall in love, do they fall on the ground? Or does their heart sink to the bottom of their chest with all of that love? I said that it's something much further than that, like falling in a well. And I said "into which I fell," it's not only my heart that fell for her, it's all of me. I'd like to dwell in it because I like to always remain fallen for her! I concluded by saying that, falling for her was confusing and might be hurtful, but it's so fulfilling at the end, it's enough to be in love!
268 · Aug 2019
Move a Rock
Ahmed Herrou Aug 2019
You were taught to turn off the lights when you leave. You never forgot so when you left me.

You said a lot. Words can't move a rock, but your words were able to shift me.

They took me miles away from this place while I'm still in this place.

I was that one face you wanted to replace.

I resisted too much, but well, well done. You've done it well.

It's only cost me a wet pillow and a broken heart as you can tell.
It's a bit hard to miss someone, isn't it?
212 · Sep 2019
Blabbering River
Ahmed Herrou Sep 2019
Listening to the tonefully honeyed sound of her voice beside this adorably blabbering river and those flirtatious birds, I can't let a single second pass without looking at her continuously as she talks to keep her captured in the depth of my eyes, oh can't this starry lilac sky blink instead of me?
The river was flowing fast as we were talking, it sounded as if it was talking too, more than us and more continuously than the way we talked, which made me say it was blabbering, it was a lovely sound though. But wait how could the sky blink? Lovers can wish impossible things to happen. ❤️

— The End —