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levi Oct 2012
My big headed people said ity, i trusted, 'hiriz' has never dissapointed themy,
my hatred for non conformity, enormous, i surely hated the conformity truly,
i almost lost it for 'hiriz' sakey, **** it, ill never have wanted to lose this beauty,

i had it  weirdly thinking ablazey, loozing?, no, i hadnt  and  you n they didnt realize fastly,
loosing soo fast  about  lowly sinking sinly,curse all day i ,ever had thee meeting to lyfy,
wit all the  a vitue TRUELY INVESTMENT **** no lievly, forget me darl; once and  for ever dony

one more what you  waznyt quetly, cool openly, man must lively sweetly
that a day woud spoily truely, madly mey, sooooooo losty i had made a choisy,
refusing my being theiyyyyy, lucky  me doing, buty,  i love thater that am no longy

your timey was wanting by virtuey,  truey. luck **** spyty this shiety oul
endy began truely sure truelly, fukciey, its thats badyy, me lost it shortlley
man must livevy or diiey, truely, gotta  ity, man look for bread i wannaity

withought even hiriz it all worked welly, herey,  i am.  fu** like ity
Yandisa mhlana Jan 2010
Corrupted by the polution we visualise through our television screans.

Acting out sin as life because of the stage of immorality this world is in.

Exchanging love for lust because of the confusion soap dramas and movies bring.

Having unlawful urges convincing us to sin cause of the ****** they are said to bring.

Unknowingly chasing hell because it is hidden by short skirts and alcohol, the pleasures we indulge in.

Dieing every day.

Sining cause we know no other way.

Truelly all man have gone astray.
Yaz Dincer Jan 2015
I keep on writing and writing,
In a space before trying to make sense of the words. And then reread to explore which are my subconscious keywords.

On and on and on it goes,
spilling wondrous colours from within the doors of my inside walls.
Never-ending storylines and mystery, what is truelly deep within,
and under the surface lingering.

Trying to better understand me.
Exploring depths beneath my breath
It should be normal to for us to sit and contemplate death.

Our minds are too active to be a bore, theres just so much you could explore. The marvelous thoughts it stumbles upon and creates to entertain, theres so many things you cannot properly comprehend.

Sometimes we write something in a fleeting instant. This one only manifested in just this moment. Othertimes we sit and wonder why theres no flow, perhaps thats for another poem to explore.
Yandisa mhlana Sep 2010
With a leash around my neck i bow to drink.
Commands telling me where to step and how to breath.

They claim to know what i truelly need.

Know whats best. What will make me succeed.

Yet deny me life and the right to live.

They dont trust my words, call me rash and impatiant.
Believe i'm a teenager who knows not right from wrong.

To be free, what should i do?
Runaway from home or commit teenage suicide.

They think they know best.
When really, they dont know who i am at all.
zero tears Jul 2016
I want you to know that ill always be here...
I want you to know that I love you so much more than what you think...
I want you to know that I want to be with you , love you , kiss you, hug you, cuddle with you, fall asleep with you, make you smile, laugh..
I want you to know that I want to be their when you cry to wipe your tears off..
I want you to know that isn't to be the one you love so much and never want to loose...
I want you to know that I'd never hurt you ever in my life..  
I want you to know that I want to grow old with you,  take you out on dates far away from here....
I want you to know that I'd give anything to be with you...
I want you to know that my heart craves for you and when you are near me specially  when you hug me my heart tries to tell yours that he loves her deeply so very much, more than any one can ever think of ...
I want you to know that in my mind all you'll ever find are thoughts of you...
I want you to know that I wish you would realize how much I want you and how much I need you..
I want you to know that I always want to be more than just a friend I want to be yours and you to be mine and still have the peace of us that talk to each other as we where best friends but we are just truelly together......
I want you to know that I want you to be the one I merry, the one I start my life with, the one I'll always have by my side who I can call babe or *** or wife....  
I want you to see who truly loves you .....
I want to heal your heart bring back your soul and joy in your life.....
                     ­  I hope you see this becouse  I truely wish you would give me a chance to show you how it is to have some one who truly  loves you and really wants to be with you bacause  I want you forever not for an amount of time.....
they come to haunt me and taunt me
making me resent things feeling empty
putting thoughts in mind , so sorry!
i design this rhyme to pass time,
Every time i break down,
i feel no chime, quiet like a mime,
losing whats truelly mine, is my mind, that i can not find,
i feel this pain inside i feel derange and i sometimes, engage  
with what in front of me, this saten, is haten, of me cakin,
holdin the Jesus piece,no time wastin, just waitin for my time,
to exceed the needs of success, im patiently pacin,and pacin
yet racin, im late yet early to punch in, im not goin down without a fight with who who ever is lurkin,
am im certain the curtain is clossin ,
im keep spittin and writting my words fighting even if its hopeless, that i will change
and it will get alil bit better,
with alil bit chedder,
ohh this, this otis, gottsa gottsa to be open, and im open, but the world is sooo close, an closen ,and cold and im doing what i been told, years and years im gettin old, i wanna be immortal, enter a portal , everybody knows
times goes off course soo, i stay i on lane, doin my thang , flippin paper empty the pain with a  pens by the stains.
do you know what its like to be a mystery everybody wanna solve ya, but you wanna a revolva to be history, misery loves company, and im comfort by the honesty, of an oddity, that i wanna be,
and i wanna get even, with a these heathens breathin, forever steamin my self esteem is  depleatin , replenish me please jesus!
i need this , vent, **** everybody who i met, did me wrong the first sec, i regret ,and resent and spent times on something true useless, like the rest...of my heart, torn apart grown to beat and spark, but not ****** in the light so i love to dwellin the dark!!!
i am aware, aware if your beauty,
How its devine,
And time  has nothin on your body, forever it curves , your words fall and the one that i pick up, are lines i wanna write, to get your attention, to grasp your mind.
I stare cause i dont wanna miss a moment, your the sun your true blinding beauty, and a morning smile that shines throughout heaven,  im surprised your not in movies.
i wanna know what you think, know who are, tell me who you be, and how can an angel like you cover your black feathers nd scars?
How many battles have you faught? How much heartache?  And how can you still stand strong and not fall?
You dont need to answer, im just truly captivated by you,
Who captures my sight, with eyes that dance with sunlight,
Without a flash of a camera,
Can a man like me handle ya?
I wanna hold you tell you how truelly you are special,
A heart so big all state hands couldnt caress you,
But i can, hands of man, whos blessed too,
You got me goin bananas runnin thru my temple,
I cant touch, so the feelin of wanting you is imensful.
So dear who I can i be near??
A angel like you , flys untouched,
Like 11s with no scuffs,
Its tough ,cause im tempted to touch, but i want your interest,
First, is it jay low? Or enough too much?
I wanna know soo, i dont over doo or rush,  i want you too smile or aleast eyes flutter interest with alil blush...
See ima artist, my loves a paint brush, your an  idea, i wanna brush upon ,
Caress your canvas,  cause theres nothing more defined as beauty as your face, eyes of dawn,  lips of life that can calm storms.
And hair that waves like the sea,
And a personality that glows like the halo you have,  hands soft and free,
More than any thing curves  worth a ride.
Thighs sweet like honey seepin up to a jar of a jewel  inside.
No disrespect, but head to toe you are a fine dime ,  with a mind intelligent aswell as sublime and kind, i wish i knew what its like to be cuff by you, cause im guilty of thoughts as a crime..
Your inviting, delighting, sweet all around.
Ima clown , but i dont joke when i say, when i look up and and down,
.Its hard to believe God made such a beautiful woman,who ls yet to have a crown.
Your strong ,  flawless, defined as one of a kind.
No one can come close to your stature,  and be as radiant as the way you truly shine.

-Deep Thought
Aka Emmanuel Jv Hernandez
Phila Mdleleni Apr 2015
Tomorrow when I have made it,
Tomorrow when I have reached my success destiny,
Tomorrow when my dreams and vissions come true,

I shall indeed say that I have passed and went through that phase,
For in that day it will feel like I have turned on a new page,

Tomorrow my pains and worries shall pass forever,
For in that day I shall roar louder like a Lion on a cage,

For I know that tomorrow it will feel like I'm on a new stage,
And it will truelly feel like a new age

For nostalgic sorrows will be felt no more..
I wrote this poem to motivate myself that I will overcome sorrows in my Life and live a happy life with no pain and anxiety.
zero tears Jul 2016
Sorry for the days gone by with the secrets I never shared at the time

Sorry for the heart burns I've cost you because of my feelings for you

I'm sorry

I'd never thought my feelings would be such a bad thing

Sorry for the troubles you go through and the thoughts that run through your head

The pain and agony  you go through  because of the thoughts of you hurting me

We are only human nothing is truelly perfect but we make it work

Sorry for the heartache  you get through the running thoughts of the feelings  I get while being next to you

                   I'd just thought id apologize for this special thoughts of loving you the way ud never experienced and never thought that could be real
They wrote his name in stone today.
Rock carved out by metal.

I walked through his garden,
Inside his temporary halls.
Flowers spoke as men fell silent.

I sat and heard his name today.
In tones of desperation.

I walked with friends, his family.
And all us were hollow.
Words can do no justice.

They wrote his name in stone today.
And I will truelly miss him.
For me to love only you,
please take the time to know the truthe.
I do love the way you smile,
i do love the way you stay for a while
with me today in my arms,
i promise to forever keep you outa harm.
If you say my name i will surely sing my true lifes quotes in your ears.
im always here with you by your side my arms are open if you eva wanna hide.
Forever in my heart you will truelly abide,
so tell me now if its true,and three little words i'd say to you,
" ILoveYou "
As i walk threw the valley of the shadow of death,
I look and see all these things i got left, in my path,
never to let me threw. All these things I enconter i have the rite to blame on you,
You made me cry and threw me at my weekest point,Never to let me speak Forever to make me weak, in the heart, mind, body, and soul. I look to the strongest leader to help me grab whole of my own life,
But always you come back stabbing with this knife. Let me be who i want, Who i aim to be.
But remember when i get back up you will truelly see i am crazy XD
Nadeah Apr 2014
It's time for me to realize :
That's the sky is the limit
Scarce money , you can't just spend it
That I have a lot of friends
But one best friend until the end
That I can't fantisize about my teacher
I truelly want to make love to her
My heart can only take so much
Lies are lies  & treat it just as ****
Warren-Johnson Apr 2018
2:am at McDonald’s drive through
After a night out on the town
We found him, Jacobus,
a sorry sight! To say the least!
Ripped our hearts apart he did!
A baby in most parents eyes
He looked 15
Probably a fib in saying he is 17
No shoes on his feet
Recycling cool drink cans
To earn a living
A family of 3 living in a box
On a vacant lot
So we got him in our car
The love of my life ran up to the apartment.
We fashioned him with shoes n socks
A jersey and blanket!
And 3 times in cash of what a good days recycling can bring.
Reluctantly given not knowing where it shall be spent?
Not welcoming this child in for we can’t risk him returning with his dad or the likes!
Desperate people do desperate things!
None of this consoles my soul
No child should be subjected to life as such!
Fending for two adults collecting recycling materials in the early hours of the morning, to get the best out of the trash we discard!
He will probably be Back on the street shortly after we left him at the vacant lot
A footpath through the overgrown bush
The last we saw of him.
A child should be guided, a mentor to ease his path into this cruel world!
How often we take so much for granted
Complaining with a need that cant truelly  be justified!
No, I appreciate that now!

I can’t leave this there! how I don’t know but, a difference in this child’s life I have to make!
I know I can’t save every homeless family.
I know !
But God would not have led my path past this child without cause!
A route I am yet to define!
However a real chance he deserves!
So pray, all of faith, I ask!
For my choice of action
Is seek his guidance
For I know it’s his task set for me!
I’ll be on my knees
In appreciation for what I have
In hope for this poor soul

Pray I ask!
For there be more power in prayer than we realize!
Pray please do
Owen Hayes Apr 2019
What makes a good man?
Is a good man Born kind
Or does he look at the world decided?
What is a good man?

A man can call himself a "good man"
Does that make him a good?
Is what you see as right good?
Or does every idea have validity?

A pacifist could be a good man
Yet he shall stand by his morals
Amongst those he could've saved
Is a good man war-like?
Does he fight the good fight?

Does a good decided who is right?
Or does he keep balance and order?
Does a good stand by those he loves?
Or does fight for the "good guys"?

Does "good" exist?
Does "evil" exist?
Are they subjective?
Is anyone truelly "good" or "evil"?

I feel compassion for my fellow man?
Does that make me a good man?
I judge those who act without reason
Does that make me a bad man?

I feel hatred yet love
I judge yet also forgive
I am prideful and yet humble
Am I "good man" ?
Lord only knows what the future holds, It's up to you how it roles. We've all separately been dealt a hand of cards for some it easy others well it's hard. But with self will we grab whole of this place called home, and take control. But we let them separate us with hate and greed, trying to decieve with what is truelly make believe. But we are strong, we are proud, we can stand tall with in any crowd. Large or small together we rise we can never fall..... ~Cody T.
Oscar stuta Apr 2020
Knock! Knock! On the surface of your heart.
I am still are one that promised you heaven.
Willingly to fulfill your dreams.
I am still the one you heart lingered for.

Now I am hopeless confused.
The is someone you has captured you.
Now I gave you become you stalker.
People  have turned you against me.

Still the one who gave you butterflies in you stomach.
The one who sang you melodies before you sleep.
But your smile . . . . Still smelt my heart away.

I don't know if it's amnesia that made you forget me.
Did rumours play to your head that you abondened me.
You uttered that I am obsessive towards you.

My prize possession I have given you space and time over and over.
When I reach hight of loneliness I just gaze at our photos.
Wondering what happaned in a week that I was out on a work training.
Now I am unable to delete everything that's yours.
Cause the feelings and love I have for you wouldn't let me.
I am not trying to be weird of have stalker vibes let's just reach out to each other.
To find the cause of the problem we are having.

I feel like you mugg me off.
That you had no choice but to do it.
Truelly we are both weird and crazy.
Is it an amnesia or a fake one.📝🔏📝🔏

— The End —