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Perhaps the zombie,
in all his uncanniness,
is truly the definition
of asymmetrical anthropomorphism.

Perhaps the zombie,
with his slow shuffling gait,
is really the word
when it comes to unbridled determination.

And perhaps the zombie,
his hunger bottomless,
is indeed the very picture
of a man who can have it all.
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
Jeff S Jul 2019
I’ve always loved

The crane of green, of spiring atoms
Years in their making: the
Burdened, brittle backs of flowers in my garden.

These are the stems which are nothing but,
letting loose a leaf  here that wonders then
Wilts; slung, there, sullen, at the side.

I’ve always admired

The ribald crags, a matter of mid-life
Crises. Yet, all about its warted middle
A uniform purpose nonetheless rises:

Dewy petals ringing white in halos,
Their fearless figures spread wide upon the air:
Indeed, all the supple self naked to the whim of Nature.

I’ve always enjoyed their grace.

Except, there is one bowing low, shut upon itself
And gray. I wonder how it came to be that way,
Still haloed in its ashen regalness.

Or, for that matter, how many more will
Slump before tomorrow, exchanging their halos
For a bit of rest.

Yes, I’ve always marveled at the uncanniness of flowers.
Rosie Sep 2018
They say the human mind
can’t fathom infinity.
That there are more burning stars
than grains of sand,
That the universe
is ever expanding,
That there is no end.

And this rattles our bodies to the core.
The uncanniness sets in.

But when I sit with you
with your warmth wrapped tightly around me,
Your scent filling my head,
Your voice softly floating in the quiet,
gazing up at the night sky
Infinity doesn’t seem so unfathomable.
I took my shorter poem and tried to expand it
Deeba May 2018
A chirpy young wolf
filled with pride and
Never part of
any pack

Decepted with self-pride
and felt
everything around him
is not right

They say
wolves can only survive in packs
He says
'I am always right,
everyone should stand by my side'

He surrounded
a cobweb of cynicism
so deep, that he never
listens or
with others

One fine day
he was abandoned by all
and a sense of
realization could be
read from his eyes

Until he was
nabbed by a mighty tiger
and everything was
left blank

— The End —